Seven Suggestions for Effective Dry Fire Practice

  By Jack Clark Dry fire practice is an enormously important part of effective firearms training. Many quality firearms instructors encourage a 70-30 dry fire regimen: spend 70% of your training time dry firing and 30%...

Gun Lessons From a Dead Language

By Paul McCain What can Latin teach you about guns? Quite a lot, and it only takes a few words. Non multa sed multum is an old Latin phrase that means, literally, “not...

Asymmetric Solutions: Getting Our Operator On

"Dan, I have to tell you, I am a little anxious." Dan Zimmerman and I were on our way to Asymmetric Solutions, a firm that provides combat and tactical training to military, police and...

Course Review: SIG Sauer Academy Bullets & Bandages

The SIG Sauer Academy’s Bullets and Bandages class is one of their crossover courses intended to give participants training in more than one specialty. It was developed and is currently taught by Kerry “Pocket...

Not Knowing What You Don’t Know Can Kill You

82 By Paul McCain The CCW class that I took several years ago was expertly delivered and covered basics of safe firearm handling along with legal ramifications, but that was about it. I left entirely unprepared...

From the Deepest Depths of Uselessness: The GripShot

31 Have you ever wondered whether it would be better to attach your holster directly to your rifle rather than carrying it on your side all the time? Me neither. But apparently, these guys have,...

Pro Tip: Let It Fall

46 "Scott Olson, 53, was using the flashlight mounted on his .40 caliber handgun to unlock a padlock in a dark room when the gun slipped and accidentally fired, Camas police Sgt. David Chaney said....

Should A Concealed Carrier Intervene in an Unknown Situation?

96 When you make the decision to carry a gun, you've taken responsibility for the safety of yourself and your loved ones back from the agents of the State. The decision to use your gun...

Can You Afford More Training?

26 By Lima No one in the gun community talks about finances very much. Finances are very personal but one of the first things that gets brought up when talking about additional training, purchasing gear, ammo,...

Anatomy of a Binary Exploding Rifle Target

It's been the best of times and the worst of times for Tannerite lately. They recently enjoyed the victory of having their patent re-issued. Happy times in western Oregon. Until, that is, the US...

Quote of the Day: National Empowerment Day Edition

“There exists a subtle misogyny used in the messaging of anti-gun groups, keeping women dependent on others to provide their protection, when our nation’s constitution makes clear they have the right to provide this...

Arms Getting Tired? Try the Flat Stock Hold

Are you a woman or small-framed shooter? No matter what size you are, does toting your rifle around while shooing wear you down? It doesn't have to. The NRA's Kim Heath says bringing it...