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Chicago Bodycount: 14 Dead, 41 Wounded As Cops Diverted to Wrigley Field

John Boch - comments No comments

Chicago Police Homicides

The Chicago Cubs aren’t having such a great World Series, their first since 1945.  Thousands of Chicago cops are providing security near Wrigley field, diverted from other districts. It hasn’t been a good few days for Chicago residents either. HeyJackass reports that since Friday, 14 people have been killed and 41 more survived unwanted piercings in Windy City violence as of 8am Sunday.  It’s very much like a war zone in Chicago and Chicago police don’t have a single suspect in custody in any of the homicides.

Of course, generations of Democrat-sponsored gun control has left most of Chicago’s residents defenseless against violent predators. Affluent or well-connected baseball fans are watching the Cubs lose at Wrigley field. They pay over $1700 for lousy, standing room tickets and the best tickets selling for as much as $15,000, each. Meanwhile, outside of the security bubble around Wrigley Field, the less-protected neighborhoods have seen violence rivaling a war zone.

Even the Chicago Tribune reported on some of Saturday’s carnage.

8 dead, 25 others wounded in Chicago shootings

Porsche Jones had just returned to her Near West Side home from a Halloween party when she heard about 10 gunshots in the area.

She looked out her window just before 3 a.m. Sunday after hearing what sounded like a crash. She saw that a car had crashed into two parked cars and into a tree, knocking down two street signs. The passenger in the vehicle could be heard saying he was shot, she said.

“The driver was a little out of the window,” she said. “He moved one time and that’s it.”

…No one was in custody in any of the fatal shootings.

…In other shootings:

  • A 33-year-old man was grazed by a bullet in the back of the neck after getting into an altercation with a man, police said. The shooting happened at 4:20 a.m. Sunday in the 10011 block of South State Street in the Roseland neighborhood on the Far South Side. The man who the 33-year-old man was arguing with began firing shots as he was leaving the area. The 33-year-old man did not want medical help.

  • In the South Shore neighborhood about 3:35 a.m., a 32-year-old man was shot in the abdomen while standing outside in the 1700 block of East 69th Street, police said. His condition was stabilized at Northwestern Memorial Hospital.

  • One man was critically injured and two others were wounded in a shooting just before 3:30 a.m. in the 12300 block of South Emerald Avenue, police said. The men were leaving a party in the West Pullman neighborhood on the Far South Side when an unknown person began shooting at them. A 39-year-old man was shot on the side of his body, and he was listed in critical condition at Advocate Christ Medical Center. A 32-year-old man was shot in the right leg, and his condition was stabilized at Metro South Medical Center. A 31-year-old man was shot in the upper right leg, and he was in fair condition at Advocate Christ Medical Center.

  • Two men were shot about 2:40 a.m. while they were driving in the 2100 block of South Oakley Avenue in the Heart of Chicago neighborhood, police said. A 22-year-old man was shot in the shoulder, and a 20-year-old man was shot in the arm. Both were in good condition at Mount Sinai Hospital.

  • A 19-year-old man was shot in the arm during a drive-by shooting just after 2:20 a.m. in the 8600 block of South Morgan Street in the Gresham neighborhood on the South Side, police said. He was listed in good condition at Advocate Christ Medical Center.

  • Two men were wounded about 12:45 a.m. while they were inside a car in the 7800 block of South Christiana Avenue in the Ashburn neighborhood on the Far South Side, police said. An unknown person got out of a car and began shooting at the men. A 25-year-old man was shot in the buttocks, and he was listed in good condition at Advocate Christ Medical Center. A 22-year-old man was grazed by a bullet on his hand, and he didn’t want medical help.

  • About 11:15 p.m. Saturday, a 22-year-old man was shot in the right side of his abdomen while he was walking in the 7100 block of South Yates Boulevard in the South Shore neighborhood, police said. He was taken to Northwestern Memorial Hospital, where his condition was stabilized.

  • A 24-year-old man was shot in the leg after someone at a house party opened fire, police said. He was shot just before 10:50 p.m. in the 8400 block of South Parnell Avenue in the Gresham neighborhood. He took himself to Jackson Park Hospital and Medical Center, where his condition was stabilized.

  • In the South Chicago neighborhood at 9:30 p.m., a 20-year-old man was shot in the right arm while he was standing in an alley in the 8600 block of South Yates Boulevard, police said. His condition was stabilized at Advocate Christ Medical Center.

  • Two people were wounded after a male, wearing a mask, walked into a restaurant in the 700 block of West 79th Street in Gresham and began firing shots, police said. A 54-year-old woman was shot in the back, and her condition was stabilized at Advocate Christ Medical Center. A 36-year-old woman was shot in the foot, and her condition was stabilized at St. Bernard Hospital. No one was in custody.

  • In the Lawndale neighborhood on the West Side, a male was shot in the left hip just before 8:30 p.m. in the 1800 block of South Karlov Avenue, police said. Officers later changed the crime scene to the 1800 block of South Komensky Avenue. He was in good condition at Mount Sinai Hospital.

  • About 7:20 p.m., a 36-year-old man was shot in the 1100 block of West 57th Street in the Englewood neighborhood. The man was shot in the upper body, Sweeney said. Information about where he was hospitalized was not immediately released.

  • In the Uptown neighborhood, a 25-year-old man was shot in the 4500 block of North Sheridan Road about 6:15 p.m., Sweeney said. The man suffered a graze wound to the arm and was taken to Illinois Masonic Medical Center, where his condition was stabilized.

  • About 5:40 p.m., an 18-year-old man was shot on the Near West Side. He was shot in the arm in the 1000 block of West 14th Street, had a graze wound to the head, and was taken to Stroger Hospital in good condition, Sweeney said.

  • A 33-year-old man was critically injured when he was shot in the head about 5:20 p.m. in the 4400 block of South Prairie Avenue in the Bronzeville neighborhood, said Officer Thomas Sweeney, a police spokesman. The man was taken to Stroger Hospital in critical condition.

  • Earlier, an 18-year-old man suffered a gunshot wound to the leg in the 3400 block of West Douglas Boulevard in the Lawndale neighborhood about 3:40 p.m. He was taken to Mount Sinai Hospital in good condition, according to police, who did not immediately release any details of the shooting’s circumstances.

  • A 24-year-old woman was shot about 12:30 p.m. in 1200 block of South Independence Boulevard in the Lawndale neighborhood, police said. She was taken to Mount Sinai Hospital in serious condition with a gunshot wound to the right torso, according to a police summary of the incident. The woman was standing on the street when a newer-model silver car with two people inside, a woman who was driving and a man, pulled up, police said. The man fired one shot at the woman, hitting her, and the car then drove off heading east on Roosevelt Road, according to police. The shooting was believed to be narcotics-related, police said.

  • Also Saturday afternoon, a man was shot in the 3900 block of West Jackson Boulevard in the West Garfield Park neighborhood about 12:10 p.m., police said. The 19-year-old man was standing on Jackson when a red car pulled up and someone got out and fired shots, hitting the man in the buttocks, then got back in and drove off. The man was taken to Mount Sinai Hospital, where he was in good condition.

0 thoughts on “Chicago Bodycount: 14 Dead, 41 Wounded As Cops Diverted to Wrigley Field”

  1. Yep, the first Cu bs appearance in the World Series in 71 years is turning into a bloodbath. Who could have guessed that?

    • Until that city recognizes that it has lost the ability for Civilian police and calls in the national guard and stations them on every street corner in the crime ridden areas, nothing is going to get fixed.

      They need to declare martial law in that city.

      • That is what the Wilson government thought when they sent the Army into Belfast. How did that work out for them?

        • They went about it wrong. If they were serious about it (and I’m glad they weren’t) they would have gone into Belfast like the 3rd Guards Army went into Berlin.

    • Take me out to the ball game,
      take me out to the crowd
      buy me some peanuts and crackerjack
      I don’t care if I never get back…….

      Let bangers shoot, shoot, shoot
      for their own clique
      if they don’t kill it’s a trick

      for it’s one, two, three bangs
      you’re dead,
      in the same old s#!+………

      -with all due respect to the original by Albert von Tilzer and Jack Norworth……….

  2. I am a Sox fan. This wouldn’t happen if the Sox were in the Series. That increased police presence on the Southside would have kept things in check.

    Go Indians, Cubs suck!

  3. “generations of Democrat-sponsored gun control has left most of Chicago’s residents defenseless against violent predators.”

    Give it up, John. For the love of God, give it up.

    You posthumously insult Otis McDonald by pretending he never lived. SCOTUS struck down Chicago’s ban on handguns, thanks to courageous people like Otis and many others.

    You insult Michael Moore (not the obese filmmaker), Mary Shepard and the Second Amendment Foundation, who sued the Springfield elite into acknowledging the Constitution and creating a concealed carry statute, which is shall-issue with state preemption.

    The good but naive people of Chicago are defenseless, only because of their own ignorant reliance on the government to protect them from evil.

    • Curtis: You don’t undo generations of eschewing gun ownership in one lawsuit judgement. The lack of guns among Chicago residents remains endemic despite recent changes spurred by Otis McDonald’s lawsuit. Nobody’s insulting Otis McDonald.

      To believe that with the Supreme Court ruling our way in McDonald will suddenly change attitudes and distribute a million or two million guns among the good citizens of Chicagoland conditioned to think that gun ownership is only for criminals is short-sighted at best, and foolhardy to put it nicely.

      As for Otis McDonald’s Ghost’s creative re-write of history:

      “totally struck down Illinois UUW law and gave us a clean slate to pass a decent concealed carry bill”. It gave the legislature six months to pass a bill. A bill was going to get passed. The question was whether we would get a shall issue bill or a “may issue” bill. We went with Shall Issue as we didn’t have the votes to block the may issue. Otis McDonald’s Ghost (aka “Ken”, GunsSaveLife.com’s resident troll?) ignores that bit of reality.

      With that in mind, ad hominem attacks in comments are not permitted. OMG’s repeated violations have earned him the ban hammer.


      • Well John, it sounds like you’re sort of agreeing with me. The problem in Chicago is not the laws, it’s the attitudes of its citizens.

        Every county in Illinois had exactly zero concealed carry licenses on 1/1/2014. Since then, Cook County residents have been the slowest to take advantage of their newly-recognized right to self-defense. Cook still has fewer licenses per capita than any other county. They are restrained by their attitudes, not by laws.

        But every time you publish the latest tragic statistics evidencing Chicago’s pathetic failure in their criminal justice system, you mention their laws, when in fact their laws are barely more restrictive than the rest of the state, and way more permissive than other urban cesspools where the crime is not as bad.

        Honestly, Chicago fits in nicely with the gun control narrative of permissive gun laws leading to violent crime. Other large cities on the east and west coasts have much more restrictive gun laws and less crime. It fits their narrative, not ours, which is why I really wish you would find something else to write about.

        • That’s because it’s basically impossible to USE them anywhere. If you’re a pedestrian you don’t have a car to leave your CC piece in, and you can’t go into a building with a “no Beretta” sign legally. Kind of leaves those people up a creek for actually carrying a gun.

          That said it always warms my heart a bit to hear of a DGU in Chicago. It means some people are getting the message on it. As you say, it will take years to get things right if they ever are. Even an hour outside of Chicago there are business that have the signs, but they are a lot fewer.

    • There is still no gun store anywhere in Chicago proper to this day. Just because one court case was won does not mean they aren’t trying their damnedest to stop as many people as possible from buying them legally. Obama once said something like it’s easier to get a gun than a book. The reality is in Chicago it is easier to get a gun illegally than legally, and that’s by design.

    • The murder rate of any society is determined by its culture alone. Everything is else is a casual statistical relationship. London and New York City have good records going back 300 years, and London’s murder rate has always been lower the NY’s, long before there were any gun laws in either. Russia has very few private guns but a much higher murder rate than the US. Switzerland has many guns but few murders. South Korea and Japan have essentially zero private guns but both have a much higher suicide rate than the US.

      Chicago has a violent culture that is reinforced by their permissive legal system that releases criminal easily in accordance with the demands of their Democrar political overlords.

      Nothing is going to change until the people of Chicago demand that criminals stay in jail, an end to the pointless war on drugs, and take responsibility for their own defense.

  4. i’m always surprised to see anyone who is admitted to stroger or sinai walk out alive. but they patch up a bunch of miscreants daily.
    this is not really news; small areas of a handful of neighborhoods have turf skirmishes constantly. all of the judges (excepting for chiampas) let them right back out onto the street. phooey.
    real news- last night while pursuing a vehicle involved in a shooting, police were shot at. one man in custody, one escaped on foot in little village.. also last night in south shore during a routine (is there such a thing these days?) traffic stop, the squad car was fired upon from an unknown source. no injuries, no suspects.

    • The best way to learn trauma medicine is to practice. Aside from possible hospital-acquired infections an inner city ER is not a bad place to get treatment for a gunshot wound.

  5. I can’t believe this is happening in my country. Then again it is not my country anymore. I am a deplorable bitter clinger that just goes to work, pays taxes and obeys the law. Where can I go?

    • You realize that overall the nationwide murder rate is about half of what it was in the 80s, and that you have to go back to the 50s to find a 3 year period where less cops were killed than on 2012-15. This is per the FBI’s crime stats website.
      When did your country stop being your country?

  6. “The shooting was believed to be narcotics-related, police said.”

    No sh!t, Sherlock.

    Wow, I’m so impressed by the Chicago police. It seems like every one of them is a member of Mensa.

  7. And in related news, nobody knows anything and nobody saw anything. Then they complain because the police aren’t doing anything.

  8. I guess I was right about you Boch. The Cubs have literally NOTHING to do with the normal weekend violence. Oh and SOX suck…

    • FWW: Aside from retasking cops to work the World Series, you’re right.

      The fact that a whole bunch of cops have been bused out of the “hot spots” to Wrigleyville is a pretty significant factor though.

      • Of course I’m right. So is Curtis. So you got OMG banned? I have a troll following me(and jwm)making all kinds of annoying(and evil) comments. I guess we’re not “special”…

  9. The good news is that eventually Chicago is going to run out of shooters and shootees. But it may take awhile. Expect the situation to ramp up considerably after the election, especially if Trump wins. Wheeeeeeeeee!!! Good times, good times. It so wonderful living in the age of the New Enlightenment.

  10. Well, gun control works as we see. If you outlaw weapons, they will just disappear magically. That is common sense. It simply works. Nothing new here…

  11. Jwm. You are not wrong. It’s just that these street corner pharmaceutical salespeople don’t give a crap about a ending a life. It’s all take take take by any means necessary. Rob cheat steal. Start shooting.
    I’m a Sox fan and I won’t go to a home game anymore. It’s just too dangerous. And there is no way you will ever catch me at Wrigley for a scrubs game.

  12. Mike has it right
    The minority areas of Chicago have a hip hop thug glorifying culture
    All these shootings take place there
    The tourist zones of Chicago are perfectly safe


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