Muzzle Discipline?

3 And I hope they have a better way of clearing a jam in theater.

Afghan Army and Police Getting Better. Or Not.

Alone amongst the press corps deployed to the Sand Box, New York Times gun blogger C.J. Chivers has exposed the abject ineffectiveness of Afghanistan's home-grown army and police force. Not to mention the billions...

On Guns and the Military

Regarding Robert's recent article about the "backdoor gun registration" at Fort Hood:  This actually comes up periodically in the military.  I recall about eight years ago the Fort Carson (CO) post commander issued...

Lapua Magnum Replacing .50 Cal?

"The Israeli Army is the latest to adopt the Lapua Magnum cartridge," reports. "The Israelis selected the HTR 2000 rifle, a 5.1 kg weapon with a three round magazine and a 606mm (24...

ATK Scores $50m Army Contract for 20mm PGU Ammo

0 reports that the U.S. Army Contracting Command has awarded Alliant Techsystems (NYSE:ATK) a $50 million-plus contract for 20mm PGU ammunition. If all options are exercised (how Apocalypse Now does that sound?), ATK's contract is expected to...

Samsung Killer Robot [Not Shown]: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Bloomberg's Samsung Gets Creative reveals that "Samsung Techwin Co., the security-camera-making unit of Samsung Group, has developed a machine-gun-equipped sentry robot and is working with South Korea’s defense ministry for possible deployment to guard the...

US Marines Hunt Sangin Sniper

0 The town of Sangin is best known as the southern epicenter of the Afghanistan opium trade. Today, however, the Pashtun town of 14,000 captured a headline at the Wall Street Journal (Sniper in...

The History of the Machine Gun (5/5)


US Special Ops Approves FN SCAR™ for Full Production

Running about like a blue-assed fly this afternoon. Here's the FN presser: McLean, VA (August 16, 2010). The U.S. Special Operations Command notified FN that the Special Operations Forces Combat Assault Rifle (SCAR)...

China’s Shiny New Gun

Ever heard of the Biggest Guns Theory? If I can kill you faster or more impressively than you can kill me, you won’t try to kill me. In the words of Iron Man, “That’s...

In Defense of . . . The M16/M4

Over at Shooting Times, Guns of the Enemy in Afghanistan briefly describes the AKM, Dragunov SVD semi-automatic sniper rifle and PPSh-41 submachine gun. The article concludes "Questions about the U.S. military’s firearms are valid...

Israel and Lebanon Go to War. Ish.

It seems that Israel can do no right in its foreign affairs these days (or ever, for that matter). Since its liberation from Britain, Israel has had “issues” with all its neighbor. In the...