Katie Kouric wears orange for GVAD (courtesy Twitter)

Despite producing a video of orange wearing anti-gunners before the Gun Violence Action Day, Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America’s GVAD appears to have been yet another a damp squib. There are plenty of photos of sanctimonious celebrities wearing orange circulating on Twitter and Facebook. Barack Obama tweeted his support (though failing to sport MDA’s gang colors). But I can’t find a plethora of pics of “ordinary folks” wearing orange to mark GVAD and “start a national conversation on guns.” Group shots? Not a lot. Well there is this . . .

NY Mets support Gun Violence Action Day (courtesy Twitter)

INSERT BASEBALL JOKE HERE. Here’s the only other large assembly of [professional] orange-wearing GVAD supporters I could find.

House Democrats wearing orange (courtesy Twitter)

“Bipartisan Report ‏@Bipartisanism 18h18 hours ago
All @HouseDemocrats are #WearingOrange because one of Americas political parties cares about children being killed.”

Shannon Watts (courtesy Twitter)

Again, most of the pro-gun control orange-infused images swirling around the ‘Net show famous folk. (Or infamous anti-gunners like the head of MDA, Shannon Watts.) And there was plenty of blow-back from the pro-gun side: images of prisoners wearing orange, hunters wearing orange and the orange-clad Christians being beheaded by ISIS on the beach.

I reckon GVAD was an epic fail, in its own small way. Did you see anyone wearing orange for GVAD?


  1. Only that dog I mentioned yesterday. She always wears an orange collar though, so I am not sure that she was making a political statement. Shannon sure looks like one of those Japanese robot doppelgangers in that picture.

    • Same here in Vegas. And I was on the lookout.

      I figured since I am surrounded by progressive loons all day long I’d at least have the chance to brace one. No such luck.

    • I saw a bunch here in Seattle…they were all around the construction on Mercer.

      I didn’t see any at the gun range for last night’s IDPA match.

    • There was this one small organized gang of probationers picking up trash alongside the 54 in San Diego County. Do they count?

      (The detention officer wasn’t going with the program, though.)

  2. No, and I made sure to wear my DOT green shirts today and yesterday rather than my orange ones.

    • In Ireland, when the Catholics started wearing green on March 17, the Protestants started wearing orange. Glad to see you do the reverse, even if it’s dayglow chartreuse.

  3. I have this thing called a job. A lot of Americans have one. Didn’t see anyone in orange except a caltrans road crew….

    Keep up the good work gun grabbers.

      • Oh yeh, schools out for the summer. There’ll be 70% more people at the MDA rallies through August.
        “Just how I wanna spend my summer mom, thanks”

        • Can you imagine growing up with one of those C’s as your mother? I’m sure they take helicopter parenting to new heights.

          Raising the next generation of little girls.

        • Kids are dragged to these events, then go home and play Call of Duty. And given the way kids rebel, I wouldn’t count them out of being future gun rights supporters.

      • “Oh, I forgot to mention: those dozen were comprised of 1/3 Bullying Mommies, and 2/3 human-shield kids.”

        Those kids were reminded who feeds them at home…

        (Look! A new pic for Dirk’s ‘special’ folder…)

  4. We have already given too much air time on the dopes already. We gave them more advertisement than all the other outlets combined.

    • Unfortunately not. There were a half dozen articles on Yahoo yesterday about MDA and celebrities wearing orange. We can mock them, but they are media darlings.

      • Really? I spent a good portion of yesterday on Yahoo and I didn’t see any. Didn’t notice anything on the MSN portal either, but I didn’t look very hard.

      • When I searched for “wearing orange phoenix” yesterday I found one article about GVAD and everything else was about Los Suns jerseys.

        None of my friends in anti-gun territory saw any orange and I sure didn’t see anyone in the Phoenix east valley. Furthermore, not one person I talked to (gun folks included) knew yesterday was supposed to be anything special. I even have a friend who actively campaigned for the Democratic Party here in a AZ last election cycle and *he* liked my shirt + OC (and made no comment of being aware of GVAD).

        It seems to me that Everytown and friends have become an oblivious echo chamber. They’ve repeated the lie that people care about their message so many times that *they* believe it. Other than TTAG and the people they pay to care nobody seems to be paying them any mind.

  5. I’m in AL and I saw a lot of people wearing orange. (Not just Auburn fans, either.) Weird…

    • Yeeeahhh, I forgot about it and I accidentally wore orange. But I also wore a gun and went to a gun store to buy an optic for my scary black “assault gun” so I don’t really feel too bad

  6. Nope. I didnt run into anyone who knew it was even a thing. Most ordinary people have no clue who Watts even is or that groups like hers exist at all.

  7. I like that tweet. “#WearingOrange because #NRA said nat’l gun violence awareness day is ‘pointless'”

    They think our made up day, which happens to also be (according to the collection at http://nationaldaycalendar.com/calendar-at-a-glance/june/ )
    – National Rotisserie Chicken Day
    – National Rocky Road Day
    – National Bubba Day
    – National Leave the Office Early Day

      • I don’t know, but Friday is National Donut Day. Krispy Kreme is doing a buy one get one free deal on a dozen donuts.

  8. I wore blue, myself, the opposite of orange on the ol’ color wheel… 🙂

  9. This one party that cares about children—-isn’t this the same party that supports the killing of millions of unborn children every year? Someone correct me if I am wrong. The same party that opposes the death penalty for murderers but would rather turn them back onto the streets because of overcrowding of the prisons system? That party?????

    • I’ll defend that political party, after all they … er, uh (scratches head) … well there was that one time when, um … nope, I got nothing.

  10. Sorry for the derail but that picture of Mrs Watts is….. is….. I don’t know….

    I understand its a selfie and it looks like she might be in her closet or something. But why does she look so skinny? I mean like unwell kind of skinny? Like so skinny her body is eating her brain because her eyes don’t even point in the same direction….. I’m serious… is she unwell?

  11. I just realized my New Balance shoes have orange trim. Guess I need to hit the range to compensate.

  12. Not a single person that I saw yesterday was wearing orange. Asked my wife if she saw any, ‘cuz she was out & about in Chiraq burbs. Nada.

    I declare today to be “Wear blue jeans if you support the 2nd Amendment Day.” I’m certain we will see way more support, and it will really mean something, right? [/sarc]

  13. I saw an organized group of individuals wearing orange on the side of a road. They were wearing matching outfits, gloves, and bags. Some had sticks. It looked like they were searching around in the dirt and weeds. Must’ve been looking for ghost guns.

  14. Well, I just came here from one of yesterday’s threads about Dems introducing another piece of, ahhh, gun-control legislation. And I see that “one party cares ” about controlling guns “for the children” (the ones that make it out of the womb without being vivisected, that is). So where are our “no difference between the parties” people? Where was that photo taken, anyway? Those aren’t all the Dem members of the US House of Representatives surely.

  15. OK, I just went to the Yahoo homepage and scanned it, not a word about guns and orange. About a half-dozen stories about “Caitlyn” and the obligatory Kim Kardashian contribution tho…I think this first outing for NGVAD was a definite dud. Anybody here watch their local news? I don’t even have a TV, but I will bet the ranch that there was nothing about it here in the Piney Woods.

  16. the only time I wear orange is into and out of the woods because my state law says I have to and its probably a good idea in a self preservation kind of way. Other than that I leave it to the Clemson fans.

  17. If I was on the Mets, I’d have shown up to the shoot wearing Multicam and an empty holster. Maybe with an orange rubber or plastic training gun.

  18. I had a bit of time to kill yesterday afternoon, I spent about an hour at a certain large chain bookstore. It was my biennial-ish trip. I saw nary a soul in orange BUT I was amazed, nay, shocked! At how many people visit the gun section of the magazine racks. It was very heartening to say the least! As was the amount of shelf space the store now gives to such publications.

  19. Shannon Watts always looks cross-eyed to me…she is not a looker by any stretch!

  20. We had a lot of people wearing orange shirts yesterday. Of course, they’re all employed at Whataburger! LOL

  21. I was at our local Home Depot and they were ALL wearing orange! Even the signage was orange!

    That’s it. I’m shopping at Lowes from now on.

    I don’t even want to mention what was going on down at Minute Maid Park, where the Astros play.

  22. Is that Katie Couric in that top picture?
    I thought she was dead…no wait, that was just her career.

  23. Unless it’s Halloween, sporting orange looks like you are trying to emulate prison garb.

  24. I saw orange all over the place. I work for the University of Tennessee (also known as the correct UT) so I don’t think it was about gun control.

  25. I almost wore an orange shirt yesterday, but then I check this blog and realized it would be a mistake. I hate it when the left controls my since of fashion. It is so anti-American.

  26. Katie Couric is a famed BITCH to work for and an IGNORANT twat on guns. Remember the D.C. Sniper case? A firearms expert (real one) was asked to explain the basic characteristics of a rifle. He explained that the rifled barrel which replaced the smoothbore has tiny spiral grooves to spin the bullet in flight for greater accuray and effective range. Then the mindless midget asked in a shocked tone “So it’s the SPIRALS that make it so deadly?” I wish I was kidding.

  27. Saw one middle-aged black man wearing an obvious anti-gun rights shirt-working at Family Dollar for minimum wage…wanted to yell at him but it was obvious he needs more help than I can provide. ThereWAS a bit of coverage in Chiraq-but it was pretty scant. FAIL…

  28. Saw two probables at Tysons Corner Mall in NOVA. And a charitable possible maybe on a guy running in an orange tee shirt except UVA’s colors are orange and blue. MDA choose it’s antigun color poorly. Orange is not a popular color so they couldn’t come up with a fake count of everyone wearing blue.

  29. Well I figured it out. Is it just me…Shannon eyes are not centered but angle inward….is she an alien or defective?

  30. Speaking of the orange clad victims of ISIS. If you see folks wearing an orange ribbon in SoCal, it’s church members showing solidarity with the Christians being persecuted by ISIS, not an anti-gun thing.

  31. Drove by a park today..there were about 20 in orange with DOC stamped on their backs, they were picking up trash, raking up debris and emptying the trash..guarding them was an armed guy in olive drab making sure they didnt escape.. No doubt MDA supporters

  32. I agree that they would look good in orange jump suits…with the word “INMATE” and a number on it.

  33. Only Tennessee fans who had no idea their colors had been commandeered for this silly crusade. Oh, and one SJW friend I have on FB, but he’s an easy mark.

  34. Wow! how did I miss it?? Didn’t know! Darn it! Would have loved to get a few gals together and wear green and cc in front of the State House!

  35. I wore a white shirt and open carried. I couldn’t be so lucky as to seen a group hens in orange.
    Good morning ladies. isn’t a LOVELY day!

  36. I was all over the Orlando metro area running errands and shopping. Didnt see one single person wearing orange.

  37. Walked around the Loop during lunch, didn’t see orange apparel representation above the normal baseline. Made-up day failed in Chicago. Supposedly it was picked to correspond with the anniversary of a local kid’s death. Double fail.

  38. How counter-intuitively un-original. With the popularity of Orange is the New Black and fashionistas recommending the bright color to their fashion maven readers, the gun grabbers are co-opting a primary color as their own.

    Time for the shaming game to turn this on themselves. We must do more to stress the fact that these subhumans are only making the problem worse by creating criminal-friendly environments where they are guaranteed to be safe from an all-volunteer first responder force comprised of people who take their personal safety seriously. Another point to stress is the “when seconds count … the police are only 30 minutes away” aspect. When a superficial gun grabber hears a few choice words of logic, it starts to burn a hole in their handlers’ logic. Let it burn, baby!

  39. Jeez. Gun control advocates and the New York Mets working together… Talk about doomed from the start.

  40. If anyone needs to seek out a mental health professional is Shannon Watts..She is way beyond delusional.

  41. I find it deliciously fitting how antis adopted the colors worn by prisoners and slaves, since they submit themselves to be slaves of the state. Also, another hollow PR stunt that actually accomplishes nothing. They walked around looking like the submissive subhumans they are for a single day. In the meantime, we win legislative victories.

    Also, very nice of house Dems to once and for all show themselves to be the party in support of fascism. Any gun owner who still manages to fool themselves and vote Democrat is as much a traitor to this country as any other Dem.

    I didn’t see any orange around here, except a man at work wearing an orange trimmed tie. I decided to test him by complimenting the tie and he replied, “This? I hate this thing, but I spilled lunch on my other one.” So, not an anti.

  42. I gave my friend hell for accidentally wearing an orange shirt. Shows just how well MDA got their message out…

  43. Saw a co-worker wearing a rubber orange bracelet; his wife is a Dem lobbyist in DC. Other than him, I saw nobody else.

  44. yeah, every prisoner celebrated gun control as well. except the ones that HAVE guns in prison.

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