In the dashcam video below, Chicago police officer Marco Proano holds his gun gangsta style before firing 16 rounds into a stolen car, wounding two of the four teens inside the vehicle. The incident went down in December of 2013. In August of this year, a jury of Officer Proano’s peers found him guilty of two felony counts of using excessive force in violating the victims’ civil rights. His lawyer’s defense [via] beggars belief . . .
Proano did not testify in his own defense. [Proano’s attorney Daniel Herbert] argued that the officer did exactly as he was trained to stop the threat and also protect the life of one of the teens, whom he said was hanging from a passenger window as the car reversed.
He had to shoot the teen to protect him. Got it.
Herbert also argued that the federal prosecutor was making his client into “somewhat of a scapegoat” for the anti-cop fervor that followed the 2014 death of Laquan McDonald. Speaking of prior history that the jury wasn’t allowed to consider . . .
Records show the 2013 incident was Proano’s third on-duty shooting in three years. In 2010, he was one of five officers who opened fire on a car after a chase and crash in the 700 block of West 91st Street. The driver — 32-year-old Garfield King, a convicted felon — was killed, according to a database of police-involved shootings compiled by the Chicago Tribune. Proano, meanwhile, fired five rounds into the vehicle, wounding a 19-year old woman riding in the passenger seat of King’s car.
Less than a year later, in July 2011, Proano fatally shot 19-year-old Niko Husband at close range during a struggle as police tried to break up an unruly dance party on the South Side. Proano said Husband had tried to pull a gun.
Proano was cleared in both shootings by the now-defunct Independent Police Review Authority, records show. He was also given a superintendent’s award of valor for Husband’s shooting, which Herbert said in his filing is granted for acts of “outstanding bravery or heroism.”
A Cook County jury later ruled the shooting of Husband was unjustified and awarded his mother $3.5 million in damages. But the judge overseeing the case set aside the jury’s verdict, a ruling that’s being appealed.
Officer Proano’s sentencing is due today. He faces up to eight years in jail (down from a potential 16). No matter what the sentence, the Chicago police department will finally be able to terminate his employment, if not his pension and benefits.
I appreciate that TTAG still posts articles about Springfield; this shows me that the TTAG staff are truly impartial and won’t let (even highly warranted) bias affect the things they post.
I chuckled when I read the part where Springfield Head Honcho Dennis Reese quoted “Our customers told us they’d like the fight-stopping power of a .45 ACP, with the easy racking ability of our XD-E Series,”
That’s not what the customers are saying, Mr. Reese. The customers are saying that they would like to see the fight-stopping power of your company leveraged against anti-gun opponents.
Sounds like this guy would make a good character in a video game franchise. Something like Chitown Cop Car Capping.
I only carry subcompact pistols
I also live in Florida and I carry a Sig 938 in my carry rotation
It is only slightly larger than the 238 and can still be pocket carried
Mine can shoot any brand or weight ammo
I also sometimes carry my wife’s Walther Ppk/s
It functions perfectly with Golden Saber hollowpoint and Winchester semi wadcutters
So that is what I shoot through it
Some guns are finicky about what food they will digest
The Walther works great with that and I am confident it will work as long as those are the ammo used
.380 hollow point expansion may be problematic, so I usually opt for the better penetration of the truncated cone type semi wadcutter bullets
Sure makes nice round holes in paper and in pumpkins!
Key point is to always have a gun!
Only 16 rounds?? Must have run out of bullets. Not folks to shoot at. 16 rounds does seem a bit excessive for a car stop. Since He got away with other shootings. He must have thought wtf lets empty the gun this time.
I feel a bit under armed with 9 rounds. I have to get me a hi cap police type gun now.
So the police and Islam are races? Who knew?
I’m not justifying the officer shooting into the car, BUUUUUUT Police in the ghetto are often targets for violence from urban blacks Look at the police Assassinated in Texas, new york, and Shitcago. A constant chain of catch an release and physical, verbal, and mental abuse, being called racist and internal police policy/ pressure to ignore criminal behavior to make the crime look like its being reduced while the oposite(sic) is true.
Major shakeup in the supremely corrupt Chiraq po-leece. They set free 15convicted felons last week who were “maybe” cooreced into confessions. My favorite video was johhny law shooting down a crowded residential street at a speeding car. Of course he didn’t hit anything…😜😆😋
I own horses, I have Grand children, I teach my grand children safety around horses. I own Circular saws I teach them safety around circular saws. The one who is driving now I have helped his Mom and Dad teach about vehicle safety.
Thunderstorms, tornado, snakes, hammers and a long list of things that can harm or kill them.
I have taught a son to shoot, and two grandson’s to shoot as well as safety around Guns.
I teach them safety with knives.
You see Ma’am I don’t just let children run naked through danger and take the time to teach them how to be safe, reliable and to not commit Murder.
I teach the children around me I don’t wait till they find something they do not know about and then scream shrill and scared to stay away from the bad old (_____________________) “insert perceived dangerous child killing device” nor do I wait for the paid propaganda purveyors in their schools to teach them.
I am a real Parent non helicopter hands on and attentive.
Not a snowflake.
Guess there are none…
Interestingly, she shows her true colors when commenting about the use of the word “infidel.” Infidel simply means unfaithful or unbeliever; it has the same lexical root as infidelity, to be unfaithful to a relationship. All atheists are infidels to all religions. And yet she interprets it in the Islamic context, where to be unfaithful to Islam (and Islam specifically), to be an unbeliever, is to be an enemy to be fought.
I like the conflation of self defense and murder.
I suppose their attempt is something, but they fall very short only scratching the surface, keeping it about guns instead of bothering to go into any other aggravating factors. If you really want to have a conversation and analyze the problem, taking about only one factor won’t get you anywhere.
Yeah I don’t know if anyone’s selling a new ‘under 200’ pump shotguns. Maybe some weird Turkish clones that are slowly filtering in.
Your own article by Liberte Austin cited that lion populations are down 42% in the last 20 years.
Too many comments here that are full of hot air. Find a Tacit-tard (looking) expert and hang on to every instruction. Full sleeve tats, 5.11 pants, para cord bracelet, of course the scruffy beard (male or female) is a true indicator of the “expert”. Congrats you’ve struck gold. Pew pew….. Don’t forget your wallet!!!!!
1. I don’t particularly like or trust cops. I have the freedom not to buy a “Blue Lives Matter” charging handle, or to buy a “Black Li[v]es Matter” charging handle.
2. Gee Liz, are you demanding that I stop calling myself an infidel and swear the Shahada? What if I don’t? Will you try to behead me? I’m your huckleberry.
I didn’t see anyone mention that Palin was joking. It’s worth mentioning, though the question is worthy of discussion.
And yes, it would be an over-reaction to pull a gun on someone because of a crude comment, because they keep asking for sex after the woman has clearly said she is not interested, or even because of a grope. Imminent and credible threat of rape or serious injury, that’s different.
I preferred my M240G. but I never was a fan of riding around in RPG magnets.
TESS, you do whats right for your family. Don’t tell me whats best for mine! I’ll blow away anyone the threatens my life or that of my loved ones. It is my “GOD GIVEN RIGHT”
let’s be real. not all old men are wise, this is one of those times. some dumbasses do make it to old age, and then shoot themselves apparently LOL
In the words of Bugs Bunny “What a maroon”.
Hold off on the pitchforks for a second. Is this really felony worthy….
Don’t want to shoot from inside the vehicle, uh, so I was told.
Those look like the bits of a pretty plain jane AR – hard to see $1000.
Tapco stock, standard gas block/front sight, plastic M4 style hand guard not a free floated one, basic plastic grip, looks like a run of the mill BCG.
Nothing wrong with a plain jane AR, I have one, but it was closer to $500. Methinks he may be exaggerating a bit.
Many criminals are gun owners…illegal gun owners…and they lead dangerous lives….
And remember…600,000-1M abortions every year in the USA…a leading means of death and destruction
I a pro-2A and pro-choice…because why be a hypocrite on either side…
Maybe if fatboy Proano knew how to shoot a handgun like a man instead of a ghetto rat, he would have eliminated the witnesses. Not that I’m advocated that.
Hey don’t destroy them . Send them to me. I can find a good use for them. Through a dealer of course to keep it legal.
Lives in Coachella and sometimes works on movie sets with props etc. Yeah, that’s a typical AR owner. 😀
No IOINC????
“I wonder how the NRA will respond come election time . . .”
If history is any guide, they will respond by pestering the living fuck out of me to give them money, spending more in mailings and phone calls than my measly yearly membership nets them.
Oh, you mean how they will respond to Trump? By continuing to act like he’s the second coming of Gun Jesus, in spite of there being scant evidence to support that characterization.
Cool. Just like an old Kodak slide projector when I was in third grade.
Tom Knapp.
A handful of clays and a voice you’ll never forget.