Davon Turner. Courtesy Chicago PD.
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The do-gooders in Illinois believe that if you hire enough felons to “interrupt” violence, somehow you’ll make the streets safer. Given that Murder City USA has kept that title for 12 years in a row now, one would think that smarter heads would prevail and the state legislature would vote to stop paying millions of taxpayer dollars to these foolish endeavors.

Yet each year, Gov. J.B. Pritzker signs off on scores of millions paid to these organizations like “CeaseFire” who employ ex-cons who will supposedly stop gang violence.  ($110M in 2022 alone!)  Ironically, CeaseFire lost one of its recent leaders thanks to an arrest for beating his wife domestic battery.

And while shoveling the money at these groups never stops, neither do the arrests of these paid “anti-violence” workers, often times for gun charges. Take Davon Turner, aged 35 – or in common parlance, “old enough to know better.”

See Davon, a frequent felon in the Land O’ Lincoln’s criminal justice system (or what masquerades as such), walked out of the house that day packing a GLOCK Fo-Tay. He came to the attention of Five-Oh because he and a bunch of his buddies acted like fools while smoking the Devil’s lettuce in a building where not everyone appreciated the smell of skunk.

One thing led to another and cops cuffed him after finding (Surprise!) that GLOCK .40. Of course, when he showed up at the Cook County Jail, he proudly mentioned that he had gainful employment.  Indeed, he worked for CeaseFire/FLIP anti-violence programs. Paid for by Illinois taxpayers.

Why if Illinois’ leaders only treated the law-abiding people as kindly as they treated the criminal class (to include illegal aliens) as well. From CWB Chicago:

CHICAGO — An anti-violence worker is facing a Class X felony gun charge after Chicago police said they found him carrying a gun on the Near West Side.

Cops were called to the 2300 block of West Van Buren on Saturday evening by someone who said a group of men were smoking pot and refusing to leave the building, according to the arrest report for Davon Turner, 35.

The first officers to arrive found a firearm magazine at the scene and radioed descriptions of a group of men who were leaving the area, including at least one who was holding their waistband, said the report.

CPD officers stopped a group matching the description nearby. Turner, who was clutching his waistband near an “L-shaped object,” was one of them, the report stated. Prosecutors say the cops recovered a 40-caliber handgun from Turner.

The arrest report lists Ceasefire/FLIP, two Chicago anti-violence programs, as his employer.

He’s charged with Class X armed habitual criminal and being a felon in possession of a firearm. His previous felony convictions include being a felon in possession of a firearm in 2014 and narcotics cases in 2018, 2013, 2008, and 2007.

Moreover, it’s worth mentioning that not a single syllable was mentioned about how Gov. and Presidential-hopeful J.B. Pritzker’s so-called “Protect Illinois Communities Act” failed to protect Illinois communities from ne’er-do-wells like Davon Turner.

Maybe the PICA gun and magazine ban really just disarms the law-abiding, not the criminal class.

Who would have thunk it?

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    • And people wonder why stereotypes exist …

      “… See Davon, a frequent felon in the Land O’ Lincoln’s criminal justice system (or what masquerades as such), walked out of the house that day packing a GLOCK Fo-Tay. He came to the attention of Five-Oh because he and a bunch of his buddies acted like fools while smoking the Devil’s lettuce in a building where not everyone appreciated the smell of skunk.

      • “And people wonder why stereotypes exist …”

        Why is it so hard to understand?

        Stereotypes exist because sometimes people or groups tend to perform similar or the same actions or have similar or the same ‘life styles’ – in common.

        This is why ‘stereotypes’ exist.

    • correct. they have lists essentially comprised of individuals most likely to succumb to violence. but, see, it’s raysis to identify them as such.

      • jr…you, johnny boy and the twit need to do more than blow bigoted smoke, take your smoke to the streets and straighten out those so called usual suspects…keep me posted on your progress from an ER or morgue.

    • ranger twit…The usual bigoted suspects do not have the balls to blow their bigoted usual suspects smoke in the face of the so called usual suspects…Time for you and that bigoted pos johnny boy to hit the streets or stfu.

      • No Debs, it’s time for YOU to shut the fuck up (see, I can actually spell it out for you) about how tough you are and a protector of all the ” downtrodden”. It’s not the slight bit racist to be pointing out that about a six percent segment of the population is commiting seventy-some percent of the violent crime in this country – but hey, let’s not draw attention to the very fat elephant in the room, that the left and yourself seem determined to keep covering for. Surprise, sweetheart ( if you really ARE a female ) your tired old song and dance has grown rancid. Go out to your three-phase – poewred !!! garage and build some more valve stem trigger blocks for yourself and all of your bropals you dried up hag, and let us sane people discuss the subject without you interjecting your same old same old.

        • Wow, unicorn! I wish I had said that. I’ve always thought that if the shoe fits you should kick yourself in the ass with it. I bet Debbie has a sore butt.

        • I’ve always figured what ever ‘IT’ is. It is just a lying liberal trying to be something ‘IT’ can never be.

        • No kidding, unicorn.
          If you screamed as loud as you could all by yourself inside of a cave, eventually the echoing would stop.
          With the divine Ms.W, we’re not so lucky.

        • “If you screamed as loud as you could all by yourself inside of a cave, eventually the echoing would stop.”

          I was going to suggest she’s a ‘screamer’ (Wink-wink, nudge-nudge), but in reality, all she would do is criticize you when certain ‘favors’ were being administered… 😉

        • No one’s shit-o-meter should be pegged past full this early on a Monday.
          Sheesh !!

      • Actually that was my job for over 20 years.

        Fairly successful given the number of them doing 30-life sentences.

  1. “Turner, who was clutching his waistband near an ‘L-shaped object’ was one of them, the report stated”

    an “L-shaped object”

    near a small boomerang?

    ya mean they could not identify it as a gun?

    good thing it wasn’t a Z-shaped object….they haven’t watched that episode on Sesame Street yet.

    • Yeah . . . this is how the Black Panthers started 50 or 60 years ago after a few too many stops for DWB inda hood. Then, they aligned themselves with (got co-opted by) the democrat party, Reagan started modern gun control, and American society has devolved ever since.

  2. Why is it so hard to not do all these extracurricular activities that draw attention to yourself while committing a crime?

    You can carry all day long anywhere as long as you behave yourself. You can around with people tied up in your trunk as long as you behave yourself. You can transport hundreds of pounds of drugs as long as you behave yourself. If this guy would have just acted like a human being for a few hours he wouldn’t have gotten caught but that proved too difficult.

    It’s a good thing most criminals are complete imbeciles with zero restraint otherwise cops would never catch anyone for DAs to release.

    As a general rule the more time you could get for whatever it is you’re doing the better behaved you should be.

    • Shire.
      A police detective friend of mine said years ago “We don’t catch the mart one’s”.
      Of course seldom are the people involved in criminal activities either smart or ambitious. The few that are usually end up as the bosses with the dumb ones doing the time or getting eliminated. Or the real smart criminals get elected to office where they can steal with impunity.

    • A dear law enforcement friend of mine once said: Just break one law at a time and you’ll be fine.

    • 99% of criminals are stupid, especially a certain demographic. There’s a warrant out for their arrest, and they’ll have a broken tail light, or speed, or smoke ganga while driving, or do any number of things to to attract the attention of the po-lice. You can’t fix stupid.

      The smart criminals are CEOs or in Congress.

    • When I took my parents’ vehicles out, at the age of 13-15, when they were asleep or left me alone with a vehicle and a key, I made it a point to obey all traffic laws. A friend told me that it’s the drunks doing the speed limit after midnight.

      I never got caught by the police. One night, someone who didn’t like me knocked on my door at 2 am, waking up my mom. This was before everyone had cell phones, so she had to wait until I got back at about 4 am.

  3. Little Known Fact…
    ” You can’t fix stupid ”
    No, but it is fully adjustable with a section of two-by-four.

  4. “Yet each year, Gov. J.B. Pritzker signs off on scores of millions paid to these organizations like ‘CeaseFire’ who employ ex-cons who will supposedly stop gang violence.”

    Election largesse. It will never go away, because the numbers are too big to realistically parse.

    • Homie gotta homie. Time to accelerate our move east. Not like Indiana is paradise but compared to this he!!hole it IS🙄 BTW it matter’s not if there’s an election coming up. Just the “Chicago way”…

      • You’re nearly 2 centuries late – “Chicago has a long history of political corruption, dating to the incorporation of the city in 1833”

  5. Seyz itz aintz sewz Davon (Barackobonikz)

    There’s your tax dollars at work as guaranteed he’s “workin'” for a joint funded by a Federal grant.

  6. This policy, and i use the term very loosely, has to be the most ridiculous thing that I’ve ever heard of. Some kind of backwards Hells Angels

  7. “Paid for by Illinois taxpayers.” – I’m throwing the BS card on that – follow the money and you’ll find the fedgov – Dept of “Justice”/etc.

  8. Of course people are going to game the system when a law is so poorly written.

    • Yes, and if he is wise he will take advantage of this opportunity to get with the times and switch to 9mm.

  9. Paying felons to be good…Chicago is just a basket case along with SF, Seattle, Baltimore, Philly…etc

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