IDPA: Because Bad Guys Don’t Stand Still.

1 Imagine this scenario. You hear a noise in your house. You've been to the range. You're used to shooting at targets, and you're pretty good at between 7 and 25 feet. You grab your...

Meggitt Training Systems Part II – Road Range

1 I’ve always been fascinated with trailers. Not the kind that tornados always seem to favor or the sort that supplies a steady stream of guests to the Jerry Springer show. I’m talking about the secret agent-like...

Meggitt Training Systems Part I – SHOTT House

2 Commenting on a previous TTAG piece about confronting intruders in your home, reader MikeD shed some light on the immensely dangerous activity of clearing a building: I work out with a large portion of my...

Zen and the Brain Chemistry of Hitting A Target With A Bullet

Discover Magazine's recent article "The Brain Why Athletes Are Geniuses" reinforces what I've heard before: great athletes are body geniuses. "Even a sport as seemingly straightforward as pistol shooting is surprisingly complex," author...

Double-Taps, Demystified.

0 You gotta love that InterWeb thingy that Al Gore invented, just before he decided to go all Pogo on us and save the planet from ourselves. ("We have met the enemy, and he is...