After calling Gun Owners of America President Larry Pratt an “unbelievably stupid man,” CNN chat show host and British expat Piers Morgan is under the gun (symbolically speaking). A Texan viewer created a petition on the White House website demanding Piers’ deportation for undermining the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. As of this writing, the petition has garnered 95,015 signatures. Morgan launched a major counter-attack over the weekend, Tweeting a threat to throw himself into the briar patch. I mean, deport himself. Meanwhile, he’s doing what he can to antagonize his detractors. Check out this Morgan meisterwerk penned for Blighty’s . . .

President Obama seems to agree it’s time for action. After four years of doing precisely nothing about  gun control in America, he finally snapped after Sandy Hook and said he’s keen to pursue a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. And he wants a closure of the absurd loopholes that mean 40 per cent of all gun sales in America currently have no background checks whatsoever – meaning any crackpot or criminal can get their hands on whatever they want.

These measures, which will be resisted every step of the way, won’t stop all gun crime. Nor all mass shootings. There are too many guns out there, and too many criminals and mentally deranged people keen to use them. But the measures will at least make a start. And they will signal an intent to tackle this deadly scourge on American life.

It’s the usual gun control silliness; it won’t work but we should do it anyway because it’s a good thing to do even if it doesn’t work. In other words, banning assault weapons and interjecting the government into private firearms sales is feel-good security theater.

If the former [disgraced] British tabloid editor had an editor, he would have cut out the next paragraph. Because this is the exactly the kind of disgraceful attack on Americans’ Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms that has American gun owners up in arms (so to speak):

Obama should follow up by launching a Government buy-back for all existing assault weapons in circulation (as worked successfully in Los Angeles last week). I would go further, confiscating the rest and enforcing tough prison sentences on those who still insist on keeping one.

OK, let’s get down to it:

The concerted effort to get me thrown out of the country – which has so far gathered more than 90,000 signatures – struck me as rather ironic, given that by expressing my opinion I was merely exercising my rights, as a legal US resident, under the 1st Amendment, which protects free speech.

You want irony (Piers)? Guess who’s fought—and won—the battle to ensure that resident aliens have Constitutional protections? The Second Amendment Foundation, on behalf of a Massachusetts resident alien who wanted to exercise his Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.

Of course, he was a permanent resident alien. Got a green card Piers? ‘Cause if you’re here on an H1 Visa, well, you could very well be SOL, should the Powers That Be decree that you be a communist or some damn danger to America.

And while I no more expect the Obama administration to kick you ass out of the U.S. than I expect to see NBC Meet The Pressmeister David Gregory spending quality cell time with Bubba for his AR-15 mag stunt, Piers would be well advised to bone-up on his social studies before taking a citizenship test, and do in the classroom what he seems incapable of elsewhere: STFU.


  1. “…my rights, as a legal US resident, under the 1st Amendment, which protects free speech.”

    Funny how he cites his right to free speech that he debatably may or may not have, while speaking against my undeniable right to keep and bear arms. Does he even know what a hypocrite is?

    We’d be better off without this POS on our soil

  2. “….he’s doing what he can to antagonize his detractors.” He’s an infant in adults clothing. Let him continue to make a fool of himself. I won’t waste any more time on the idiot.

    But I do hope he DOES go back to the U.K.

  3. When I start listening to Kim K about quantum physics I ‘ll pay more attention to a fleet street rug chewer. He thinks in second coming font. That is why I always keep my remote control close at hand when the TV is on.

  4. My experience with the Brits is that they often forget the consequences of the Treaty of Paris granting the Colonies indpendence from the Crown. I think it is a sign of cultural dementia.

  5. ” I was merely exercising my rights, as a legal US resident, under the 1st Amendment, which protects free speech.”

    Hey A-hole, there are 9 other amendments in my Bill of Rights, I was merely exercising my rights as a US CITIZEN, under the 2nd Amendment, which protects my right to bear arms.

    • That British tool who thinks the Second Amendment doesn’t apply to us, yet somehow simultaneously believes the First Amendment applies to him. I would paraphrase a rather well-known quote and say I disagree with him but defend his right to say what he wishes… however, I’d be lying through clenched and coffee-stained teeth.

    • Yea, the deadly epidemic where murders have fallen by 57% over the last 20 years and all other crimes have fallen by around 50% over the same time period. It’s so dangerous out there that we have our lowest murder rate in 50 years.

  6. Yeah, Jeremy says they don’t want him back though. On a lighter note & totally off thread, check out the u tube video Peel p50, the one with 6 million hits. This is the brilliant funny man at his best, Randy

  7. If you are younger (such as myself) and fortunate to be off today, watch the military channel’s WWII in color for a reminder of how many lives have paid for our freedom and to protect the constitution and what it means to us and the rest of the world. We can’t allow fools like this to be little our liberty and the price paid to secure it.

  8. This guy is still sore from the revolutionary war. What a wanker.
    And I want a tough jail sentence for him for treason.

  9. “…my rights, as a legal US resident, under the 1st Amendment, which protects free speech.”

    Yes Pierce, and as all of us, you also fall under its limitations. Free speech has limitations as in cases where said speech might incite violence and lawlessness. For example:

    “I would go further, confiscating the rest and enforcing tough prison sentences on those who still insist on keeping one.”

    Your words…. could incite rebellious behavior.

    Be careful what you wish for. You’re not in Kensington anymore…

  10. Obama should follow up by launching a Government buy-back for all existing assault weapons in circulation (as worked successfully in Los Angeles last week).

    That’s funny. I don’t recall a “successful” gun buy-back in LA last week that bought back “all existing assault weapons in circulation” like he’s spouting off about. I do recall one that ended up with people turning in old, unwanted weapons (and possibly quite a few which had been used in committing crimes and now are untraceable) for a couple hundred dollars in groceries. But in the grand scheme of things all it did was remove very small percentage of the weapons in a city where there are still hundreds of thousands (if not millions) still in private hands.

    • Is he talking about the one wherein a friggin missile launcher was turned in?
      Not that I truly care about buybacks, but I’ll turn in some airsoft gear I don’t use and make a few bucks

    • Absolutely this. People turing in old crap weapons and that’s a “successful” gun buy back? On CNN homepage it shows the buyback and a picture of the 9mm AT4 trainer stating “Gun back back yields this and more”, I’m appalled by the ignorance displayed by the media on a daily basis.

      • I’m appalled by the ignorance displayed by the media on a daily basis.

        I’d be appalled, too, if I thought it was ignorance. It isn’t ignorance you’re seeing. Most of them know the truth and still choose to lie through their teeth. It’s a page right out of the Joseph Goebbels playbook.

  11. That toolbag Erik Wemple called the empty magazine “a threat to society.” An empty magazine a threat, are you serious? He probably thinks a full magazine with evil bullets is a weapon of mass destruction.

  12. I can honestly say that I’ve never seen Piers Morgan and wouldn’t know him from Jaye P. Morgan, Jane Morgan or Morgan the Pirate. Although it seems like I’d prefer their company to his.

  13. What a moron!
    LAPD has a buy-back every year where the poor sell off stuff they found or stole or cousin Benny brought home after being discharged from service for $100 gift certificates…..

  14. In that video of PM calling his guest “incredibly stupid” the correct response would have been: “In the immortal words of Pee Wee Herman, I know you are but what am I?”

  15. There is another petition out on, something to the effect of “Keep Piers Morgan in the USA… because no one in the UK wants him back”. 8000-some signatures. Pretty funny.

  16. Keep spinning there, Piers…. every time his dumbass shows up on this page, his “eviction count” gets a few more thousand.

  17. It is amazing how people can succeed and make money in spite of themselves. It also doesn’t say much about the masses of American sheeple who faithfully watch CNN and the pied piper himself.

  18. These mouthpieces all claiming 1A protection, seem to have forgotten that the 2A is the only thing that guarantees the freedom they hold so dear.

  19. Piers Morgan should go home hates are counrty gun rights so much he should go back UK . Where they have national riot day ever year where youth gangs set fire London try destroy town for many days well shop keepers stand just watc there shops get burn down long police siting round with thumbs up butt becuase they can not stop it for not arm. Here good question ask Piers Morgan how last riots brokeout in your home counrty work out for it???

  20. I wonder how much time he spent in Grenwich Village with the children of Limosine liberals like Gliedman and Greene?

  21. The first amendment protects your right to say whatever you want; (i.e. no jail time for sedition) however, it does not protect you against the consequences of what you say. (i.e. people thinking you’re an idiot) About his comment regarding confiscation of rifles, I don’t think anyone wants to go there, I think that would have to be a military action. (Door to door searches for those who refuse to hand theirs in/shootouts with the National Guard/US Army would be a real possibility)

  22. We should start a campaign to boycott CNN until they fire Piers Morgan, and any news organization in the US that subsequently hires him, even as a Weather Man. Also, boycott CNN’s advertisers and let them know we won’t buy their products until they withdraw their advertisements from CNN.

  23. “But the measures will at least make a start.”

    And therein lies the heart of what every rabid anti-gunner dreams of and is exactly why giving even an inch is foolish.

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