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With runaway violent crime in Chicago continuing to get worse instead of better, lawful citizens in the Windy City are increasingly taking the advice a city 911 dispatcher gave a home intrusion victim a few weeks ago, and that’s not sitting well with the local liberal newspaper.

The victim count on any given weekend in Chicago is simply astounding. According to reports, last weekend over 70 people were shot in the city, nine of them fatally. Add to the increased violence an even more increased response time by police, and you have a recipe for disaster.

Just ask the Chicago mother who, on May 18, confronted two home invaders inside her house. Her response was to call 911—a prudent move in any emergency—but when the chips were down the woman, known only as Michelle to ensure her privacy, didn’t get the help she was expecting.

Six calls and fours later, Chicago police finally arrived at her home. Of course, the home intruders were long gone by then.

The most interesting part of the story is what the dispatcher said to Michell on one of her six calls for help. “The dispatcher also asked me if I would consider defending myself … if I had a weapon or considered getting one,” she told ABC News.

Recent self-defense shootings indicate that more and more people are doing just that. And that’s what has the Chicago Tribune editorial board up in arms. Law-abiding citizens using firearms to protect themselves has caused much concern for the editorial board.

“Worryingly, we’re seeing more signs of that phenomenon in Chicago, with three separate episodes over the last weekend in which would-be victims proved to be both armed and willing to fire at their assailants,” the board wrote in a recent editorial.

The op-ed continued: “Surely, it doesn’t help the narrative, either, when the Chicago Police Department has more than 1,000 openings for officers that it’s struggling to fill, Surely, our public officials … can agree that the growing risks of more ordinary citizens taking responsibility for their own safety at the point of a gun isn’t a healthy development.”

One of the most egregious declarations in the op-ed titled “Editorial: Potential victims are shooting back. This should raise alarms for Chicago public officials,” the editorial board states: “When a large slice of the public believes that crime is out of hand and most offenses go unpunished, some people inevitably take the law into their own hands.”

Taking the law into your own hands is going out and capturing and/or shooting people who are committing random crimes that a person may happen upon, it is a far cry from “defending” yourself when attacked. Perhaps, just perhaps, going full Charles Bronson in Death Wish (or Bruce Willis, take your pick, his version was cool too) could be seen as taking the law into one’s own hands. Though the TTAG Editorial Board, if there was such a thing, would probably be okay with that.

Obviously, the Tribune editorial board has it exactly wrong when it comes to concealed firearms and armed self-defense. The growing “risk” of more ordinary citizens taking responsibility for their own safety at the point of a gun is, in fact, a healthy development. And it’s a development that has occurred because city leaders are soft on criminals and hard on lawful gun owners.

In the end, thanks to the Biden violent crime wave more people around the country are realizing that they are responsible for taking care of themselves and their families, and firearms are the great equalizer when it comes to facing armed criminals.

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  1. The bully masters always get worried when they think the peons have the capability to resist and fight back.

  2. Humans have always been responsible for their own safety. Some just didn’t realize it until it was too late.

    • Chiraq is lost no matter what. The peons continue to vote blue(if they bother). Lets go Brandon da mayor got a tiny % of votes. Now he’s pushing for “reparation’s”(!) even though colored folks run Chiraq & by extension ILLANNOY into oblivion. Not my beautiful wife though. She’s a registered Republican🙄

  3. Cities are opting to hire illegals for police positions. They are perfect for the liberal cities. Mayors want nothing done and the illegals are happy with that.

  4. “Surely, our public officials … can agree that the growing risks of more ordinary citizens taking responsibility for their own safety at the point of a gun isn’t a healthy development.”

    Well, unhealthy for the would be thieves for sure. But unless we are getting into vigilantism, citizens being responsible for their own well-being is a positive development.

    • It’s encouraging that the honest citizens of The Democratic Republic of Chicongo are standing up against the Banger Forces – but really, the only logical solution is to move not only out of the city, but also away from the rapidly deteriorating state of Ill-noise…and do so before the upcoming DNC convention.
      The smoke and flames will most likely be visible for a hundred miles. (aka, mostly peaceful celebration)

  5. The Bruce Willis death wish was NOT cool

    It sucked and was a travesty that Jason statham wasn’t cast in it.

    • Charles Bronson.
      Way cooler then Stathem.
      Bruce Willis stared in Die Hard, it was a movie about a drunk, a ho, a car wreck and a bottle of Viagra

    • Charles Bronson -Death Wish.
      Bruce Willis ,Die Hard.
      A movie about a drunk a ho, a car wreck and a bottle of Vyagra.<—(see if that was it?)

  6. The victim count on any given weekend in Chicago is simply astounding. According to reports, last weekend over 70 people were shot in the city, nine of them fatally.

    There is a GINORMOUS bias problem right from the git-go in that statement: it assumes that all of the those people with gunshot wounds were “victims” when all of them could be violent attackers who happened to have chosen armed people to prey upon.

    Here are some facts:
    — There is a lot of violent crime in Chicago.
    — Government often fails to prosecute and imprison violent attackers.
    — There is legal risk when a victim defends him/herself with a firearm.

    Given those three simple facts, I can easily imagine that a LOT of the people who show up to hospitals with gunshot wounds (dead or alive) are, in fact, violent criminal attackers who are the result of the true victims using firearms in righteous self-defense.

  7. This is what happens when you say “defund the police.” Eventually self preservation will kick in for most people. And they will get over their resistance to getting a firearm.

    But that is only the first step.The next step is supporting the second amendment. And many of these new gun owners, haven’t taken that step yet.


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