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Civilian Small Arms Ownership Is The Cancer Of Society

Dan Zimmerman - comments No comments

“Accessing accurate data for small arms is always a difficult task. In the arms trade, small arms are considered the cancer of any society, as they facilitate human rights abuses, criminality, insurrection as well as murder, particularly in developing countries or countries subject to war.” – British arms trade expert Martin Drew in Civilians own 85% of world’s 1bn firearms, survey reveals [via theguardian.com]


0 thoughts on “Civilian Small Arms Ownership Is The Cancer Of Society”

      • Mr. Washington would disagree,as would many Americans

        “Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself. They are the American people’s liberty “teeth

      • It’s not their mouth that hurts. It’s the TWO kicks in the ass they received. THEM we bailed same ass out multiple times that really pains the.

        The “Guardian” story which quotes “Mother Jones”. Not even fit for the bottom of a parakeet cage.

        • Not quite, but in terms of the land battles I think you have a good point. On sea it was a different matter entirely, however, as American fast sailing privateers did huge damage to Britan’s merchant shipping. An interesting technical innovation was the “long Tom” a heavy long gun pivot mounted amidships so it could fire to port and starboard, gave small privateers a serious punch that their merchant ship prey lacked.

        • Heh. That is like dear Diane quoting Shannon, quoting Mike, quoting Sugerdaddy, quoting sock-puppet. Or studies showing ‘guns are bad’ when paid for by anti-gun groups.

          Or literally everything on The Trace, an opinion blog pretending to be a ‘News’ site.

        • The war at sea was largely irrelevant to the War’s outcome. The War on the Lakes was s more important victory. While we won the Battle of Lake Champlain the British would have won at Plattsburgh if they pushed on. New Orleans was our only real battlefield win. Baltimore and Lundy’s Lane were draws.

        • Hardly, considering 1812 a loss is a more recent development. Matter of fact, Jeffersonian Republican-Democrats had a huge surge in popularity because of it. It was rough for America sure, but the reality was we challenged a world superpower and fought a stalemate.

    • This is why we so desperately need a world government. Too much individual freedom is always a threat to the established order. And without order you have chaos. //sarc//

    • small arms are considered the cancer of any society, as they facilitate human rights, and insurrection against Banana Republic Dictators.

    • Well, the Brits, Gemans, French and other European nations (except, surprisingly for all the jokes, Poland) are dealing with open insurrection from the immigrants their governments have allowed to come in over the past 12 years or so- let them worry about their own continent. And they aren’t even allowed to own firearms. How’s that working out for them?

    • Governor,

      I believe a slightly more accurate rendering of your comment would be:

      Civilian small arms ownership is the cancer of the Ruling Class.

      And that would explain why the Ruling Class almost universally opposes the hoi polloi having any armament.

      • even when forced into battle by their “masters”….they were rarely allowed to possess more than common farm implements…the one exception being the english bowman…

        • I’d wager walking thru any city in the UK with a longbow today would NOT end well for the bowman. Mass progtards with the vapors

    • Lefttardism is a communicable disease,too bad there isn’t a inoculation for it other than the light of truth.

    • can only repeat the alleged words of burgoyne before his defeat at saratoga…”They’re peasants…with guns…how can peasants have guns?”………

    • Britain a cancer? Nowadays, it’s more like a pimple on the world’s ass. Oops, excuse me — that would be “arse.”

    • On our side they seem to be big wastes. We have these long drawn-out occupations in these Islamic crapholes, then as soon as we leave they just revert to the same tribal/sectarian caveman crap.

      • All I can say is, as far as I am concerned, any occupational wander-lusts by me have been cured by the response to 9-11-2001.

        The problem is, as a nation, we have a very short memory of strategic mistakes. If anyone gets us into another quagmire like Iraq-Afghanistan, it will be by the Leftists tugging at heartstrings…

      • Anonymoose,

        Islam drives the tribal/sectarian violence — tribalism/sectarianism does NOT drive Islamic violence.

        Islam is the embodiment of “imprison, rape, flog, and/or kill people who do not have the same beliefs as you”.

    • Richard,

      The appalling conditions that elicit insurrections, if allowed to exist, are a waste of human life and end very badly for the hoi polloi.

      • I was thinking the same thing. Oppressors tend to take off the mask of civility and overplay their hand committing atrocities when challenged. Insurectionists depend on high-profile government overreach/over reaction to highlight to the majority how aweful their overlords are…. And then there is Marxist insurection which simply kills people wholesale; out with the old tyrant, in with the new…. THAT is a waste of life.

  1. This is an interesting fact about human mentality – when one person is killed, it is generally viewed as evil; when millions are killed, people ask for more and continue on the same track that leads to millions being killed again.

  2. The Guardian, ever an advocate of more power to the state, won’t mention that over 95% of world’s violence is by state actors? Nor will it mention that as small arms have proliferated the past 100 years violent death per capita has fallen worldwide?

  3. In the arms trade, small arms are considered the cancer of any society

    “In the arms trade?” You mean people who manufacture and sell arms for a living consider them “the cancer of any society?” I find that rather hard to believe.

      • What they meant by that phrase is that if you’re going to kill, then do it in a big way – missisles, tanks, land mines. Pesky little items like handguns and rifles that can upset a planned genocide or pogrom are a cancer.

  4. So when countries’ citizens are already disarmed, their government overlords can get away with oppression on the cheap; using just handguns to keep them in line, instead of springing for rifles? That sounds about right.

  5. Communism is considered the cancer of Society. We spend a lot of blood, sweat, tears, and treasure, fucking that shit up and killing the fuckers trying to spread it. Let’s kick it up a notch, I’m getting old.

    Kill a commie for mommy. Kill the commie’s mommy. Go after the commie’s family, and friends.

  6. When you look at the slow-mo cultural implosion of Britain, it becomes clear why that is happening when a guy like Martin Drew opens his mouth….

  7. Socialist scum are the cancer of society-FIFY. If you subtract America’s legal gun owner’s the #’s are shockingly low.

    • If we can replace 1 squishy SCOTUS associate justice, we can go a long ways toward continuing that downward trajectory of ‘gun violence’.

      Replace 2, and we can run the tables on armed self-defense…

      • Replace the 9th Circuit, completely, and cut SCOTUS’s work of protecting the Constitution [they don’t have any other fucking job] in half.

  8. people would be surprised to learn where all those AK’s….that contribute to world disorder …actually come from…

  9. Civilian small arms ownership is the CANCER???? No, people like this are the cancer! LEGAL firearms owners are NOT committing these gun crimes!! I believe the Brits tried gun confiscation well over two hundred years ago…and we all know how well THAT turned out for them! Just because they see fit to have unarmed and unprotected citizens does not mean the rest of us want it. Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Mao Tse Tung……gun confiscation was one of the very first things these men did to their citizens and history shows the end result of that…MILLIONS died under the reign of these people. I don’t know who said the following but he or she is absolutely right! “When the public is disarmed, criminals have greater impunity to rob and murder law abiding citizens…so also do CRIMINAL GOVERNMENTS!”

    • On average, we all commit 3 felonies a day without realizing it, so be careful when you ask for a “tough criminal justice system”. It empowers the government to do things you’ll regret. What we need is a system that doesn’t deamonize a citizen for protecting his property, his life, and his community. When an ordinary man is sent to jail by vile politicians or sued by vile criminals for doing the right thing, it cows good men in to inaction and emboldens the criminals.

  10. i’ve looked at that metaphor several different ways, parsing the language, taking liberties with the definitions and “the cancer of society” does not work as a metaphor for guns.

  11. Yes, “civilians” with guns are a cancer. A benign cancer that only metastasizes when agitated by incompetent surgeons looking to cut it out. Leave things alone, and the cancer sleeps contentedly.

  12. Another interesting thing about the UN Small Arms Survey…

    Wealthy, industrialized nations have more guns in civilian ownership than poor and developing countries — along with less violence and more respect for human rights.

    If guns in civilian hands enable violence and human rights abuse, wouldn’t more guns enable more abuse? But clearly they don’t…

    Violence is a human problem, not a gun problem. Human rights abuse is a government and culture problem, not a gun problem. As usual, the world’s leftists blame the wrong thing. And make everything worse in the process.

    • “Another interesting thing about the UN . . .” sh_thole countries use UN deployment rape and murder crew detail as a recruiting poster and bonus incentive to their military personnel.

      F the UN, get the UN out of the U.S.

      The UN is nothing but a prefix for all things good and right and just.

      End UNODA

  13. Socialist heroes Hitler, Stalin and Mao all hated civilians having guns. Socialist like Bernie Sanders have not changed. And don’t take to me about the NRA rating of Sanders. That is a joke.

  14. When you look at the massacres which occurred by governments verses those that occurred by individuals the difference is stark. Ten of millions dead by the governments of Nazi Germany, imperial Japan, North Korea, North Vietnam, the USSR and so on. What he’s done is to lump in all of this together and saying it’s all the individuals FAULT.

  15. This article says that the US military has only ! million small arms. This guy has no clue. There were reportedly 100K 1911’s in the Army inventory alone. What else do you think he got wrong?

  16. Do we have to save the world for pea brains to understand they are totally mistaken? It may be a dictator or radical Islam, but the civilian gun owner will be the safety of civilized society, just like 1775 – 1783.


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