There’s a lot of tin foil hat-wearing conspiracists who would have you believe that the government wants to grab your guns. The logical first step: a gun registry. Best to know where the guns are and who’s got ’em if you want to grab ’em, right? The National Guard’s post-Katrina gun confiscation efforts proved once and for all that just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean that the world isn’t out to get you. And so gun groups have renewed their effort to combat firearms registration schemes. Which would, in fact, require a roll-back, as the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms has already established an illegal national firearms registry (and shares that info with foreign governments). Meanwhile and in any case, the Charleston Daily Mail reports on their local West Virginia po-po’s voluntary registration scheme . . .

Chief Brent Webster outlined the department’s new multi-faceted strategy, called “Project Gun Safe,” on Monday. The goal of the project is to reduce gun crimes, to promote officer and public safety and to educate and involve community members on personal firearm responsibility. The project includes monetary incentives up to $100 for informants and for those wanting to turn in unwanted guns.

Add “personal firearm responsibility” to your list of suspect euphemisms. To wit:

He said residents who own guns legally can obtain a firearm inventory card from police to write down the specifics — such as the model, size and serial number — of their firearms to help them keep better records.

“We want to ask the citizens of Charleston to properly inventory and secure their firearms,” Webster said. “It’s a completely voluntary thing.” . . .

“We’re not talking about gun ownership or trying to infringe upon any one’s Second Amendment rights,” Webster said. “This is about street crimes and we’re going to be very mindful of that.”

Hey, no problem. Firearms owners should keep a record of their guns. Yes but—

Officers also will be providing safety locks for those who turn in copies of their inventory cards to police. The department has about 200 to give away, Webster said, but can order more if they’re needed.

Let’s hope not.