Shooting the Texas Multigun with Team FNH USA – Day 1

10 The Texas Multigun Championship was an event I was already registered to shoot before I joined Team FNH USA. It’s a three-day long affair held every year at the Best of the West range...

Shooting the Texas Multigun with Team FNH USA – Day 2

12 Arriving at the range for the second day of the Texas Multigun 3-gun shoot, I was pretty jazzed. On day one I had a few fumbles, but made up for them with some solid...

Shooting the Texas Multigun with Team FNH USA – Day 3

8 My mood as I drove up from San Antonio for the final day of the Texas Multigun Championship wasn’t very good. The previous day, I had been all smiles and sunshine, but with two...

How to Shoot 3-Gun…And Not Be Disqualified

  Competition shooting is one of the safest sports in existence. More people are injured playing golf than ever get hurt in a 3-gun match. The reason these competitions are so safe is that there...

Shooting the Lone Star Shooting Assn World 3-Gun

7 After the Texas Multigun Championship last week, I was really looking forward to my next 3-gun match. I learned a ton from the Team FNH USA guys, and I really wanted to put that...

Update: Nick Leghorn Takes 2nd Place at LSSA World 3-Gun

26 I'm a competitive person by nature. So when I fail at something, it annoys me greatly. My solution to alleviating that annoyance is more practice and doing better the next time, but there's something...

After Action Report: Breaking Down the First 3-Gun Nation Pro Series Match

4 There’s something humbling about watching a 3-Gun Nation pro series event. It’s not that it’s hallowed ground or anything, but when I cover them, I really get a sense of how much better shooters...

Nick Leghorn on GOA Radio

1 In which I talk with Bill Frady about the NRA Annual Meeting, competition shooting and other gunny topics. As always, it's up on the podcast as well (I just checked and it does indeed work).

Photos: 3 Gun Nation Pro Series Competition #2

I just got back from Tulsa, where I attended the second Pro Series competition. And not only did I watch, they actually let me shoot in this one. And I didn't come in last...

3-Gun Nation Pro Series #2: Tulsa Stage Breakdown

9 As I was standing around watching the first of the 3-Gun Nation Pro Series competitions, one of the FNH USA PR  people asked me how I felt watching a 3-gun match and not being...

Shooting the 2013 3 Gun Nation Pro Series Competition #2

3 I was waiting in the lobby of the hotel when Larry Houck emerged from the elevator and gave him the bad news. Mark Hanish had misread the sign the night before – breakfast didn’t...

Shooting the 2013 North Texas Midnight 3-Gun

14 Competing in a normal 3-gun competition is hard enough. There’s no end of things you have to remember and worry about, from complex stage designs to targets that are only visible from certain locations....