In another sign that post-Newtown squeamishness about firearms-related TV is fading, Country Music Television (CMT) is running a reality TV series [sic] about Knob Creek’s “colorful” Sumner family. GUNTUCKY hits the small screen on Sunday, April 21 at 9:30 p.m. EST, with back-to-back episodes. Suffice it to say, there’ll be more (and better) explosions than ten FPS Russia uploads, a bit of T&A (though nothing to touch American Guns), manufactured domestic abuse and plenty o’ gun porn. Make the jump for CMT’s take on the series. As much as I love Knob Creek’s machine gun shoot, I just know I’m gonna prefer the county’s bourbon. Again. Still. So to speak . . .
At their family-owned and operated Knob Creek Gun Range, customers can try out, pawn and purchase a broad spectrum of legal firearms, from cannons to rare collectables. The world famous Range has been in the Sumner family for three generations, led by Patriarch Gran-pa Biff Sumner, Jr. Biff handed over day-to-day business of the range to his reliable son, Kenny, who now has his hands full thanks to the rest of the family. The Sumner family also includes Kenny’s irrepressible brother, Steven; his usually free-spirited son Chad; and a new generation of Knob Creek Gun Range employees, Steven’s kids, Stephanie and Payton.
In the first half-hour episode, Steven teaches his son Payton that shooting up dad’s property comes with a big price, while the rest of the crew tracks down hard-to-find collectables. Meanwhile, Gran-Pa Biff has some bad news for the owner of a seemingly rare weapon; and two excitable brothers come to the range to blast their ratty old fishing craft into Boat Heaven. In the night’s second GUNTUCKY episode, the Sumners agree to stage an epic Civil War reenactment, while Gran-pa Biff has Steven examine and test-fire a very valuable rifle.
Tried to go shooting there once while working a job at a nearby Army base. (I’m in the film/TV business myself.) My friend, a producer, got scared off by all the booming and banging and refused to leave the car. I forgave her, but it took awhile.
Glad they’re not going to enforce it. There is never any justification for forcing a peaceful person at gunpoint (which is what governments do) to do anything.
This isn’t real, it is scripted propaganda.
And no mention of BHO and his administration being a part of the largest arms deal in the history of the world ever. The POTUS was at the helm when a massive arms deal was given to his master the King of Saudi Arabia (he bowed to the guy). He is the proliferator-in-chief. Cheap arms to Saudis and free ones to Iraqis – I guess only Muslims are supposed to have weapons . . . and drug cartels.
Why, Why, Why does the pro2nd amendment position have such HORRIBLE advocates?
Every single time that stupid 40% figure gets thrown around someone should throw there hands up in the air and force the person who said it to admit they are either ignorant or a liar. You can NEVER EVER let that stand. EVER. That bit of propaganda that the media uses will lose us the entire issue. It is a lie that should be called out as one every time its said.
Every single time someone says 30 round bullet chambers or the like the advocate for the 2nd amendment rights should say “This is the problem. Gun owners do not respect your opinion because you know nothing about guns.”
Our advocates should be armed with facts. We win all day long on the actual facts. There is not a gun control argument that can be rationally made without cherry-picking stats, misrepresenting facts, or appealing to sentiment by waving bloody shirts. Our advocates should be armed and ready to systematically take those things away.
For the life of me I cant figure out why the folks who stand for 2nd amendment rights would go into a fire fight about it without being properly armed. Stupid.
Continue your practice routine, but use some of the dumbass gun=grabbing politicians as your targets.
The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government. — Thomas Jefferson
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. — Thomas Jefferson
The focus needs to be on the Anti-Depressants (SRIs serotonin reuptake inhibitors). I’m sick of people ignoring the most glaring commonality of not just recent mass shootings, but dozens of acts of violence acted out by the consumers of these drugs. I’m not saying they affect everyone that uses them in the same way (no drug does), but there is a huge and growing amount of anecdotal evidence that indicates a closer look needs to be taken at their affects, and particularly on the young who seem to be more susceptible to the worst effects.
I have watched a growing tendency over the last 25 years or so, among both parents and doctors, to prescribe drugs for problems with children that could be addressed without them. It’s too easy, and when something is too easy there is usually a heavy price to be paid.
I expected to see bourbon… lots of bourbon whiskey.
I’m disappointed.