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Colorado Senate To Approve Firearm Restriction Bill With Exemption

Darwin Nercesian - comments 66 comments

For all intents and purposes, Colorado has rendered the Second Amendment a privilege, not a right, and that still upsets leftist politicians who wanted even more draconian restrictions placed on gun ownership in the state. In January, Democrat lawbreakers, sorry, I meant lawmakers,  introduced one of the most sweeping “assault weapon” bans ever considered, intending to prohibit the manufacture, distribution, transfer, sale, or purchase of most semi-automatic firearms in existence, including any handgun, rifle, or shotgun that accepts detachable magazines.

After approving a series of amendments meant to appease Democratic Governor Jared Polis, who is wary of sweeping firearm restrictions, likely remembering the 2013 recall petitions and ousted politicians after the state passed a series of gun control bills, Senate Bill 25-3 is set for a final recorded vote sometime this week. It needs eighteen votes to pass, and with twenty-three Democrats in the chamber, it is likely to move to the House next for consideration, where Democrats also have a strong majority.

Now amended, SB 25-3 would carve out a provision for Coloradans who complete a safety and training course to purchase firearms otherwise banned by the bill. It took nearly 10 hours of debate, finally passing after midnight on Valentine’s Day, for the chamber to come to what sounds like a reluctant agreement.

Senator Tom Sullivan, the bill’s sponsor and Centennial Democrat, used the debate as a platform to stand atop the graves of the twelve people, including his son, killed in a 2012 Aurora mass shooting, by holding a photo of a 100-round magazine used by the gunman throughout the debate. My heart goes out to him and all those who have lost loved ones in senseless tragedies, but this type of appeal to demonize an inanimate object is blatant emotional blackmail for which you’ll find no forgiveness from me. 

“We spent quite a bit of time these last several weeks trying to get it to a space where we could be inclusive to everyone who was having concerns… What we’re trying to do is save lives… We are all hoping that those 550 million firearms that are out there are in the hands of law-abiding, responsible gun owners and we don’t have to worry about them taking any action in our communities. What we are worried about is the new (owners) who all of sudden just walk down the street, and … after we pass this, and starting in September, the only assault style weapons they can get are going to have attached magazines to it,” says Sullivan.

The sentiment is utterly disingenuous, however, as it has been explained ad nauseam that criminals who are willing to commit murder don’t concern themselves with magazine capacity limits, guns that are banned, or other ridiculous gun control measures. This isn’t a debate anymore. It’s just common sense that demonstrates the shameless lengths that the anti-Second Amendment left will go to and the logic that they will evade to usher in a more authoritarian government with citizens reduced to subjects. 

“I want to acknowledge the extent to which we’ve heard concerns … from our governor and from Coloradans. We’ve worked to address them,” echoed another bill sponsor, Democrat Senator Julie Gonzales from Denver.

In Colorado, participating in the privilege that was once a right of all Americans now involves being vetted by a county sheriff in a process similar to acquiring a concealed carry permit. If approved, they would then need to attend a four-hour basic firearm safety course if they have already completed a hunter safety course from Colorado Parks and Wildlife, which is required to obtain a state hunting license.

Those who do not have a hunter safety certification, however, will be subject to an extended twelve-hour in-person training conducted over two days, which is said to cover firearm handling, safe storage, child safety, data on mental illness-related gun deaths, and Colorado’s red flag law. Upon completion of the course, an exam score of 90% or higher would be necessary to qualify for the exemption, which is valid for five years before needing to take another class to requalify for the privilege of buying firearms with detachable magazines. 

Opponents of the bill argue reasonably that it will cause irreparable damage to the firearm industry in Colorado, as if that wasn’t the point of the measure in the first place. Republicans are averse to the bill and the amendments to it, as Senate Minority Leader Paul Lundeen says he opposes any policy that transforms the Constitutional right to bear arms into a privilege.

“Sure, it’s a small thing to get a little bit of education to get a firearm, but it’s a big thing to turn your back on your rights as a citizen,” said Lundeen.

66 thoughts on “Colorado Senate To Approve Firearm Restriction Bill With Exemption”

  1. They should hang up flyers around the apartment complexes Tren de Aragua have garrisoned notifying them of the required training.

    • All legislators and anybody running for a legislative office should be required to attend a forty hour in-person training conducted over five days, which would cover the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Federalist Papers. Upon completion of the course, an exam score of 90% or higher would be necessary to qualify for a Legislators permit which would valid for five years before needing to take another class to requalify for the privilege of holding a legislative office and legislating laws the rest of us have to live under.

  2. Know one should be upset about the 2A in Colorado. You elected an open and honest anti-civil rights married with children, h0;mo;se,xua”l governor. You celebrated making pot legal. And yet street dealers are still being arrested by Colorado law enforcement.

    But it’s just fine when the white owned pot stores sell dope.

    Colorado is not the only fallen state. But this is what you get when california pot heads moved to your state. Because they are trying to avoid paying taxes. Even tho they said pot should be made legal and taxed just like tobacco.

    So in their own words, “the government can make more money.”

    Pot heads and h.0:m0,sex:ua.l are all the same. They are s.o-ci.a.lis.t pr.ogr.es.siv.e in their p0lit.ic@l 0ri.e.nt@ tion.

      • I forgot to say — BIPOC and LGTBQ2s+ are more susceptible to violence, and allowing these “weapons of war” mean you hate underrepresented groups.

        Did I miss any other communist talking points??

      • Think of the children. Yes, please do – by arming the teachers inside the building.
        Oh, and no, the bucket of rocks near the teacher’s desk does NOT count as arming.

      • “No amendment is absolute.”

        Funny how the 60’s loonbats got their start with the “Free Speech Movement” at Berkeley.

        Today their trained talking head newscuties are shilling for EU-style suppression of speech, not to mention reducing ownership of firearms to an apprenticed privilege.

        Hopefully this bill, if Polis signs it, will result in some recalls and the beginnings of a reversal of the Rocky Mountain Heist. We’ve given up too much ground to these subhumans already.

    • “Pot heads and h.0:m0,sex:ua.l are all the same. They are s.o-ci.a.lis.t pr.ogr.es.siv.e in their p0lit.ic@l 0ri.e.nt@ tion.”

      I personally know individuals who prove your statement incorrect, and know of more than I know personally.

      I support your absolute right to both hold and peacefully express your opinions. But I urge you to consider whether it’s wise to use rhetoric that might drive potential political allies into the arms of the leftists. In particular, if you are a social conservative Christian please consider how you might end up if the leftists had the power to treat you exactly how they want to treat you.

        • You sir 2ayay supported the government stopping christians from attending church services. While at the same time BLM and pride parades were allowed to be attended by thousands.

          • I never liked the idea of forcing everybody to wear masks during Covid.

            I had a lot of people working on my house for various projects throughout the last half of 2020 and thru 2021.

            I told each contractor they could wear their mask if they felt they needed to, but if they wanted to remove it, they would be free to do so anytime on my property.

            Nobody ever wore their mask for longer than the time it took for them to walk the distance from the public street (county property) to my side of the sidewalk (my property).

            The only exceptions were the crews creating dust by cutting drywall or sawing concrete, or the one crew that had to work with epoxy and apply sealant afterward. You know, the crap that will ruin your lungs if you breathe too much of it in.

          • I live in the bay area, ca. I never wore those stupid masks. I never got stopped or questioned at any store I went to.

            Public hunting lands were closed. The beach was closed. Churches were closed.

            But the liqour stores and titty bars were open.

    • Some of us have been here since before all these Commiefornians moved here. There are a lot of us that are upset over everyone moving here and bringing their dumb policies with them. Not all of us voted for this and many of us want an overhaul of our state government. The problem is we have become outnumbered.

  3. What happens when democRats know the majority of citizens are Gun Control History illiterates just like these fools…

    h ttps://youtube.com/watch?v=7A3zBe1zWRg&feature=shared

  4. That bill is useless: Coloradans can go to an adjacent state and purchase any rifle they want, then transport it back to Colorado. (Whether or not that bill prohibits that conduct is irrelevant since Colorado has no way of enforcing it and violent criminals who are intent on mass murder do not care what any other laws say.)

    This is also a good time to remind those Colorado lawmakers and anyone else who fails to understand firearms:

    A lever-action rifle (you know, the rifle design which entered the scene over 140 years ago) chambered in .44 Magnum with a permanently attached tube magazine can hold at least nine cartridges in the tube and one in the chamber for a total of 10 shots without having to reload. If a mass murderer loaded cartridges with 305 grain hardcast bullets and shot into a crowd, each bullet could easily pass through and impart fatal wounds in at least three adults, and could quite easily impart fatal wounds in five adults. That means a mass murderer, using nothing more than a single fully loaded lever-action rifle, could potentially impart fatal wounds to as many 50 adults without having to reload. All that with a 140 year-old rifle design and commonly available .44 Magnum ammunition. Of course an enterprising mass murderer could then carry two such rifles and potentially murder as many as 100 adults in a crowd without reloading.

    The point is, an evil person who is intent on mass murder can achieve it with countless readily available objects, materials, substances, tools, machines, and other items. That being the case, lawmakers cannot justify infringements on our right to keep and bear arms under the guise of supposedly saving lives from violent perpetrators.

  5. I bet the number of revolvers sold will skyrocket. A 12 hour class or a hunting license PLUS a 4 hour class to earn the “right” to purchase a pistol?
    Does the proposed law apply to pistols that have a capacity less than a specified capacity, e.g., 1911s? Or many of the pocket pistols that have a capacity of less than 10? Or is it ALL semiauto handguns (that cannot be purchased out of state under current federal law).

    • Could keep 45/10/40/357sig alive especially in subcompact options. Also may make the silliness of full sized slide on subcompact grip more popular.

    • I bet you that 95% of the FFLs are out of business with a quickness.

      Which is the intent of this bill and the way it interfaces with pre-existing laws.

  6. “Senator Tom Sullivan, the bill’s sponsor and Centennial Democrat, used the debate as a platform to stand atop the graves of the twelve people, including his son, killed in a 2012 Aurora mass shooting, by holding a photo of a 100-round magazine used by the gunman throughout the debate.”

    The Aurora theater shooting represents the perfect example of an incident that could have mitigated by a patron with a firearm. Dude enters from side door, steps in front of the screen, displays a firearm, then opens fire.

    1) He had NO ONE behind him. It’s like he stood himself up against a wall and begged 100+ people to shoot him in selfdefense.
    2) Everyone hit the floor, so everyone in the place had a clear shot at him – but nothing to shoot with.

    The aftermath was also repugnant to Americans in that bereaved families that sued the theater over the “no guns” policy and lack of security not only lost, but were bankrupted by being forced to pay the theater’s legal bills.

    Last but not least, several victims were *active* military. How anyone could think that a gun ban would have prevented this one is beyond my powers of imagination. What a horrific stain on the honor of the entire state.

    PS – that drum mag jammed…

    PPS – the perp is still alive.

  7. It is fun to act as if Dims truly are Dimwitocrats, but, in actuality, they are very clever in what they do politically. One way to gain more voters is to succeed at something that is intended, or lose at something that is intended. Either way, Dims gain additional voters. Republicrats, on the otherhand, have contempt for any failure to achieve political goals, and run losers out on a rail.

    Or just give up, entirely.

  8. Colorado used to be but it isn’t anymore.
    What happened to all the Cowboys spitting tobacco juice outside of the bar?

  9. All legislators and anybody running for a legislative office should be required to attend a forty hour in-person training conducted over five days, which would cover the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Federalist Papers. Upon completion of the course, an exam score of 90% or higher would be necessary to qualify for a Legislators permit which would valid for five years before needing to take another class to requalify for the privilege of holding a legislative office and legislating laws the rest of us have to live under.

    • As with any matter of education, the interpretation, bias, of the information being presented is critical to learning.

      One theory of the Constitution is that the meanings of the words when written is set in stone, unmovable, and understood by the majority of those considering the Constitution. Another view is that the meanings of words are lime limited, and apply as generally understood, as time evolves.

      Thus, “understanding” obligations demanding adhereing to the Constitution, depends solely on who is in power, and for how long (re: Alice’s conversation with Humpty Dumpty).

      • I don’t have any desire to “educate” legislators or potential legislators past making sure they can stand inside the marked square while wearing handcuffs and not squirm around excessively as the rope is placed.

        Hilarious that the 2A community is full of people who want to shoot people for petty theft but can’t muster the balls to even use political retaliation tactics against anti-gun pols.

        • For all kinds of reasons no comment. But yes you are right in the criticism even as we just begin to show some signs of maybe going for impeachment of activist judges ignoring the constitution.

        • “Hilarious that the 2A community is full of people who want to shoot people for petty theft but can’t muster the balls to even use political retaliation tactics against anti-gun pols.”

          There was a time in this country when a politician or a banker, was in fear of voters showing up at their home. With torches and burning the house to the ground. Because it happened many times in the past. That fear kept some of them in check.

          But politicians figured out that if you made pot legal and made gambling legal. A sort of “bread and Circuses” could be created to keep the population distractioned.

          • I would argue municipal and state level police paired with a network of various federal law enforcement to target such domestic terrorism (modern parlance) and lynch mobs etc for older times. Basically the corrupt pols enjoy the full protection of the government from the rabble.

          • Jumping right to the 21st century for the final nail in the coffin on why enthusiastic civil disobedience is only government sanctioned now.

          • The real question, raised by Montesquieu, is whether or not a Republic of our size can function without degrading institutions and destroying rights via various forms of corruption.

            I suspect that it can, given modern communications tech, but it requires a certain type of citizen which we do not possess.

            Nor will we ever possess it so long as Conservatives continue along the path they’ve chosen. Instead, they’ll take the “quick solution”, a USSR-esque approach, and wreck everything. Sure, they won’t wreck everything the way the Lefties do, but they’ll wreck it nonetheless and to the average citizen the outcome will be essentially indistinguishable.

            The whole abortion debate is an example of this. The Right loves to shit on Libertarians but it was Ron Paul who correctly pointed out that abortion for the purpose of birth control should not be illegal, it should be unthinkable because society had inculcated a level of responsibility in its citizens that made such a consideration abhorrent to the vast majority.

          • So… if it’s all the weed and gambling that did it, are you saying that Conservatives are high and losing their money to gambling?

            If that’s the case, then they were never really very Conservative in the first place, were they?

            The reality is that the modern Right, since around the Nixon era, doesn’t GAF about civil rights at all because the GOP is captured. It’s one wing of the predatory bird known as government.

            One has to wonder if Nietzsche wasn’t right when he, channeling an anarchist vibe, said “Everything the State says is a lie, and everything it has it has stolen”.

            Or maybe this isn’t about weed and gambling. Maybe it’s about how for 60+ years Conservatives have been led around by a ring in their nose when it comes to fighting buzzwords.

            You surrender your freedoms to the government to fight things like “communism” or “drugs” or “terrorism” while your own government has been the main purveyor of at least two of those things since 1960 and we can prove it.

          • h ttps://x.com/seanmdav/status/1892046096215540138 appropriate you are the one to raise that point while one of your others is found in the wild.

          • As I’ve pointed out before, Neocons are direct descendants of the Fabians, essentially a rebranding.

            Here, SAFE, you’ll love this, a 16 minute explanation of how dumbass people proposing simple solutions to complex problems will have us all paying the price the idiots deserve:


            The MIC ain’t always some grand cabal of elite planners. Sometimes it’s just idiots who don’t understand the system trying to fix it. Want another forever war? Here, have one right on your own fucking border, courtesy of the US government and kneejerk reactions from Conservatives.

            Maybe, if we’re lucky, we can have an Extortion 17 incident once a week while the Cons clap like trained seals for that wAr oN dRugZ!

          • Drugs and gambling were all very legal well over a century ago. And we had a much smaller government back then too.
            What changed was the libertarians liberals and the left all said it should be acceptable to do these things. And they said it should be acceptable to do so many other things that are destructive.

            That is part of what happened in the book “1984.” The government encouraged degenerate behavior. Just like the three L’s do now. The government loves giving pot away for free in some states. The government will even provide a doctor to monitor you. So you don’t die of a drug overdose. On the drugs that you voluntarily put into your own body.

            And the government loves having tax payers gamble in government lotteries. Instead of saving money or investment in a private business.

            I’ve never heard someone make an argument supporting tariffs. Until Trump came along. And the libertarians hate him for it.

            But what I didn’t know. Was that way back when drugs, gambling, and prostitution were all legal. The America government got its money from tariffs. And the government was very small back then too.

        • “Hilarious that the 2A community is full of people who want to shoot people for petty theft… “

          Yes, everybody is laughing, hilarious.

  10. Two things:

    1. I doubt Polis cares about the prior recalls, he’s concerned about higher office after his term as governor is over.

    2. What many people in Colorado seem not to grasp is the actual intent behind this bill.

    When you look at how the things that the Colorado Legislature has done work in concert you realize that their overarching goal is to drive FFLs in the state out of business.

    This being the goal, proposals such as the SB do not need to be in place for long. This is true even of the “modified bill”.

    Consider the average person who wants an AR but doesn’t have a hunting license but lives in the North Metro, or somewhere else in the Northern half of Colorado. For such a person, Cheyenne, WY beckons. Not only do they not require any of this nonsense but their firearms will be ~12% cheaper at this point due to a lack of taxes.

    This is also true of shotguns. And the tax angle is true for ammo.

    Basically the state is saying that if you want a semi-auto rifle or shotgun or to buy ammo at a rational price, please leave the state and buy elsewhere. Oh, and the discount basically pays for lunch and gas.

    Just the tax discount is a pretty significant incentive if you’re talking mid-to-high end guns, too, kind of a “the more you buy the more you save” sort of thing.

    Now consider the “gas operated handgun” provision.

    No one actually knows what it means but it is assumed to be intended to cover all semi-auto handguns. Gun stores, report that this is the vast, vast majority of handguns that they sell (because no one wants your wheel gun anymore, old man). Ergo, a ban like this lasting just a few months would devastate an FFLs handgun revenue.

    So, imagine most FFLs that are not pawn shops or big box outdoors stores. They’ll see a reduction in their sales by ~80% according to the FFLs themselves. That’s death for those businesses.

    And that’s the point because that’s damage that lasts even after the law gets struck down in court. The game will be to keep the law in force long enough to run the vast majority of FFLs out of business and then relent, the damage having been done.

    The real question here is if this law is actually enforced by LE. If it’s like the mag ban, and ignored by LE (actually they openly encourage citizens to break this law), then it doesn’t much matter. If, however, it actually is enforced then it will be the end of most gun businesses in the state very rapidly.

    And that’s the point.

    So…. bAcK dA bLUe? No, fuck that, shame and degrade them. Make them social pariahs for even considering an enforcement action on this.

    • Ah, looking the rewritten bill, they’ve actually gone and defined “gas operated pistol”. It covers everything you’d think it would.

      Nice. LOL!

      • Oh, and look, they’ve also carved out most pistols too. I wondered if they’d attempt this.



        They’ve pretty well gone after AR/AK pistols with this. Interesting rewrite. I wonder how the folks at Everytown feel about this, since they wrote the original.

    • Thought some news blurb said the Colorado law prevents transfer, by any means, of firearms is prohibited. Would a visit to bring in guns and ammo from another state be considered a legal transfer?

      • Since moderation is still waiting, the super short answer:

        Keep in mind that the language is changing on this, now they’re proposing to allow transfers if you have the right paperwork.

        As to the question you pose: You can’t come to Colorado and then “transfer” the firearm but you could leave Colorado to do so.

        That’s why I say this is targeting FFLs. It kinda-sorta exempts most semi-auto pistols and would seem to target things like AK/AR pistols.

        But for long guns, those can be sold across state lines and there’s nothing in the law that bans possession. Just transfers (excluding estates), manufacturing, distribution, sales or purchases. If none of those things occur in Colorado there’s no breaking of the law.

        Ergo, you can drive up to Cheyenne, WY and buy whatever you want and come back with it. Given the excise taxes they’ve added, if this passes, then the state’s highly encouraging you to leave and buy enough stuff that the tax break covers your gas and lunch.

        Every dollar spent in such a way didn’t go to a Colorado FFL. Put enough of them out of business and then it doesn’t matter if you lose in court, the damage is done because “you have no right to buy a firearm, only to keep and bear them”.

        • Essentially, any gun control law is designed to eliminate gun possession, ever, for anyone not in a gang, or luxurating in a life of violent crime.

          There won’t be any boogie, but have always wondered which side the gangs and criminals would join if a boogie spontaneously popped up in a popular venue.

          • Essentially, any gun control law is designed to eliminate gun possession, ever, for anyone not in a gang, or luxurating in a life of violent crime.

            To the first part, yes, it just depends on the timeline. This one’s meant to do so by attrition.

            To the second part, well kinda. One need not be violent to adopt the position that they’re simply not impressed by and will not follow malum prohibitum laws that don’t make sense.

            The old statement of “If you outlaw guns then only outlaws will have guns” can be easily followed by “…and then I shall become an outlaw”.

            It’s the overtly law abiding nature of their opposition which they wish to weaponize in instances like this.

            It does, however, present a quandary for us. One can simply ignore the law, leave the state and then return with what they wish. As written there appears to be no penalty for doing this even if you somehow managed to get caught. However, doing so leaves one in the position of abandoning their allies, in this case FFLs, in their time of need.

            Remember that decision dilemma they love? Well here you go, pick a horn to get gored by. Adds a bit of divide and conquer when the antis point this out later on too.

            bUt ThEy So StUpiD!

            Here’s the fun bit: You can bet your bottom dollar that versions of this will metastasize beyond Colorado rather quickly too.

            I’d say that it seems like a good time to snap to, and start paying close attention but saying such is a fool’s errand.

          • Would be interesting to see if Colo govt decides to staff border checkpoints to prevent movement of firearms from other states, and into Colo.

          • The immediate question would be where they get the statutory authority to do so.

            From this bill, as written, they don’t.

            Then there’s that pesky 4A. Oh, wait, Right Wingers gutted that with glee.

            So, I guess there’s either the further abandonment of principles, compliance or blood.

            People often ask me, with the positions I have, why am I not a proud Righty? This is why. Because the Right’s trash and will undercut itself chasing short term wins at the expense of long term losses. I can’t be a part of that kind of idiocy.

            So, I’m not. Instead I stand outside and throw rocks at everyone who deserves it.

  11. If this bill goes through and it most likely will because Democrats are totalitarian by their very nature the residence of Colorado are only one tragedy away from existing firearms being confiscated under a buyback or similar type of program. And at point they will have a decision to make, do they resist with violence or bow at the alter of totalitarianism.

    • They’ll do what they’ve done with regards to previous laws.

      Mostly ignore them.

      The “mag ban” being a great example. Of all the places I know of, only BassPro, Cabela’s, Scheels and Jax actually obey that law. They’re all big chains.

      Regular gun stores ignore, and even flaunt ignoring the law. Cops, in uniform, openly tell people not to follow it. It’s really rather a pointless law, enforced like six times against people who’ve robbed banks and gotten into gunfights with the police.

  12. @strych9
    “Instead I stand outside and throw rocks at everyone who deserves it.”

    That’s my stance. Republicrats and Dimwitocrats both have the same goal; Dims want to achieve it today, Repubs prefer the slower route (probably because the slow pace provided more cool parties for the Repubs to be invited to).


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