Updated List of Exhibitors At The 2016 Texas Firearms Festival, Nov 14 & 15
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With a little under 100 days to go, the 2016 Texas Firearms Festival's exhibitor roster is just about set. We've filled all the bays. And the rifle range. And the Retail Village (making room...
What’s Wrong With This Picture: ISIS Family Portrait Edition
Rick N. tossed this image over the electronic transom courtesy wsj.com. It's unusual in the sense that most ISIS images feature kneeling prisoners in orange jumpsuits shortly before they're decapitated. Or immolated. Here though,...
Fighter Design Vertx Airflow Phantom Ops Pants – Cooler Than Shorts
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Here in Texas, August and early September are the dog days and coyote nights of grueling heat. Even when the sun goes down, moving around outside's like trying to walk through a hot bath. When the wind...
Guns for Beginners: Three Reasons Not to Carry A Back-Up Gun
Over at americanrifleman.org, B. Gil Horman provides readers with 3 Arguments In Favor of Back-up Guns. BGH reckons you need a backup gun in case "the first gun goes click instead of bang" or "a primary defensive gun...
TTAG’s Summer Content Contest: Win a Henry Rifle! Or Winchester Ammo!
You've made it past the 4th of July. You still have two sad dried-out hamburger patties and half a bowl of congealing potato salad in the fridge and you've already seen three back-to-school ads...
Russian Artillery Crew’s ‘Controlled’ Avalanche Not So Controlled
By John McAdams via wideopenspaces.com
Using explosions to start an avalanche under controlled conditions is a common practice all over the world, including in the United States. However, these Russian Army Soldiers in North Ossetia got...
McDaniel Is Right: Arm Yourself Against Evil
TTAG commentator Bud writes:
I am both a retired police officer and a retired soldier. I have seen extensive combat with some really nasty people (the rice-propelled ones not the couscous-propelled ones) and I have...
Israeli Weapons Industries (IWI) Joins 2015 Texas Firearms Festival!
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Israeli Weapons Industries (IWI) is go for the 2015 Texas Firearms Festival on November 14 and 15 at Best of the West Shooting Sports in Liberty Hill, Texas (just NW of Austin). And not...
Guns for Beginners: Why It’s OK to Buy a Sub-Compact Gun for Concealed Carry
When you're looking to buy your first concealed carry firearm, don't get sidetracked by discussions about caliber. Don't worry about the size of the bullets you're carrying around. In most defensive gun uses, the bad...
Bond Arms Joins the 2015 Texas Gun Festival
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Yet another Texas-based gun company will be exhibiting its guns at the 2015 Texas Firearms Festival on November 14 and 15 at Best of the West Shooting Sports in Liberty Hill, Texas (just NW of...
The 2015 Texas Firearms Festival. Do it for the Children!
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Last year, parents attending the 2014 Texas Firearms Festival complained about the ticket price. Not the ticket price per se. Ninety percent of our attendees thought the Festival was excellentvalue-for-money. It was the additional cost of paying for...
Noveske Will Be at the Texas Firearms Festival. Will You?
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Noveske’s website touts the company as the “All American Badass Rifle Company.” Copy that! Noveske’s big-ass bad-ass bay at last year’s Texas Firearms Festival was alive with the sound of gunfire and alight with ear-to-ear smiles of...