philadelphia chipotle gun robbery
Courtesy Philadelphia Police Department
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Not everyone deals well with low blood sugar. If the interval between meals gets too long, some people can get cranky, or downright hangry. Combine that effect with the chronic staffing shortages that have afflicted retail establishments across the country and things can get, well, dicey.

Last week a woman waited a little too long for her food in a Philadelphia Chipotle restaurant when the lack of good help became critical. Critical enough that the restaurant was forced to close.

According to Philadelphia police the person working the counter…

…was instructed by her manager to close the store to customers and advise the waiting customers to order online due to staffing. The complainant relayed the information to the waiting patrons…

…one of whom didn’t take the news well at all.

The woman in the video below was in no mood wait any longer for her food. Instead, she indulged her inner Karen and demanded to speak to the manager. At gunpoint.

The offender stated if someone doesn’t make her food she will be back and there will be a problem.

The counter person then got to work preparing the burrito the armed customer so clearly needed.

A co-worker decided to make the offenders order in an effort to have her leave. After making the order the offender displayed the firearm again and stated “somebody better give me my food”. The offender took the food and fled the store in an unknown direction.

The Philly PD is still looking for the armed burrito bandit. If you recognize her, you can let them know here.

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  1. “… person working the counter was instructed by her manager to close the store to customers and advise the waiting customers to order online due to staffing.”

    That was the manager’s responsibility. Ordering the clerk behind the counter to do that was a pretty awful move.

  2. Maybe I should look for corroborating stories. But it sounds to me like the manager was being a douche, and this lady told him not do douche with her. Customers already inside the store should have been served, even if the manager thought it necessary to stop more customers from entering.

    A manager is not a god, after all. If I’m hungry, and there is food in sight, and I have money in pocket to pay for that food, I’m going to eat.

        • I don’t know about you guys… but I’m lovin this story!


          And I bet that’s exactly what happened Paul. Manager had a giant ego and an inflated head and acted like authority ordained by God was blessed upon them. Then the burrito bandit jumped and and was like “*itch! Make my burrito now!” And that inflated head deflated like a pinched balloon. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

        • Sure she was tough…cause she had a gun…..she could also have taken the room temperature challenge had another legally armed patron shot her for threatening lives. Paul you can also take that casino bet if you so care to be mr tough guy. As it sounds like you are also a self righteous douche just like ms piggy.

    • Whether the manager was a douche is irrelevant. Threatening the lives of the employees because you aren’t going to get your order is inexcusable. The instant this woman presented a gun, she checked all the legal boxes for another armed patron to shoot her down.

      The right way to handle this is to find another restaurant. Tomorrow, lodge a complaint with the owners of that Chipotle franchise. You’ll get an apology and coupons for free food.

      • Ken, you’ve just seen demonstrated why many reasonable Americans fear those who wish to carry handguns in public spaces.

        This fine American ‘good guy with a gun’, is all too ready to threaten with lethal force some business owner or employee who is following the instructions of their boss.

        As long as American gun owners continue to spout these opinions and all too often act on them as well, our firearms rights will be in jeopardy.

        • This is not a ‘good guy with a gun’. This is a stupid, self-entitled bitch who thinks the world revolves around her and feels she has the right to retaliate physically against anyone who fails to cater to her every wish. I feel no obligation to make space in the world for the likes of her. Unless mental illness is involved, throw her in prison so the rest of us don’t have to put up with her.

          It’s not just a matter of guns. There are too many like this woman in temperament who are highly dangerous because they are armed with size and strength even when they have no other weapons. What to do with them?

    • If I want a burrito I go to a real Mexican restaurant. They don’t puss out and close the store, they make your burrito.

    • Yep you’re going to eat a few extra ingredients they have for special customers, which is why they give you that big smile . Enjoy !

  3. If she gets caught the judge will probably deem that the explosive diarrhea was punishment enough.

    You’d think these establishments would invest in higher resolution surveillance cameras.

    • Could be a greasy film on the camera lens from cooking that garbage.
      Just imagine what decades of regular consumption does to arteries. 🤔

      • It’s excessive glucose in the blood inflaming the arteries and creating microscopic holes that’s the real culprit. The body uses cholesterol and fats to repair those holes, like duct-taping a leaky pipe from the inside. Arteriosclerosis and blockages set in as the amount of repair material builds up to the point that it exceeds the amount of original tissue.

        • You are exactly correct, high blood sugar levels will dissolve your circulatory system just like a corrosive acid.

          But don’t you dare tell anyone they should stop their 20 ounce sugary beverages, that’s real freedom… To die in early death.

  4. She’s lucky she didn’t get shot for her antics with that firearm. If you’re diabetic carry something with you at all times; bread, crackers, a piece of candy, etc., to help you keep from shaking until you can get to a meal. Ridiculous.

    • Bread and crackers won’t do fuck-all for a hypo incident bad enough to cause this sort of behavior. The uptake is too slow and the person’s already completely off their rocker and bordering on hallucinations.

      Straight up sugar.

      • Yes, non-diet soda from the fountain would be more effective.

        I’d recommend someone at risk for severe hypo episodes carry a couple epi-pens of glucose solution.

        • OK bud, sure it does. 60+ minute full uptake time vs 10-15 minutes for absorption of straight sugar.

          I mean, unless you want to eat a shitload more than you need so that the percentage uptaken in 15 minutes is high enough to counter the low and then by definition spike yourself, the way people did for decades eating peanut butter cups or… crackers at the recommendation of a PCP who doesn’t understand the digestion process.

          This is exactly the advice that gives people that 8+ A1C which is your average for T1’s and why a third of T1’s over 40 already have complications. CuAze iT wOrkZ sO weLlZ!

          I’ll keep my 5.7, and not listen to retards. Thanks though.

        • We always give people syrup, honey, or non diet soft drinks. Much quicker. I don’t think this woman is actually a T1, I think the author was making a joke. I think her main problem is that she is from Philly.

          The Chipotle in Lebanon has been doing online only for a while due to staffing shortages. They have big sign on their door about it.

  5. More evidence of toxic femininity. I expect to see a CNN panel discussion about this. /s

    I drive a lot. The least considerate drivers are women. Actually, that may not be intentional. I still haven’t figured out if they’re not considerate or they just aren’t aware.

    • Interesting you say that. Here is a little experiment you can play, let in and wave a driver in front of you and note if they thank you for the kind act.

      Generally I have noticed if that driver is a man, at least half the time they will give a thank you wave. If the driver is a woman, the thank you wave will be given about 1 maybe 2 times in ten.

      When you do this experiment in an even closer environment by holding open a door, both percentages increase between men and women. However, a good half of women will still not say thank you.

      Then to answer your question, unfortunately many women have become highly entitled in our western society.

  6. Ah Philly! The city of brotherly love … and Democrat liberals who are now arming themselves. What are the odds? Well I doubt she’ll have her gun or her freedom too much longer.

  7. High sugars can result in the same, and worse, behavior including some that mimic very severe mental illness.

  8. Nothing to see here,
    Just another day for ghetto rats to misbehave.
    Everybody just go back about your business.
    & your probably RACIST if you do think they should be apprehended. So there.
    I’ll just go back to waiting for my LEGALLY purchased firearm to get here that I’ve been waiting for, for 5 months, & probably can’t buy ammunition for.

    • Hmm…overpriced “Mexican” food and you pull a gun? And some of you justify that behovior? Duh.

  9. Rest assured the armed stupid and dangerous burrito eater will be located, disarmed, cuffed, arrested and go to jail where she will post a huge bail or wait for a hearing and a trial where she will be found guilty and sentenced. See ya, wouldn’t want to be ya.

    • …… soon be released by a progtard Governor due to wuhanflu in the corrections facility where she resides.
      Or simply because “less is more” dontchaknow.

  10. I find it funny in every instance with a firearm they have to identify the color of it, does that make it more lethal?🤣

    • Well, yes, actually. You wouldn’t want to be shot with a pink pistol. ‘Specially if it’s loaded with pink cartridges with pink projectiles. Those inject you with gay.

  11. This woman is just plain stupid, and that’s what makes her a danger to society and herself. She is the type that doesn’t think and believes people need to always cater to her when she demands. She is the type that uses bullying and intimidation to “extort” things from people and uses threats of violence or continues bullying and intimidation if she doesn’t get what she wants. She is the type that is always “the victim” in her mind. She is the type that what she does is always right and everyone else is wrong. She is the type with the attitude you’d love to punch.

    If it had not been at the Chipotle restaurant it would have been somewhere else and probably already has happened someplace else where it was not reported for some reason.

    She is the type that will be shot quickly if she tries “her type” on the wrong person.

    • Sadly this is 80 percent of the population?

      Have you encountered intelligent life that understands what a yield sign means? Of course not, you are supposed to yield to them because they special.

  12. VIDEO: Shitty Parenting and Poor Life Choices Turns Hungry Chipotle Patron Into Armed Burrito Bandit.

    Fixed that headline for you. 👍

  13. Y’all must be very new to women. They are strange, bumpy creatures, but can be managed safely, with a modicum of care.
    1. Don’t let them get hungry.
    2. If you think they are going to get hungry, feed them.
    If you failed to heed these simple rules and you get lit up, it’s your own damn fault. You should have known better.
    Oh, I forgot..
    3. No matter what they say, order extra fries.

    • …….
      4) Before bringing another new firearm into the home, ALWAYS be sure the honeydo list has been done. A nice gift or fancy dinner can sometimes suffice, but the honeydo list is the best move by far.

      5) Never assume cases of ammo will always take 3 days or more for delivery. If you’re out of town and want to place an order, do it the day before returning home. Trust me on this, they’re not glad to see you after moving 6k rounds of assorted calibers into the house from the front porch. 😥

  14. “ strych9 September 26, 2021 At 22:19
    OK bud, sure it does. 60+ minute full uptake time vs 10-15 minutes for absorption of straight sugar.

    I mean, unless you want to eat a shitload more than you need so that the percentage uptaken in 15 minutes is high enough to counter the low and then by definition spike yourself, the way people did for decades eating peanut butter cups or… crackers at the recommendation of a PCP who doesn’t understand the digestion process.

    This is exactly the advice that gives people that 8+ A1C which is your average for T1’s and why a third of T1’s over 40 already have complications. CuAze iT wOrkZ sO weLlZ!

    I’ll keep my 5.7, and not listen to retards. Thanks though.”

    LOL … YOU’RE THE RETARD … You are speaking here as if all diabetics are the same. Each person is different and everyone that knows anything about that disease knows that. Every diabetic is responsible for making sure they take their meds as prescribed, have spares on them as well as something to eat in an emergency to keep them from going off the deep end. If they have to carry a small bottle of orange juice around with them everywhere then that is what is expected of them.

    Nothing you say here in any way defends the actions of this lunatic pulling a firearm on the staff at Chipotle. If they would’ve felt threatened and shot her where she stood I would never convict them in a court of law for unlawful homicide. She was clearly in the wrong and should’ve been dealt with accordingly so if nothing else society doesn’t have to worry about her lunatic irresponsible presence in the world anymore.

    And YES … shooting those that so desperately need it ALWAYS WORKS REAL DAMN WELL.

  15. Should have been a DGU.

    Getting smoked because you wanted your fast food is a pretty dumb way to go……of course these days none of the abject stupidity is surprising.

  16. I went to a Chipolte once, just see what was so great about the restaurant. It sucked, possibly the worst burrito I ever ate. I go to a real mex restaurant if I want any mexican food. Amazed that Chipoltle is still in business.

    • Freebirds used to have good burritos. Then they started cutting down on the beef/chicken, and filling them with beans/rice.
      Just like Chipotle, don’t know how they stay in business.

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