A prominent gun-rights organization is calling out Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democrat “nominee” for president, on her 2019 advocacy of removing school resource officers from schools in light of such resource officers stopping and arresting the alleged murderer at a Georgia high school earlier this week.

The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCKRBA) noted in a news item on its website that Harris, during her failed presidential campaign, described her idea of removing resource officers from schools as an effort to “demilitarize” school campuses.

“The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is congratulating the officers involved in arresting the 14-year-old accused killer, and reminding Vice President Harris that, if she had her way five years ago, Wednesday’s rampage might have been much worse,” the story stated.

The 14-year-old alleged killer at Apalachee High School murdered two teachers and two students, along with wounding nine others. But school resource officers stopped him before he could cause any more carnage.

Alan Gottlieb, CCRKBA chairman, said that, as usual, Harris was on the wrong side of an important issue when calling for removal of resources officers.

“Once again, a good guy with a gun stopped a bad guy with a gun, demonstrating how wrong Kamala Harris was about the importance of armed school resource officers, who literally saved lives in Georgia,” Gottlieb said. “It’s just one of many things, especially relating to firearms and crime intervention, she’s been wrong about during her political career.”

Of course, after the shooting Harris made no mention of her earlier advocacy for removing school resource officers. Instead, she, President Joe Biden and other gun-ban advocates called for more restrictions on private firearms ownership.

For Biden’s part, he used the tragedy to push many of the same restrictions he has been seeking his entire term in office. He even pulled out his worn out adage about “deer wearing Kevlar vests,” which we hoped he had finally understood is ridiculous after saying it in public so many times in the past.

“My dad is a hunter. I don’t know a whole hell of a lot of deer wearing Kevlar vests,” Biden said. “I’m serious about this. High-capacity magazines, once again. What do we need them for in terms of domestic use?”

As for Harris, she’s fully onboard with more gun-ban schemes than likely any presidential candidate in history, including, according to Gottlieb, “compensated confiscation” of AR-style rifles.

“Kamala Harris was wrong about removing armed school resource officers,” Gottlieb concluded. “It’s time for the media to end its love fest with the vice president and start looking at what else she’s been wrong about.”


  1. Love fest? What love fest? ABC is the only network covering Kamala with 100% positive spin. The other networks are much harsher in her treatment what with CBS’s 94% positive coverage and NBC’s 71% positive coverage.

    Her feet are being held to the fire by our media and in true Cheney fashion she’s strong enough to shoot them in the face!

  2. I don’t doubt that Kommie Harris said “demilitarize schools” and remove SROs like the one who stopped the Apalachee incident, but there is no footnote or other refence proving she said or wrote that at the CCKBA website. The Kameleon or her minions will just deny saying this.

    • It was probably after consultation with our own Miner The Oracle, who says that the latest shooting proves SROs are ineffective, kitchen fire extinguishers don’t have any practical uses, and EVERYTHING is Trump’s fault. We can only hope he also has a disdain for the seatbelts in his vehicle – most likely an electric one

      • It wasn’t a speech, it was a radio interview and she never suggested removing the SROs from schools or used the phrase ‘demilitarize schools’.

        This is just more right wing propaganda, here’s the pertinent portion of her actual comments from the interview:

        “So, this whole movement is about rightly saying we need to take a look at these budgets and figure out whether it reflects the right priorities. When, today in America, two thirds of our public school teachers are coming out of their own back pocket to help pay for school supplies when we have, for generations now, been defunding public schools but yet militarizing police departments, we need to have this conversation. And critically examine and understand that this is not working. It’s not working,” she continued.”

        Trump’s Republicans are just flailing, because they know they’re going to lose the election. So they try these blatant disinformation schemes, misreporting what Kamala Harris said in the interview.

        You can always tell which of the ‘News’ reports are lies, they don’t quote the actual words but rather ‘paraphrase’ in order to mischaracterize what she said.

      • This site now has all the frills of an antiquated AOL chat room. Whatever it is that’s running the show is doing more harm than good.

  3. For the self serving democRat to draw sucker votes cackles will switch gears like she switches voice tones. First she’s against armed security in schools and now she’s for it. Like Judge Joe Brown said…She is a pos.

    TRUMP/VANCE 2024.

  4. SRO’s are only as effective as the individual officer on duty. A good officer will be effective. A lazy or otherwise less interested officer will be less than useless.
    Best case would be to have officers with their own kids in the school they are working at. Give them a reason to be on the job and pay attention to the details.
    The county school system here has done well in putting bullet and impact resistant doors and windows into the buildings. They require visitors to be identified and buzzed into a vestibule with limited access to the rest of the school building. Yes, if someone is determined to enter, there are ways of doing so. But in general they do a decent job of security.
    An idea I’ve seen floated out there is asking for parents and grandparents to act as armed security on a part time volunteer basis.

  5. The SRO who stopped the 14 year old pos has barely got recognition from any lame stream media. I remember seeing the armed sro(a seriously mean little armed white guy)tear into a black punk attempting to enter the high school. Mostly supported by the HS parents. Black one’s too! Of course Kamaltoe has no biological chillen(just creepy step kids)🙄


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