Charter Arms hasn’t had much luck here at TTAG. Our review of their Undercover .38 revolver was something less than entirely complimentary. Our review of the Target Mag Pug was something less than something less than entirely complimentary. Just yesterday, I got a call from Charter Arms Veep Terry Rush. Mr. Rush corrected a technical point about Charter’s manufacturing process (text amended), apologized for the .38’s quality issues and asked if he could send another sample. And a Chic Lady. Being a happily married man, I told him to send the Chic Lady gun instead—if only because I wouldn’t be caught dead with one of their hot selling Pink Lady revolvers. Although I might be caught dead without one. Where was I? Oh yes, so, today, they’re press releasing their new, shiny shoes. I mean wheelguns . . .

Charter Arms will introduce two new revolver models at the National Association of Sporting Goods Wholesalers Annual Meeting and Expo in Louisville, KY November 3 – 5, 2010. The Chic Lady and The Chic Lady Off Duty Revolvers will make their debut at MKS/Hi-Point Distributors, booth No. 711. Nick Ecker, President of Charter Arms said, “Our loyal customers repeatedly stated their desire for Charter Arms to produce a revolver with a high polish finish, creating a sophisticated and elegant look, so we listened.

Listening’s good. And Charter’s sales to women are great. The cynically sexist amongst you might suggest that this reflects a lack of discrimination amongst the fairer (and more balanced) sex.

Terry resembles that remark. I mean, resents. He reckons his company’s guns are perfectly positioned between Smith & Wesson’s pricey products and Taurus cheap-as-chips revolvers. And he reckons Charter’s quality makes them the value-seeking revolver’s buyer’s best choice.

We’ll keep an open mind about that quality thing. Meanwhile, an alligator case! Pink!

Both models are finished in a high polish stainless steel, pink anodized frame, rubber grip, 2 inch barrel, 5-shot capacity and weigh in at 13 ounces, presented in a faux alligator pink attaché case with high polish stainless steel trim. It’s the ultimate piece every classy lady would want to have in her own private collection.”

The Chic Lady has a standard hammer while The Chic Lady Off Duty has an internal hammer (DAO) double action only.

Both lightweight gun models have a comfortable grip capable of fitting a small hand or can be easily changed out to a Crimson Trace Grip. To acquire an accurate sight picture, each model has a serrated front sight along with a smooth action and quick release cylinder.

Both firearms models have a hammer blocked safety system ensuring the revolver cannot fire unless the trigger is held in the full rear position when the hammer falls.

So to speak.


  1. I like it. If it gets a woman who would otherwise not be interested to consider carrying a firearm for her own safety then I’m all for it!!! I’ve heard the crap arguments that the “bad guy may think it’s a toy”, but that’s all those arguments are: crap!

  2. I have two Charter Arms Pathfinder .22 magnum revolvers. I’ve had to send one back twice. My brother bought a new Bulldog and it has gone back twice. They told him they were going to send him a brand new gun. No such luck for me. They continually keep sending back the same cheesy garbage. Face it, quality on Charter Arms firearms is POOR at best. For what they charge I would look hard at a Taurus model 85. I owned one of them. Very nice and reliable gun. Tell Terry he may need a new job if CA quality stays the same. Shame. I threw $600.00 down the toilet on these guns. I’ll never get it back…

  3. I’ve owned Taurus models before (semi-auto and revolver) and, although they offer a lifetime repair warranty, I got sick and tired of sending them back every 200 rounds or so to have them “repaired”. When the factory has five chances to “get it right” (original manufacture plus four return trips), and they still don’t or won’t, then it’s time to drop that brand name from the list. Better than nothing, but not by much. Thankfully I was fortunate enough to find uninformed people who were willing to buy them. My experience with Charter Arms has been only a little bit better, ala the 5-shot Undercover 38spl. Unfortunately, when it came down to the bottom line, I had to decide if I was willing to bet my life on that product…..and in a self-defense situation, make no mistake; you *are* betting your life on it. The 5-shot limit on the Undercover didn’t really bother me because, if I need more than 5 shots, I’m in the wrong gun fight or I didn’t practice enough….and it’s too late either way. Lack of proper cylinder lockup and the presence of cylinder wobble do indeed bother me. I would rate Charter quality as superior to Taurus, but that’s not saying very much because Taurus quality control is a sick (even potentially life-threatening) joke…..and not a funny joke either. (“Hold on Mr. Armed Homeinvader…..I need to ship my gun back to Taurus or Charter for repair, in order for this to be a fair gun fight!”……yeah, right) I got rid of the Undercover after about 500 rounds and went with a S&W. More expensive, but it has remained rock solid for many years and is absolutely trustworthy. The difference in price is not even relevant if one is looking for an absolutely reliable self-defense platform. My conclusion? Be patient, save a few more dollars until you can afford the reliability that you *must* have for a self-defense carry weapon.

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