Shooting the Texas Multigun with Team FNH USA – Day 3

8 My mood as I drove up from San Antonio for the final day of the Texas Multigun Championship wasn’t very good. The previous day, I had been all smiles and sunshine, but with two...

Climbing the Learning Curve: Working Out My New FN Guns

16 Good competition shooters become one with their guns. They understand their quirks and limitations (the guns). They can sense when their firearms need maintenance just by the way they feel. It’s a relationship formed...

Shooting the Austin Rifle Club Carbine Match

14 It was billed as one of the hottest days of the summer. Temperatures in south Texas were forecast to be somewhere between 108 degrees and 114. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky, and...

Girls Gun Wild!

The 2014 shooting season closed out with a bang last weekend with the most anticipated event of the year – the inaugural Brownell’s Lady 3-Gun ProAm Challenge in Covington, GA. After months of pent-up...

Leghorn Talks Team FNH USA on Bill Frady’s “Lock And Load” Show

0 RF and Nick were chatting with Bill Frady last night on his Lock and Load radio program. RF discussed the SAF's support for Manchin-Toomey. Nick, however, was all Chatty Cathy about his experiences so...

Update: Nick Leghorn Takes 2nd Place at LSSA World 3-Gun

26 I'm a competitive person by nature. So when I fail at something, it annoys me greatly. My solution to alleviating that annoyance is more practice and doing better the next time, but there's something...

Nick Leghorn to Join Team FNH USA for 2013 3-Gun Season

By his own admission, Nick Leghorn is a nerd. Which is a not very nice way of saying that Nick is very good at a lot of things. He's an accomplished musician, cunning chess...