Chip McCormick has made standard-length 8-round 1911 magazine for decades. They go like stink, and I’ve used them myself for more than 15 years. Now, of course, they’re illegal in New York State. I talked to Chip briefly today about the NY Gun Ban . . .

What does The Man himself (pictured) have to say about Andrew Cuomo’s grand plan to save humanity? “Ridiculous! My F350 diesel pickup is a lot more dangerous than a 1911, and I don’t see them banning those.”

Chip is right, but no idea seems to bizarre or too stupid for New York to try. Bloomberg already banned Big Gulps, so I suggest we don’t give Cuomo any more ideas.



      • He already owns an F350 that probably comes with a 40 gal. tank so it should be grandfathered. He just can’t put more than 7 gallons in it. New F350s will be required to have the 7 gallon tanks!

        • Pickups are OK. Not many people die in them. I think we should do something about those “High Capacity” 15 passenger “Econoline” vans. There is NO reason to risk that many people in one auto.

          If it only saves one life…

          Do it for the children.

        • Truthfully I can’t believe they haven’t banned those huge vans yet. They are used in human smuggling a LOT down south.

        • No, I’m sure he would be required to permanently install a capacity-limiting inflatable device. With the definition for “permanent” left legally vague (see: CA mag cap limit laws) so they could bring charges against you at any time.

          I’m not bitter or anything.

  1. It would be nice to the see the gun manufacturers refuse to sell firearms and related gear to any state run agency in NY. I doubt it will happen…but one can always hope.

    • It would be nice to see gun manufacturers support each other during a relocation from these gun hating States. Whatever needs to be done to assist these companies to escape from New York, Illinois and California. Then they can go back to trying to put each other out of business by new and better products.

  2. Love my Chip McCormic mags.

    “In a man to man fight, the winner is he who has one more round in his magazine.”
    -Erwin Rommel, speaking from personal experience in WWI, after he was shot upon running out of ammo in his K98.

    • That’s hilarious. Maybe we should run this
      on a few tv spots, just to show the level of
      absurdity in many of the anti’s arguments.

    • How do you know? What if he hauls heavy loads with it? There are plenty of *needs* for a large truck.

      • Well, if he needs to haul anything, we can create a new government department to haul it for him, thus creating new jobs for citizens in need. Of course, the jobs will be union jobs, and the loads to be hauled will have to be checked for safety by TSA and for environmental safety by EPA.

      • Actually he could go Willie Nelson and fill that sucker up with biodiesel… Mix strained fryer grease with lye and wiper fluid in a heated, stirred container and you can fill it up for 70 cents a gallon. Look up the Gears Auto Show website; they have the details. You could probably fill it up for less than a Prius without losing your balls.

    • As we all know, those oversized F-350s are only good for mowing down crowds of 30 or more people at a time. They have no practical use whatsoever.

    • What are you compensating for with that big truck?

      I’m guessing it’s making up for that little .380 you carry.

  3. Has anyone tried to connect two mags together end to end, with the cartridge alignment reversed? You know, to facilitate rapid mag changes like you’d have to with those dinky New York 7-round AR mags? Which violates no law that that I’m aware of?

    Yeah. Me too.

  4. Chris aren’t you a lawyer? That’s what I think I remember from some previous post at least. Could you get a legal breakdown of the NY law. I looked at the cleaned up version this morning and it runs 38 0r 39 pages of legalese. I have had a number of conversations with other NY folks today and no one “really” understands all of what the hell just happened. I am not joking. We seriously don’t understand the legal implications of this law. Yes some mags are banned. But does that mean we have to register them? Do we have a grace period? I even saw in this law something about transferring stuff out of state and you have to report that to the state police in 72 hours or your a felon.

    There is some really crazy stuff here. Understand that we may disagree with it but it is now the law. I’m just looking for help quite honestly.

    • I tried to have a ‘quick take’ on the NY law yesterday, but my the damned thing is so complicated and poorly written it made my head spin. My post was riddled with errors and I had to edit the crap out of it.

      One of us will take a more detailed look at the NY law soon, but for the next few days we’ve got a SHOT show to cover and honestly that’s much more fun!

  5. I hope some of these companies relocate to Michigan. We need the jobs here, and have plenty of manufacturing capabilities.

  6. In the police academy they taught us that there is only one 100% affective impact weapon…

    Crown Victoria at 70 mph.

  7. Any state stupid enough to ban the size cup you can drink from will soon ban all your guns and anything else the feel is bad for everyone. This is what happens when the no good COMMIES take over.

  8. I’m probably on some gubmint list now, because I sent one hell of an e-mail to the NY governor. I mentioned how surprised I was that with all his schooling and fancy degrees, and prestigious job experience, that he had no clue as to the definition of “infringed”. So I wrote that he had apparently had never read the Constitution of the US or his rich family had paid someone to do his school work for him. I think I might have also mentioned that I hoped he would soon be unemployed and homeless. What can I say, the arogant elitist bastard made me angry.

    • You and me both bro, Told them over my dead body Swear I am being followed ,

      But hey that is why I am always armed.

      Sooner or Later it’s ALAMO time or they will sneak up on me.
      Good Luck from Ronk NY.

  9. New York is working overtime to keep its number 50 position on the annual George Mason University State Freedom Survey.

    New Jersey is jealous and wants that “honor.”

  10. 8 rd mag = big gulp in threateningness. Is new york in some kind of fag fantasy world or what.

  11. The elitists and statists know that when the economic collapse begins and tshtf, everyone will finally realize that they, the Federal Reserve System, Alan Greenspan, corrupt congress, and the sattelite banking syndicate were the cause.
    Bubbles and bust, bubbles and bust. Complete wealth confiscation at every turn.
    They are all afraid of losing what they stole, the power that they hold, and being held accountable for ruining the rest of us.
    The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and now it is 2013. Any questions?

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