US Military Issues New Contract for 7.62 NATO Battle Rifles

The U.S. military has issued a Request For Information (RFI) to firearms manufacturers looking for a 7.62 NATO battle rifle to be placed into service. The contract's been dubbed the "Interim Combat Service Rifle...

Question of the Day: What’s Your Favorite Military Gun?

"The AH-64 Apache is the Army's heavy division/corps attack helicopter," the YouTube caption informs. "The AH-64D Longbow remanufacture effort incorporates a millimeter wave fire control radar, radar frequency interferometer, fire-and-forget radar-guided HELLFIRE missile and...

Government Accountability Office “Stings” Pentagon for Ex-Mil Equipment

"The Pentagon nearly gave over $1 million worth of rifles, pipe bombs and other military hardware to a fake police department," reports, "set up as part of a government watchdog's sting operation, a new report reveals."...

CNN: The Russians Are Arming the Taliban! Fake News?

"The videos don't provide incontrovertible proof of the trade, of which Moscow has categorically denied involvement," reports. "Yet they offer some of the first battlefield evidence of a flow of weapons that...

Obscure Object of Desire: AR-15 Drone Defender

The image above - courtesy -- is slightly incendiary. The drones used by IS and its allies don't look like that weird plane in the original Indian Jones movie. And there hasn't been...

The USAF Finally Gives Its AC-130W Gunship The Big Gun It Desperately Needs

Who knew that the AC-103W gunship desperately needed a bigger gun? Not me. The video below tells the tale -- in that rah-rah procurement kinda way. Wikipedia tells us that the Lockheed Martin prop plane...

Canadian Media, Liberals Condemn Army’s 3540 Meter Kill Shot

In recent days, the dead-tree Toronto Star suffered a meltdown over comments made by the Canadian Prime Minister. Justin Trudeau lauded members of the Canuck armed forces for a remarkable sniper shot in Iraq. Clearly,...

Sikorsky S-97 RAIDER Helicopter – Guess What Gun

The video below does NOT show the prototype Sikorsky S-97 RAIDER helicopter unleashing its ballistic fury. Just so you know, this coaxial rotor helicopter -- initially set to replace the U.S. Special Operations Command's MH-6M...

GLOCK Modular Handgun System Pistol Revealed

Rumors of why GLOCK lost out on the MHS contract to SIG have been circling the interwebs since SIG's announcement. "No manual safety" was a popular guess, even after the .gov stated that the...

India Rejects Home Made Battle Rifle: Too Loud, Too Much Recoil

India is looking for a new rifle to replace their aging arsenal. They're hoping that a new 100 percent Indian-designed and manufactured firearm will fit the bill. There's just one problem: the gun doesn't...

Canadian Sniper Sets New Distance Record: Drops ISIS Target at Two Miles

A soldier in the Canadian Armed Forces has set a world record for the longest confirmed kill shot in history: 3,540 meters (2.19 miles, for those who don't speak Canadian.) The member of the...

Tavor vs. AR: An IDF’s Soldier’s Perspective

The M-16 was the first rifle I was issued during my mandatory service in the Israeli Defense Force (IDF). That's the gun I used to become a proficient rifleman. After basic training, we switched...