Chipman Says His Nomination Was a ‘Gangster Move’ By the White House…Now Feels Abandoned


Biden Gangster

By Lee Williams

During his confirmation process for ATF director, David Chipman said very little publicly – even turning his Twitter account to private. Now that the White House has withdrawn his nomination, Chipman can’t seem to shut up, and he’s got nothing good to say about Biden’s team, who he claims left him hanging out to dry.

In a recent interview with The New York Times, Chipman said he felt abandoned by the administration and on “an island” when pro-gun groups began attacking him.

No one from the White House, he claimed, even bothered to call.

“Either this was impossible to win, or the strategy failed,” Chipman told the newspaper, adding, “This was a failure.” Later in the interview, Chipman described nominating someone like him – a lifelong anti-gun activist – as a “gangster move” by White House staff.

Once his nomination fizzled, Chipman found it “unusual” that no one from Biden’s team offered any options. “In the back of my mind, I always thought that there would be a Plan B, but so far there hasn’t been,” Chipman told The New York Times.

In the interview, Chipman confirmed he has returned to work at Giffords – which we revealed in a story published Monday. The story also showed how Giffords are using Chipman as a fundraising tool.


Many pro-gun groups contributed to Chipman’s demise, including the National Shooting Sports Foundation but, ultimately, his nomination was killed by hundreds of thousands of American gun owners who contacted their senators and told them to reject Biden’s pick.

Still, Chipman remains fixated on the NSSF and its senior vice-president for government and public affairs, assistant secretary and general counsel, Larry Keane.

“Larry Keane put up a photo of me that he knew was false, trying to get me killed,” told the newspaper.

David Chipman

The photo purportedly showed Chipman posing on the burnt remains of the Branch Davidian compound after the bloody siege in Waco, Texas. Once NSSF and dozens of other websites discovered the agent in the photo was not Chipman, the photo was taken down. Keane told the Times Chipman’s death threat allegations were “categorically false.”

Personally, I believe the allegation that Keane, the NSSF, or anyone else tried to get him killed is evidence that Chipman is in dire need of serious psychological help.


To be clear, nominating a paid anti-gun activist to oversee the lone federal agency tasked with regulating the firearms industry was not gangster. It was stupid and meant to send a message.

Joe Biden, Susan Rice
(AP Photo, File)

Chipman’s nomination – likely the brainchild of Susan Rice – was intended as an insult to American gun owners, and that is exactly how it was received. Of course we responded forcefully – what did the White House expect? This is our lifestyle they have chosen to attack.

The Chipman saga reminds me of when I was a young boy on my uncle’s farm and accidentally touched an electric fence. I got zapped and learned never to do that again. By nominating Chipman, the Biden-Harris administration touched the fence and got zapped. Hard. Unfortunately, I doubt they’ve learned a lesson. If they continue to target gun owners, they’re destined to get zapped again and again.


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This story is part of the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project and is published here with their permission.



  1. They were interested in him being a useful idiot and with his chances of being the head of the ATF dashed he’s now just a useless idiot so there’s no interest.

    • You have to admit, Ralph –

      At least a used rubber provided some useful service… 😉

  2. He wasn’t abandoned Biden just forgot about him.
    Apparently Biden’s handlers couldn’t be bothered to put a sticky-note on his sippy cup to remind him so he fell through the cracks.

  3. With a steady flow of bloomturd and soros bucks into his bank account over the past decade plus, he should feel like a POS traitor. Also a daily violator of his oath to uphold the Constitution. Let’s not even get into celebrating after women and children burned at Waco. Job well done.🤪

    Enjoy those “trophy pics” you monster.
    Do you and soros pleasure each other while flipping through them?🤔

  4. Love that opening pic of sippy cup Joe.

    Should be captioned “I’ll make him an offer I can’t remember”.🤪

    • Add FBI murderer Lon Horiuchi to the list. The souls of Vicki and Sammy Weaver cry out for justice denied..

  5. Well Chipman, now you have seen how much the dark side of the force cares for you now that you are out of a job. Its a good thing you have that income from the Gifford’s to fall back on.

    • That’s the question. Continuing the electric fence analogy, I grew up on a small family farm…

      Whoop! Whoop! Boomer story alert!

      …anyhow, as I was saying. We had a mixture of farm animals, usually including a steer or two. When we bought the place, it had about an acre of pasture surrounded by a broken down fence, that we supplemented with a strand of electrified wire. Dad tied strips of orange surveyor’s tape to it every so often, so the critters inside would associate that fluttering tape with a shock, and hopefully trick them into staying away from the fence. It worked with all but one. This one steer became fascinated with that tape, and he worked his way around that entire fence, eating that tape down to bare knots. We could see and hear the electricity arcing into his tongue and mouth, and it never fazed him. Probably thought it was spicy.

      Yeah, Biden got zapped, but will it faze him? He’s on a mission, to do what he’s told and make it to lunch, naysayers be damned.

    • You think Democrats plan that far ahead? They only look as far ahead as the next opinion poll or press statement.

  6. So he’s basically upset he missed out on some high profile federal gravy train?
    The “asshole hole” he keeps digger just gets deeper and deeper.

  7. Just another screwball Biden tried to put in a high place. Did you see his Banking Regulator pick? Saule Omarova, a Cornell University law professor, is a native of Kazakhstan and graduated from Moscow State University, where she received the “Lenin Personal Academic Scholarship,” according to her resume. Biden promotes Communism and should be removed from office.

  8. I tend to think Chipman was never really expected to be a successful nomination. I think it likely the nomination was payment for one (or more) of the many favors he surely owes on from the campaign.

    Biden would not have been the nominee had it not been for myriad favors and deals – Klobuchar dropping out when she was poised to cream Biden in the Minnesota primary, etc. Ain’t nothing free in politics. Every candidate for President ends up making deals, but Biden probably owes far more than most.

  9. “This was a failure.”
    Just like you.

    “Chipman found it ‘unusual’ that no one from Biden’s team offered any options.”
    You mean you didn’t know that lefties throw useful idiots under the bus one they become useless?

  10. “Chipman described nominating someone like him – a lifelong anti-gun activist – as a “gangster move” ”

    Well, if he really thought that way he could’ve not accepted the nomination. Chipman had to know it wasn’t going to be any sort of free ride.

    “The Chipman saga reminds me of when I was a young boy on my uncle’s farm and accidentally touched an electric fence.”

    No, the Biden regime had to know exactly what was going to happen, sort of like when some of us took a leak on that same electric fence…

  11. “Chipman’s nomination – likely the brainchild of Susan Rice – was intended as an insult to American gun owners”
    No, his nomination was payback to the antigunners. He got no support from the administration because they had paid back enough. “Hey, we nominated your guy, and it’s not our fault he couldn’t get confirmed.” Almost nobody votes strictly antigun. They needed their political capital to convince Manchin to go along with their budget, and they weren’t going to waste their bribes and threats just to get a BATFE director.

  12. “Well, there’s always a position at Target, McDonald’s, or Burger 🍔 King 👑! He’ll go a long way with his talent!”

  13. Oh golly gee, they posted a picture that wasn’t Chimpface. They said something that wasn’t true. My heart just bleeds. The gun-grabbers say stuff all the time that isn’t true so its hard for patriots like myself to get warm and fuzzy over Chimpface crying his eyes out over anything, everything and anyone he can blame other than himself.

  14. So the man who helped the ATF’s acronym stand for “ALL TODDLERS FLAMMABLE,” feels abandoned by Dementia Joe. Are you having buyers remorse Waco Dave?
    Biden forgot your name 5 minutes after he put it out there.
    Go back to being Grabby Gabby’s Gun Grabbers bought and paid for shill. It’s all your 25 years of questionable expertise is worth.

  15. Those around Biden that pushed Chipman as a valid appointee live in a bubble surrounded by like minded lost souls who really believe their desires are all of America’s desires too. We see it on nearly every issue. They know the media will support them and they figure good enough. Dictator minded Democrats want to hog tie America with 50% of the votership and are willing to subvert, lie and stoop to any level. Fortunately, we got lucky with Chipman. But they will keep trying.

  16. “Chipman’s nomination – likely the brainchild of Susan Rice – was intended as an insult to American gun owners, and that is exactly how it was received. Of course we responded forcefully – what did the White House expect? This is our lifestyle they have chosen to attack.”

    I can’t think of a more MORONIC statement than….”This is our lifestyle”…..

    No fool, this is OUR RIGHT…one of the 10 (Bill of Rights) that are ALWAYS under attack, subversion, and elimination by BOTH parties, and have been for a LONG LONG TIME.

    Our country’s revolution was fought by people who had had enough of the same kind of thugs who rule over us now…and they paid for their freedom with BLOOD…THEIR BLOOD….and LOTS of it. They didn’t fight for a “flag”, or for their “lifestyle”. They fought and died for their FREEDOM.

    And if things keep going the way they are now….the bill may come due once again…245 years from the last time MEN with MUCH bigger balls and brains then we have today kicked the shit out of a tyrant and his mercenary army.

  17. ‘Feels Abandoned” , well he was and rightly so. He was wrongly nominated by Biden upon recommendation from his advisors. Looking at his background, sayings, performance and character, he was the wrong person for the job and it reflects poorly upon Biden and all involved,

    • China Joe has been anti-firearm Constitutional liberties for his entire political life. Chipman ( or someone like him) was inevitable. The next nominee may well be smoother, but don’t let that fool you, anyone nominated by this mal-administration will be anti-firearms rights.

  18. Son, it’s Joe “10%” Biden and you thought you’d get a square deal? Lulz.

    “Number three: never trust no-bod-y
    Your moms’ll set that ass up, properly gassed up
    Hoodied and masked up, shit, for that fast buck
    She be laying in the bushes to light that ass up”

  19. They were interested in him being a useful idiot and with his chances of being the head of the ATF dashed he’s now just a useless idiot so there’s no interest…

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