Useless Horror and the Slow-Learner Syndrome
It’s happened again, another lone nut-job has murdered innocent citizens. No I’m not going to add to the infamy of this piece of human debris that is for some inexplicable reason still stealing oxygen...
Question of the Day: Do You Shoot Without Hearing Protection? Say WHAT?
Reader Paul S. writes:
A comment in a recent post got me thinking. The commenter indicated his concern about possibly deafening a small child in his arms during a DGU. I don't think this is...
Big Brother Builds Better Bandwidth, But Will There Be A Benefit?
The NSA is building a new "data center" in Bluffdale, UT outside of Salt Lake City. And while plenty of people think their acronym really stands for Never Say Anything, one of their former...
It’s That Time Again. More Free Guns and Schtuff.
Aaron Spuler, the guru of giveaways, the sultan of sweepstakes is out with his latest list of free sh!t. Go. Enter. Win. After the jump, of course.
Khar Arms CM40
Deadline: July 15, 2012
Colt licensed Walther...
Has it Really Been a Year?
I'm one of the newer writers on staff at TTAG, and certainly not part of the "old guard" like Dan, Nick, and RF. But tempus sure does fugit. Its been one year since my...
Gun Review: CZ 75 P-01. Take Two.
It's summertime and the shooting is CZ. When it comes to this beauteous ballistic Czech mate, you're in one of two camps. Either you own a CZ and love it or you haven't shot it yet....
Gear Review: Apex Tactical Specialties J-Frame Duty/Carry Trigger Kit
When I replaced the horrible “Massachusetts trigger” on my Smith & Wesson M&P 40c with an Apex Duty/Carry Kit, the world changed. Okay, the world didn’t change, but that kit did turn a boat...
You’ll Swoon at Aaron Spuler’s June Guns and Stuff Giveaways
Ladies and gentlemen! Boys and girls! Step right up, step right up. Yes you, sir. All ya hafta do is click on one of the little links after the jump, enter a little bit...
Gun Review: SIG SAUER P239
With all the new micro/mini/nano/sub-particle subcompact pistols on the market today one CCW option is continually over-looked - the subcompact. Large enough to soak up the recoil of its full power cartridge, yet small...
Want a Suppressor? Consider Setting Up an NFA Gun Trust
Now that I own a small but decent collection of pistols and rifles, I've kind of lost some enthusiasm for adding more to my safe. Sure, I appreciate the latest and greatest from the...
Question of the Day: What’s the Question of the Day for Mitt Romney?
I don't know about you, but I feel better knowing Mitt Romney's a real gun owner. I think. Well, he says he is. quotes the Mittster as claiming he owns a couple of...
Ask Foghorn: Buying a Gun Safe
Nathan asks:
I'm in the market for a gun safe, and have been reading as much as I can about the topic, but still am not sure which way to go. I thought a story/review...