Our man Chris had never fired a machine gun before. Last night, he fired a full auto SCAR-H and SCAR-L. It’s a hell of a way to kick off your machine gun shooting days. You can feel the smile, even though you can’t see it. Enjoy.
I like the crazy gun stunts, but that fake accent makes him sound like a muzhik.
That’s an auto-rifle.
The Gun Shop in Vegas had a SAW you could shoot last I was there. I real, albeit baby, machine gun.
Always good to see someone get the giggle-switch cherry popped.
It will irreversibly change your gun-buying thought process. “for just an extra 10k I could have this in FA” “maybe I just skip this one and put the money in the FA fund” “I always wanted to become an FFL, why not do it now” “All that paperwork and fees certainly are not as bad as I thought they were” “how hard could it be to become friends with the local LE’s armorer or range master”
Why bother with what’s after the checkpoint? Attacks on the space before the checkpoint has the same disruption effect. See also, dude with an AR-15 at LAX.
As Ted Nugent said the pierce “lemme see your machine gun smile” no one can resist smiling the first time the shoot one even a hoplophobe like Morgan congrats to this guy the more machine guns people shoot the more danger the Hughes ammendment is in
Not much beats shootin’ Ma Deuce off the weapon mount of my wrecker – but an M60 was close.
Perfect for that hard-to-please pimp on everyone’s Xmas list.
Sounds like editing the intel to suit the narrative. Same ol’ song…different administration.
Happens all the time. INTEL without an agenda is just scuttlebutt.
“However, other non-traditionally sourced firearms are being recovered in more recent seizure events. These include firearms made from kits, firearms built onto lower receivers, and converted firearms.”
From a previous post on TTAG:
One of the rifles appears to be an 80% AR:
I could operate so f*cking hard with that rifle… so low-drag my callsign would be Astraglide.
Can you share how you store metadata?
And I’m interested in hearing about the internal optimizations!
This again?
Look, just stop already. I know we all have a rabid, white hot hatered for the all things TSA, but actually calling this stuff a serious threat to aviation just makes you look woefully ignorant, if not criminally dumb. Here’s a news flash that I think most thinking people can agree upon– NONE of Evan’s weapons can take down a plane. Arguably his most effective piece is the one shot magazine gun… Which will only ensure you get raped by the other 199 passengers aboard your flight. Hell, that incediary at 00:14 can’t even move the meager particle board that sits above it, let alone breach any interior surface of an aircraft cabin. Likewise the suitcase bomb. In fact, I’m pretty sure the only way it could kill somebody was for them to sit on top of it and burn to death. While everybody watched.
Fine, you hate the TSA. Your readers sympathize. But honestly? Parading this saddness around isn’t the way to do it.
YES YES YES!!!!! This is going to be a win for their civilian sales, and I love to see competitive pricing from them. And a slide assembly!?!?!?! Count me in!