California Concealed Carry Trainer Accidentally Shoots Student While Clearing His Gun

One of the requirements of getting a concealed carry permit in California -- yes, you can do that there, depending on the attitude of your local chief law enforcement officer -- is undergoing up...
handgun shooting range practice pistol training

3 Easy Tips For Improving Your Handgun Shooting

Shooting a handgun isn't hard. Shooting one well can be difficult. The pistol is a master's weapon, it's sometime said, and many a person's confidence has been shattered over the space of a few...

25th Anniversary of Nation’s Longest-Running NRA Youth Shooting Camp

Watching young people gain self-empowerment and confidence shooting handguns makes me happy. That serves as the payoff for me and my fellow GSL Defense Training instructors at America’s longest-running NRA Youth Shooting Camp in...

3 Shooting Targets That Take It Beyond a Basic Bullseye

We could all use improved gun handling skills, and these shooting targets help make it happen. Shoot targets, they say. Do it regularly, or your proficiency with a gun will never improve. Isn’t that...
shooting range training target practice pistol

5 Free Shooting Targets You Can Download and Print Now

Everyone loved to save money. And most of us love train, too. The problem is, those things frequently oppose each other. Range time costs money, ammo costs money, and - you know it -...
trigger finger

How Much Trigger Finger Should I Use on a Handgun?

Watch TV, movies or just surf the gun web and you'll see lots of images like the one at the top. You'll see it plenty at the range, too. The shooter in that photo...

Carrying One In The Chamber, Continued

Not too long ago, we posted an article (by me!) about carrying or keeping a gun with a round in the chamber. Long story short, I let it be known that I thought carrying...

The Importance of Failure…and Learning From It

30   Failures of gear or training can kill you. Pure and simple. Finding those failures and exposing them to the light of day is the reason TTAG writers work so hard, and burns through so...

How to Use a Rifle Sling to Shoot Better

I have spent more than half my life in the Civilian Marksmanship Program shooting sports. When I began my CMP career, I was told by a wise old man at my local club that...

Defensive Accuracy: Can You Keep Your Shots On an 8.5×11″ Piece of Paper?

So, do you have what it takes? Can you keep your rounds on a letter-sized piece of paper at 21 feet and less? If not, don't feel badly about asking for help. Why does the...
firearms pistol training range personal defense

3 Best Shooting Drills For The Indoor Range

What about shooting drills for the indoor range? You can do just about anything outdoors, including all the run and gun you want, but indoors is a different matter. What shooting drills are the best...
pistol self defense range training

So Which Is It…Will I Have Time in a Defensive Gun Use or Not?

Reader Miguel Vallenavedo writes . . . I spend a good amount of time reading various firearm-related articles, whether it's online or in print, and I have some points that I would like clarified and...