Practice vs. Training – You Need to Become a Personal Defense Generalist
I see so many folks go to ranges, only to practice the same drills over and over again. Many of these drills are basic "tests" that various schools use to determine basic competency. Some...
Washington State’s New Training Requirement Before Buying a Gun is as Unconstitutional As Literacy...
From the CCRKBA . . .
Washington Democrat Gov. Jay Inslee signed legislation yesterday requiring gun buyers to provide proof they have completed a firearms training course before being allowed to complete their transaction, but...
The Truth About Manual Handgun Safeties
Some gun owners claim manual safeties are a bad, bad thing, a dangerous hindrance. Others consider manual safeties a necessary for responsible carry. It's an old argument and these days, some anti-gun journalists (yes,...
Don’t Just Shoot, Train – 3 Great Shooting Drills for a Square Range
By DrewR
A large percentage of the People of the Gun are relegated to shooting in a "static" or restrictive range, often indoors and sometimes lorded over by a range master calling when to fire...
Training Tip: How to Make Good Use of a Bad Magazine
By Lt. R. Michalik
Don’t underestimate the value of a bad ammunition magazine. If you’ve been around guns for any amount of time, you’ve almost certainly run into them. Whether you purchased a questionable no-name...
The Cheapest Way to Firearm Train in 2023 Using the Strikeman Laser Training System
The costs of everything has sky-rocketed over the last year. And that includes Firearm Training. Luckily, modern technology has given us an answer to avoid wasting ammo and spending a fortune on range ammo...
Avoid Rookie Mistakes: Be a Better AR-15 Rifle Shooter
A flexible, modular design and decades of robust sales have pushed the AR-15 to the top of long gun heap, making it America's favorite rifle. But while it may look easy to operate, many...
The 3 Most Important Handgun Shooting Stances to Learn
It's interesting how much your body position affects how you can control your pistol. It's not too much of a surprise, as it's the same as martial arts and other combat sports. A good...
The Real Reason You Need to Clean Your Carry Gun On a Regular Basis
Should you clean your handgun after every use? Most modern-day service handguns are built to handle a tremendous amount of use and abuse. They'll continue to function even when they're filthy dirty. Just Google...
Safety Basics: Reholster Your Gun Slowly and Deliberately
Something that doesn’t get enough attention among pistol carriers is how and when to reholster your handgun. The draw stroke gets a lot of attention but lots of people who carry a handgun spend...
Avoid Road Ragers…Because Angry People Have Terrible Judgement [VIDEO]
Road rage happens. Whether you see it in cities or on the Interstates, sometimes people can become agitated for even the slightest of reasons. If you find yourself the object of their ire, do...
Safety Tip: Don’t Try To Catch a Dropped Gun
I confess. I dropped my carry piece one morning last week. It slipped from my grasp and tumbled to the floor as I reached for it to holster it for the day. Fully loaded,...