ATF National Trace Center
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) tracer Debbie Marshall reaching for a microfilm roll of firearm transaction documents, from firearms dealers no longer in business, as she researches a firearm used in a crime, at the National Trace Center in Martinsburg, W.Va. (AP Photo/Cliff Owen)

Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott is suing the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives for data about where guns used in city crimes originate, the latest move from city leaders to address the proliferation of firearms plaguing Baltimore.

Everytown for Gun Safety, a national nonprofit advocating for gun control, is providing legal assistance for the lawsuit that seeks five years of ATF “trace data,” which shows where a gun police recover was manufactured to where it was sold at retail. That information is regulated by a federal law, known as the Tiahrt Amendment, which only allows it to be shared for law enforcement purposes. Baltimore officials filed a Freedom of Information Act request for the data in September but were rejected.

The lawsuit was filed Monday in the U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C., and seeks to have a judge order the ATF to approve the city’s data request.

Maryland has some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation, including a law against the straw purchase of firearms, which is when someone who can legally buy a gun does so for someone who cannot. Federal law also prohibits straw purchasing, but enforcement at any level is mixed.

The ATF could produce the data, but the agency does not house it in a readily accessible way and does not have a searchable database of firearms or firearm owners. Instead, according to ATF Baltimore Public Information Officer Amanda Hils, the agency keeps all trace data in nonsearchable formats.

“This ensures ATF is in compliance with federal law that prohibits ATF from maintaining a database while also being able to continue ATF’s mission of addressing violent crime and assisting our law enforcement partners,” Hils said.

— Lee O. Sanderlin in Baltimore wants to know where guns used in crimes come from. It’s suing the ATF to get the data.


  1. The City of Baltimore and EveryTown should just ask the Colorado Supreme Court for it, they have no problem overriding the Constitution.

      • they already have a pretty good idea where these guns are coming from…but that isn’t sufficient to get neighboring states to change their laws…why would it be?…the source of the problem in Baltimore can best be assessed when they look in a mirror….

    • Talk about Voter Disenfranchisement…Colorado judges who belong to The Party of the Confederacy by one vote spins a law intended for the Confederacy and stretches it to prevent DJT from being on the ballot in Colorado. Now the kgb demoCrap heads to the USSC where hopefully it will be flushed down a toilet.

    • This probably isn’t as easy to end-run.

      The Colorado GOP announced their solution last night. If SCOTUS refuses the case or upholds the finding they’ll simply switch to a caucus system. They put that out on X like two hours after the announcement.

      Which is a bright spot, I guess. At least they’re not focused on the shit stirring about wolves that’s popped up recently.

      • Nothing wrong with a novel legal theory provided you have a conviction before you start handing out punishments.

        People can blather about the 14A all they want but just like everything else in the Constitution, there’s a legal process layer too. In this case it’s 18 U.S. Code § 2383.

        Like most anything else: You go to court, secure a conviction and then apply the punishment. Ignoring the requirement for a trial is not a “novel legal theory”, it’s banana republic bullshit that’s edging the country towards being completely torn apart.

        • “provided you have a conviction“

          No requirement in the constitution for a ‘conviction’ of insurrection or rebellion, just that the individual engaged in insurrection, which a judge has found and been affirmed by the Colorado Supreme Court.

          “Still, the judge concluded Trump’s “conduct and words were the factual cause of, and a substantial contributing factor” to the attack on the Capitol. She found that Trump “engaged in an insurrection on Jan. 6, 2021 through incitement.”

        • Ah, so the 5A doesn’t apply. Thanks for clearing that up. Let’s try it somewhere else, shall we?

          The Constitution’s requirements for treason don’t technically say we need a trial, but merely a “conviction” and the document doesn’t define conviction. Oh, my. All we need is two witnesses to the same overt act or a confession in open court. Open court’s not defined either. So, as long as there’s like a window open upstairs or something we’re good, right?

          A strict reading of the text would result in the conclusion that can just open a window or unlock a door and as long as a judge “concludes” that the treason happened then we can call this a “conviction” and move right on to punishment.

          It also doesn’t say how that confession might be obtained, so apparently, with a window open upstairs a blowtorch can be used to extract said confession.

          And the best part is that we don’t even need to bring actually charges. We can just sue and do this all in civil court so long as a judge “concludes” we can!

          It’s fascinating the lengths you’re willing to go to protect our Democracy from the democratic process.

        • Oh, my. All we need is two witnesses to the same overt act

          It depends on what your definition of is is…

        • strych9:
          According to the Legal Information Institute:
          “Open court” refers to judicial proceedings to which the public has access. Public access includes the ability to attend courtroom proceedings, as well as access to court records and transcripts. Where a case or part of a case may reveal sensitive or private information that should not be made public, the proceedings are held “in camera” (in the judge’s private chambers and out of the presence of the public). For example, in Connecticut, “court proceedings as to disclosure of confidential HIV-related information shall be conducted in camera unless the subject of the test agrees to a hearing in open court or unless the court determines that a public hearing is necessary to the public interest and the proper administration of justice.”

          [Last updated in July of 2020 by the Wex Definitions Team]

        • MINOR49er, I have a RED HOT NEWS FLASH for you. Until Trump is CONVICTED of “Insurrection” he should not be barred from any office. You see in this country, you are INNOCENT until you are PROVEN GUILTY. As he has not be tried for that crime, the 14th Amendment Sec 3 should not apply. I have a hunch the Supreme Court of the US is going to find the same.

  2. The city of Baltimore could better use those funds going to attorneys to add a few more police officers to their rosters. But these political clowns aren’t looking for a solution. They’re looking for someone or somewhere else to blame for crime problems they’ve not addressed. Such a waste of time and money – and these are our tax dollars at work along with some billionaire who hasn’t a clue as to how the rest of us live.

    • Every Town is looking for someone to blame. God forbid they admit their anti-gun, disarm and punish the law abiding is a miserable failure just like they are.

    • It’s not “police officers” that Baltimore desperately needs, it’s effective prosecution and incarceration. The crime of Baltimore overloads Maryland’s courts and prisons and until that is effectively handled by someone other than sockialist-democrats Baltimore will be a problem.

      • And good schools. And homes with two parents, instead of a welfare check. And an economic environment that provides jobs for teens and young adults. And armed citizens.
        All things that 50+ years of Democrat rule have destroyed.

        • the jobs for teens re out there, but nearly every state government now makes employing them illegal, or so severely restricted it can’t work. And so they can’t either. When I was a kid I hired myself out for a number of different services, no problem. Now state and fed labour laws won’t even let a sixteen year old kid drive a tractor on his own family’s farm. Hah!! When MY dad was 12 he got his driving license and when the school district got a bus he became the driver for it.. at fourteen. At sixteen he was driving a commercial size dump truck for a job.
          This hs half the reason teenage kids get in to much trouble, and involved in so many harmful things.. they can’t work because that’s illegal now. Cany’t buy guns either.. so they get them on the streets. And Baltimore can’t stop that. They’re just rtying to find a scapegoat so they can take more guns from the law abiding, thus disarming US and putting US in more danger.

        • “Now state and fed labour laws won’t even let a sixteen year old kid drive a tractor on his own family’s farm.”

          I know a 12 year-old that pulled grain cart duty in the harvest that just completed. I think that ‘law’ is ignored on American farms all the damn time…

      • the general consensus is that there are a lot of assholes in Baltimore…can we agree on that at least?….

  3. “Everytown for Gun Safety, a national nonprofit advocating for gun control, is providing legal assistance for the lawsuit that seeks five years of ATF “trace data,” which shows where a gun police recover was manufactured to where it was sold at retail.”

    What are their chances of prevailing in court on that?

    Especially when it pertains to confidential information dealing with the practice of an enumerated civil right?

    • A commie judge will rule in their favor. He will not stay his own ruling the way St Benitez often does to allow chance for appeal. ATF already has the data compiled and will dump it to everything before an appeal can be filed and adjudicated. Voila! Everything will publish the data and blame PA and VA and WV for Baltimores nig…er, um gun violence problem.

      • no state is an island…[except for Hawaii]…blaming your neighbors for your deficiencies is poor form….and will not be well-received…..

    • theyr wring is the askig fir ALL the data.. which BATF rightly refuse them.
      Now if they were to limit it to trace data on this gun used in this crime oon this day, nugher story and maybe they would prevail. But ALL the data? Nope.

  4. Democrats are running out of Other People’s Money and desperate to find new sources of free wealth. Chaos Looms, better be prepared.
    Free States should already be working on legislation to protect their businesses from frivolous lawsuits. Hefty extreme fines might be a deterrent too.

    • Will they follow their masters in the CCP and implement a fines economy? And their investigators can apply a fine to anything will little to no oversight.

      China is proof that an economy can run on fear and lies when normal economic principles fail.

    • My post was deleted because I said “mean” things about China, it’s economy, and the CCP, and made “unfair” comparisons of the Democrats and the CCP?

      Proof W0rdpress knows who it’s master is.

  5. Of course they have all that data in a searchable format. It is just illegal for them to admit it, so they don’t.

    • If it wasn’t searchable why keep it?
      An inner society based on lies.
      Lies are propaganda.
      Propaganda is used for control.
      I dont like being lied to by people in authoritative positions.

    • @Rusty,

      I scrolled down to say that, but you beat me to it. This portion of the article is pure, laughable BS and everyone knows it:

      “…the agency keeps all trace data in nonsearchable formats.”

      Bullcrap, Napoleon.

      • that IS ho the data are kept. Thos 4473’s from closed FFL’s? They are store by store, year by year, in microfilm. Some cop wants a trace on this guy, they have to take the SN and make/model, go to the manufacturer, find out to which distriv=butor it was first sold. Then to that distributor, and they learn to which retailer it was sold. Retailer then must go back into his Hound Book for the date range, search page by page to find the sale record of that gun. Whch may or may not be the record of sale that put it into the hands of the owner who had it when the crime was committed. Hf George was first buyer, and he had ot fuve years, then sold it on gunBroker (thorugh an FFL, of course), that greak in the chain of possession gets harder to trace. These Balto goons are just screaming to make noise.

        • They are store by store, year by year, in microfilm.

          What is this “microfilm” of which you speak? Seriously, that stuff is on some multi-terabyte SSD in some obscure server on one of the governments “farms” in the middle of nowhere…

  6. Since when has the state needed any evidence or data to blame Eastasia?
    The people who support this nonsense are ideologically driven drones. Just blame climate change, UFO’s or time-traveling Mormons. Whatever your scapegoat of choice the drones will eat it up.

  7. OK, so they’re trying to get their toe in the door here. Just as soon as a city, state, or non-criminal lawsuit gains access to the data, there will be a demand to make the database searchable. There goes the gun registry prohibition. Every gun owner everywhere will appear in the database, and soon thereafter, the database will be hacked. Better have your guns that are not on your person locked down really well.

    All of that will be preparatory to antigunners coming around to confiscate weapons, with a SWAT team to back them up.

    I still want Francis O-Cork to come confiscate my guns, personally.

    • I pretty much figure when I fill out a 4473 I’ve just registered that gunm.
      The hope is with all the gunms being sold the system will overload and crash.
      Probably a pipe dream on that,,,,,pray for a volcano eruption, earthquake or a big ass flood.

    • I don’t think kicking in doors is the plan. 3 AM raids may be good for some examples, but that kind of thing is risky and resource-intensive on a large scale. I think the plan is more North Korea/CCP style social credit scores and digital only transactions. To pay your rent or mortgage, buy groceries, or get your appendix removed, you must “voluntarily” turn in your arms. Maybe also attend a “voluntary” re-education program.

    • “…they’re trying to get their toe in the door…”

      I agree. I mean, the old fashioned way to get the info would be more efficient–just meet Dettelbach in a bar somewhere and exchange envelopes, it isn’t like he’s an unwilling partner. But they want the whole database opened up wide.

    • Not sure why a comment I made here was moderated out, since it had no inflammatory language of any kind, but trying again because it’s an important point I think we all need to clearly understand: They won’t be kicking down your door, or at least I don’t think that’s the plan at the moment. You are more likely to suddenly find that you can’t buy groceries, access your bank account, or schedule a healthcare appointment. But wide distribution of that data is very much part of the plan.

    • I remember back in the 90s the anti-gun group’s wishlist had a nationwide gun registry with ALL owner’s details on public record.

      Does anyone see any potential for abuse?

      Considering how many time these registries have been leaked (accidentally on-purpose) it could it be these databases are the real danger to the community.

      As for a “social credit score” system, the Democrats will just be following their CCP masters. They already are with openly condoning crime. In China the only crime the government cares about is “anti-state activites”. Anything else the CCP doesn’t care about unless it gets too obvious.

    • get all you can…any way you can…and hide them everywhere you can…simply don’t allow yourself to be disarmed……

  8. the latest move from city leaders to address the proliferation of firearms plaguing Baltimore.

    Bullshit, it’s the cities latest move to fund a failing economy due to a bunch of “woke” inept morons DEI (aka social justice spending) programs… Sue a couple of gun manufacturers for a temporary band-aid then what?

  9. LOL Baltimore, one of the biggest SH_T holes cities in the country along with Chicago, San Francisco, Seattle, and Portland, all due to the decades of air head soft on crime leftist policies of the dems. AND this is their way of dealing with the leap in crime?!?!?!?!?!!? NO, they will NEVER admit the real reason is their clueless deluded policies.

  10. What does it matter where the gunm was made or who sold it?
    The only time information about a firegunms history should be used is for the gunm being returned to the original owner in a theft/robbery.
    Bob sold it to Bill, Bill sold it to Louus, Loius sold it to Akaramajeera and he used it to rob a liquor store. Let’s hang Bob.

    • “What does it matter where the gunm was made or who sold it?”

      Who sold it creates a paper trail, to be used when they want to track them down to confiscate them.

      The whole thing puzzles me. The lawsuit will eventually get to the SCotUS, and the current court balance is *highly* not on their side.

      It’s like waving a big-assed red cape in front of an enraged bull.

      So why are they doing it at all?

    • “What does it matter where the gunm was made or who sold it?”

      Obviously, to determine if the gun was sold illegally or purchased illegally, if it was an illegal sale law enforcement will take steps to close down the seller. If it was purchased illegally law enforcement will charge the purchaser for an illegal purchase.

      Why would you folks have a problem with law-enforcement utilizing this information to investigate and prosecute criminals who sell or purchase firearms illegally?

      Why shouldn’t the law-enforcement officials in Boston have access to “data about where guns used in city crimes originate“?

      Why do so many on this list continue to support prohibited persons obtaining firearms?

      No background checks, no oversight of gun sales, no information about possibly illegal purchases, continue to obstruct justice and allow the criminals to go free.

      • Because the sale of a firegunm should not be illegal.
        Its who uses it to do what is the guilty person if it’s used for nefarious purposes.

        • “Because the sale of a firegunm should not be illegal“

          So you believe that convicted pedophiles and murderers should be allowed to legally purchase firearms, fascinating.

          I never really figured you for someone who would advocate for convicted pedophiles to have free and easy access to firearms…

          ‘C’est la vie,’ say the old folks, ‘it goes to show you never can tell.’

        • MajorLiar,

          But YOU, of course, MajorLiar, will always advocate on behalf of convicted pedophiles. Funny how so many of your alleged “principles” depend on whether a person has a (D) or an (R) after their name, innit, you @$$clown??

          Go micturate up a cable, you lying sack of excrement. You have no principles, only a narrative that you adhere to (despite the OBVIOUS hypocrisy of your positions). I would be embarrassed to be such an obvious partisan liar, but, then . . . I have ethics, rationality, and at least a semblance of an education. You disgust me, MajorLiar. You are nothing but a glib, partisan, lying hack. Hie thyself off to the theological place of eternal punishment.

      • minor49iq…There should be oversight of your free speech. Perhaps your computer hard drive, etc. should keep be scrutinized and kept on file…comrade.

      • ‘Why do so many on this list continue to support prohibited persons obtaining firearms?’

        Simple, if a person has committed acts that make him/her a threat to society they should be incarcerated until a point where they are deemed to be rehabilitated and no longer a threat to society. If they are not a threat to society they deserve the same right to self protection as any other free man or woman. If they are a threat it is delusional to think they won’t aquire one by illegal means anyway. So restoring 2nd Amendment rights to felons only insures that non dangerous felons will have the same access to firearms that the dangerous felons already have.

      • Opposed because if it happens that a number of straw purchases were made at sellers who happen to be located close to Baltimore, the gun control lobby will use those numbers to smear them as “rogue” dealers involved in trafficking, regardless of how rigorously they followed the law.

        • “if it happens that a number of straw purchases were made at sellers who happen to be located close to Baltimore, the gun control lobby will use those numbers to smear them as “rogue” dealers”

          So your position is that law enforcement should not investigate dealers where “a number of straw purchases” have occurred?

        • MINOR49er, Investigationg is one thing. Convicting them by accusation is something else and UNAMERICAN.

      • Criminals will easily work around background checks by “persuading” girlfriend, mama, neighbor, et al, to buy for them. The idea that background checks will keep guns out of certain folk’s hands is ludicrous.
        Not Going To Happen !

        • “Criminals will easily work around background checks by “persuading” girlfriend, mama, neighbor, et al“

          So because some criminals will manage to evade the law we should have no law? Are you serious?

          By your reasoning, we probably shouldn’t have any laws whatsoever because some criminals will manage to escape arrest.

          “For murder, the clearance rate is 61.6 percent. For aggravated assault, it’s 53.3 percent. For rape, 34.5 percent. For property crimes, it drops below 20 percent.
          In short, police aren’t making arrests for the majority of crimes.“


        • MINOR49er, How about enforcing the laws on the books as WRITTEN? Is this concept alien to you Leftist Hoplophobes?

        • @Miner49er

          “So because some criminals will manage to evade the law we should have no law? Are you serious?”

          He never said that. Learn what context means and stop cherry picking stuff from what others post to feed your mental illness confirmation bias ignorance.

          If you don’t have anything genuine to contribute to the discussion, then don’t cherry pick things out of context from others comments and try to turn them into discussion points. Its dishonest and it shows you to be ignorant of the subject at hand.

        • In short, police aren’t making arrests for the majority of crimes.“

          No shit Minerva: Most big city police depts have had their budgets cut by 20% or more while the Progressive Liberal Prosecutors have decriminalized a number of even violent offenses and all but eliminated cash bail for perpetrators (unless you’re a white conservative caught with a gun in a GFZ)… Wonder WHY cops are not arresting violent criminals… You must have missed the “defund the police” memo…

        • Actually the whole concept of a background check for items that were previously sold in hardware stores and/or shipped to your door in full auto/short barreled/silenced configurations does lend to doing away with the practice. As to the rest no you histrionic git.

      • in nearly ALL criminal uses of firearms, the guy who had it in his hand during the commission of that crime will NOT have any record tying him to purchase or possession of that gun. And THAT is the real reason they can’t trace them. Maybe Pete had his car busted in to downtowh, so it traces back to Pate as last known sale. But he reported the theft, so he’s off the hook. butBillious the Housebreaker is NOT listed as an owner, so he cannot be traced. Mybe he uses it four times then figures its time t move on, so sells it gor cash or meth to Jorgem whi uses it twice then hides it, then gets made for his last job. Still no gun…… its a fool’s errand to try and figure this all out.
        The stupid simple solution, and the LEAST often used, is to take Billious and Jorge, once caught, and send them off to prison fir decade or three for armed robbery. This is the ONE solution they’ll almost never use.

      • Obviously, to determine if the gun was sold illegally or purchased illegally, OBVIOUSLY so a cash strapped failed city can charge the gun manufacturers with negligence or contributing or some such stupid shit knowing they can sue for some obscene amount, settle for pennies on the dollar and buy some more time to figure out who the next target will be…

      • Miner49 – You actually asked a pertinent question. Ignoring the fact that DAs routinely bargain again gun charges (especially black minors with stolen guns, the majority of the crimes), does having background check do anything useful? I used to think “no”, but after the Dems encourages millions of mass illegal migrants, where we know that a large percentage are those with criminal backgrounds (or likely Chinese soldiers) I now support the idea. With a few caveats.

        The system is normally hosted by what passes for state police. These are normally very understaffed positions – maybe purposefully – and often create lengthy backlogs. Here in Oregon last Spring the waiting list was 44,000, with a clearance rate of 600 a day (or so). Or about 2.5 months, with new requests also arriving per day. It is supposed to take a few minutes (instant check), but hasn’t (here) for a couple of years.

        Another big problem is that the databases they use are less that 60% complete, up to date, or accurate. The antigun folks crow about how many requests were denied, but they fail to disclose that these were subsequently cleared up (system was overloaded, name confusion, unpaid fines, addresses out of date, etc.). They don’t tell you why a denial was issued, and you must go through a lengthy and slow process to find out.

        Many valid denials never happen because of high latency rate in courts/police updating the records or (for example) people with mental issues or have made threats are only listed when a court officially labels them as such (rare).

        BTW: The officer issuing the approval is supposed to tag that record (or it is automatic) with a 30 day expiration for deletion, as no database of purchases is supposedly permitted.

        BTW2: There is no way to identify a straw purchaser if they pass the check.

        BTW3: Most guns (about 95%) confiscated by police were previously stolen and sold on the street by gang thugs. About 25% of those recovered stolen guns came from LEO losses.

        BTW4: Nearly all firearms (~99%) confiscated in Mexico came from Mexico (sold to cartel thigs by corrupt police or military, or cartel purchases from China, such as full auto AK47s which are not used by the LEO or military down there).

        • Should a pedophile have a gunm after being released. In my world there would be no pedophile TO release, you might go visit the grave sight.

        • In my world there would be no pedophile TO release, you might go visit the grave sight.

          Real world stuff…

      • No background checks, no oversight of gun sales, no information about possibly illegal purchases,
        That’s right Minerva, in YOUR mind (like those of your lord and master progressives) it’s far better to piss on the Constitution… You do understand that if they get away with violating one Amendment, they will eventually get around to one or more that YOU actually embrace…

        Where in the Constitution did you find authority to do background checks, oversight on gun sales, anything about illegal gun sales or the authority to pass any laws pertaining to those issues… How does “Shall NOT be infringed” somehow become “unless we feel the need for greater CONTROL over the people”…

        continue to obstruct justice and allow the criminals to go free??
        You mean like “woke” prosecutors in those BIG Blue cities? Someone commits a crime lock the bastards up, if they use a gun DOUBLE their fucking sentence, if they kill someone hang their ass, if they kill them with a gun put a fucking bullet in THEIR head… A bunch of “soft” Dem prosecutors letting criminals walk on violent crimes while they try to fuck with my constitutionally affirmed rights is bullshit… Gun control will NOT stop crime and that is proven every day in the Blue cities and states with the strictest gun control laws in the country (in fact the majority of gun crimes coinciding with the commission of another crime are usually either pled down or outright dropped to facilitate a plea deal) because CRIMINALS do NOT give a flying fuck about your gun laws or any other laws for that matter… The clown show never ends and the performers never disappoint…

  11. The real shocker here is the ATF actually obeying the law, for what ever reason, and not trying to reinterpret it to aid the gun control industry cult.

  12. At least the appearance of complying with the law. Y’all just come back later and knock on the back door. wink-wink nudge-nudge

    • What is it with black dim mayors named Brandon? This one is worse that “Let’s go Brandon!” in Chiraq🙄 Or equal…

  13. And Baltimore needs this information for what purpose exactly? The commie gun prohibitionists never stop with all sorts if stupidity to screw citizens.

  14. If the general national stats from years past are to be believed, the vast majority will come back as stolen with an average time between disappearance and being found in Baltimore of several years. Most will be stolen in some state other than Maryland.

    Obvious straw purchases/gun running will have likely already been prosecuted by the Feds and the ATF would probably has dropped the evidence to State if they had something the Feds couldn’t prosecute but Maryland/Baltimore could since the ATF trace basically is done at the request of local LE that’s usually going to be the investigating agency.

    This seems like a fishing expedition to see if they can find data to back claims of an “iron pipeline”. It probably also dovetails with a political action push to create laws in other states by claiming their laws are weak and allowing said pipeline since state level restrictions are one of the angles the antis are pushing on harder these days, IOW, they’re building a target package.

  15. As long as individual data is not released it would be legal to provide it. The purpose of the request is to prove that many guns used in crimes are second hand guns that were sold with no paperwork. Baltimore’s goal is not to release private names but only to gather proof of how many second hand guns are being used in crimes.

    • would seem that would be common knowledge by now…most of them…once a gun hits the streets tracking is useless because it’s impossible…..

  16. An shameful and not even thinly veiled attempt to circumvent the law. They were declined because it is illegal. They will lose in court.

  17. As usual, the Anti-2A crowd is looking for cause in all the wrong places. The problem isn’t where a gun was made or originally sold, it is in the absolute failure of Democrat city governments to address crime and criminals. There’s a reason why the places with the strictest gun control have the highest crime rates.

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