5 Shooting Range Keys for New Gun Owners [VIDEO]
As anyone who reads TTAG knows, there are millions of new firearm owners in the US. First-timers who have bought a gun in the last year or so for all kinds of reasons. While...
Getting Started As A New Shooter: Try, Try Again
By The Rookie,
I took my first firearms class about a year ago. I’d long had an interest in guns and 2A issues and had thought about giving things a try but somehow, I had...
GunMag Warehouse to Open a New Training Division
From GunMag Warehouse
Carrying a gun is (or should be) a gestalt of conditions, not just a mastery of marksmanship. It's as much about being a good human being, controlling emotions, and practicing compassion as...
Are You Cross-Eye Dominant? Don’t Worry About It…Yet
While the notion of eye dominance is important in shooting, it's generally overrated. Especially for new shooters, it's much more important to learn the proper way to align and see your sights and not...
The Women’s Revolver Myth Might Finally Be Dead
A few years ago, I was working at a gun show to promote a concealed carry course I was teaching. It was pretty obvious that I wasn't just an assistant or the instructor's wife...
Precision Shooting at The Range at Camp David Sniper School
When I read a recent notice describing an upcoming 'Sniper School' at The Range at Camp David, I was interested. When I saw that both Tommy Goodson and Chris Walker would be the instructors,...
Trap Shooters: Stop Resting Your Shotgun Barrel On Your Foot! [NSFW Image]
As much as we try to minimize risk as gun owners, the shooting sports can still be dangerous. Accidents happen -- I've treated at least one gunshot wound at a shooting competition, and can...
The 3 Best Ways to Reduce Felt Recoil for New Shooters…And Everyone Else
When I take newbies shooting for the very first time, the number one thing that they're concerned about isn't noise or the high velocity piece of hot lead rocketing out the end of the...
Do Revolvers Still Make Sense for Self-Defense?
Is the modern revolver still a viable choice for self defense? I don't have any statistical data, but Smith & Wesson, Ruger, Kimber, Colt and the rest don't seem to be hurting for wheelgun...
Personal Defense: Get Fit for the Fight
By George Zener
The fight-or-flight response is “a physiological reaction that occurs in response to a perceived harmful event, attack, or threat to survival.” Lots of people who are reading this article likely have plenty...
Handy in an Emergency: Know How to Quickly Train Someone to Shoot Safely
During the past year, I've seen a lot of people argue over whether it's a good idea to lend guns to others in an emergency (or any time, really). Neighbors who hadn't bought a...
New Mexico Bill Would Criminalize Teaching Your Kids to Shoot Guns
Remember, no one knows what's better for you or your children than the state. Being a mouth-breathing, gap-toothed, deplorable insurrectionist gun owner, you can't possibly be entrusted with the responsibility of knowing if, when,...