Gun Bribes Highlight Afghan Corruption

And it's one, two, three, what are we fighting for? Don't ask me I don't give a damn. I'm going to Afghanistan. A country whose rigged elections and endemic corruption was the focus of...

Marines Mount Mini-Gun on MV-22 Tilt Rotor Transports

0 After a decade of dithering, the U.S. Marines are equipping two tilt-rotor transport aircraft bound for Afghanistan with the GAU-2B machine-gun. reports that the Marines will retro-fit the guns to the rest of...

Live Aid Money Went to Guns and Terrorists

Who'd a thunk it, eh? All those well-meaning celebrities raising money for starving Africans and millions went to buying guns. Reporting on BBC Radio 4's program "From Our Own Correspondent," Martin Plaut reveals that...

Army Considering New Rifles and Bullets for Afghanistan. Still.

TTAG writer Brad Kozak and I were shooting the breeze (Brad 1, Breeze 0) when we got to talking about the war in Afghanistan. "It looks like we won the war and lost the...

Those Who Do Not Read The History of the Gatling Gun . . .

Today's post about the U.S. military's strategy in Afghanistan, and their sloth in regards to supplying our troops with adequate weaponry, got me thinking. And surfing. Under Project Gutenberg (not a Police Academy remake...

AA-12 Developer: “The U.S. Military is Brain Dead”

17 TTAG has reported on the U.S. military's ongoing inability to provide its troops with winning weapons in The War on Terror. Needless to say, our research into this sad not to say unconscionable state...

Real Reason for Marines’ Underpowered Rounds Revealed

According to The Marine Times, the head of Joint Forces Command was trying to get his troops a better rifle with more powerful bullets well before the Corps deployed in Afghanistan. Pre-theater, General James...

“That’s How We Win Wars”


U.S. Army Drops Bayonet Practice

According to the AP , the U.S. Army has dropped bayonet practice from basic training. "Adapting to battlefield experience in Afghanistan and Iraq, the Army is revamping its basic training regimen for the first...

U.S. Has Pissed Away $6 Billion on Afghan National Police

Over the last eight years, the United States has "invested" $6 billion in arming and training the Afghan National Police. To no appreciable effect. ProPublica reports that our government estimates that "fewer than 12...

Iranians Training Taliban to Shoot American Soldiers

“Our religions and our histories are different," a Taliban commander tells The Times re: Iran. "But our target is the same — we both want to kill Americans." To that...

Army’s Quick Fix for Afghanistan Range Deficit: 5000 M14 Enchanced Battle Rifles

TTAG has reported the U.S. Army's ongoing sloth re: equipping troops in Afghanistan with rifles capable of effective range. And now, finally, they're doing something about it. reports that the Army is sending...