The Crimson Chronicles – Prologue
Four Days - Countless Rounds of Ammunition - Shoot-Houses - Night-Shoots - Provided Firearms - Provided Equipment .. and one TTAG gun-writer. All those things combine to create one thing - The Crimson Chronicles . . .
Competition Shooting 101: USPSA / IPSC
All right class, settle down. It's time to start the next lesson. First we looked at 3-gun competitions, king of the shooting sports. Then we looked at CMP / NRA High Power, the classiest...
Gear Review: Cabelas Laserlyte Chamber Boresighter
Time for a small confession: as much as I love to shoot, I've never really enjoyed sighting in new and untried rifles and scopes. I'm not very good at it, and I've sent an...
PA Game Commission on their Fees
The PA Game Commission maintains a series of (until now) free public ranges in Pennsylvania, but has recently decided to start charging for their use. People who want to use their ranges now either...
The iMarksman training system
I found this guy tucked away in the farthest corner of the convention center. His product, the iMarksman, is a laser-based training simulator that's developed for the home user. Using a drop-in replacement slide...
Daniel Defense iPad App and Training Videos
Daniel Defense has just launched a brand new iPad app. According to the DD reps, the app lets shooters take their training video to the range and review it on the firing line. Shooters...
Ammunition Consistency Testing Round 2: Hornaday Match and Federal XM193F
Continuing on our quest for the best factory produced ammunition, we look at two well known and well-loved brands and see where they end up on our list: Federal XM193F 55gr and Hornaday BTHP...
Gear Review: Swarovski Optik Z6i 1-6×24 BRT
In the first post about the Swarovski scope we looked at the asthetics and technical specifications of this piece of glass. Then, in the second post we spent some time talking about actually shooting...
Gear Review: Swarovski Optik Z6i 1-6×24 BRT (Sighting In)
I just got back from the NRA Headquarters range (after a nice visit with the National Firearms Museum's senior curator, but more on that later). I've zero'd the Swarovski Optik Z6i 1-6×24 BRT I...
Competition Shooting 101: CMP/NRA High Power
In our last installment we stepped into the fast-paced world of 3-gun competitions, where going fast was the key to success and moving around the course was an integral part of the challenge. This...
Gear Review: Swarovski Optik Z6i 1-6×24 BRT (First Impressions)
Ever read a bi-lingual airplane magazine? One with computerized English translation next to the native language text? Try this on for size: "In the development of our rifle scopes we have always taken our...
Self-Defense Tip: Practice with Your Eyes Closed
OK, disclaimer first. Only practice this "eyes closed" live fire drill where it is safe to do so. We're talking closed range, close range, experienced shooter. I repeat: don't be a putz. The idea...