A radical plan in Colorado to ban most semi-auto firearms and create a permit-to-purchase requirement for gun buyers is quickly moving through the legislative process. And at a recent committee hearing on the measure, one Colorado sheriff spoke out pointedly against the proposal.
The measure, Senate Bill 25-003, would ban “specified semiautomatic firearms,” which are defined in the bill as “…a semiautomatic rifle or semiautomatic shotgun with a detachable magazine or a gas-operated semiautomatic handgun with a detachable magazine.”
Last month, the bill was amended to grant an exemption for the purchase of banned firearm platforms through a “permit-to-purchase” scheme. Coloradans who complete the Hunters Safety course or possess a concealed carry permit would be required to take four hours of firearms education, and individuals who possess neither would require 12 hours of education to apply for the purchase permit.
El Paso County Sheriff Joe Roybal doesn’t think much of the scheme, and earlier this week testified in the House Judiciary Committee, saying the measure “will not make Coloradans safer.”
“By banning the purchasing, selling and manufacturing of semi-automatic firearms used by thousands of law-abiding citizens for home and personal safety, this legislation not only jeopardizes the fundamental right to self-defense but also infringes on inherent constitutional rights, setting a dangerous legal precedent for the future of the Second Amendment in Colorado,” Sheriff Roybal testified. “Proponents of the bill claim it will help curb gun violence; however, SB 25-003 will have the opposite effect. This bill effectively targets law-abiding gun owners rather than criminals, who, by definition, do not follow the law and will obtain a firearm through illegal channels.”
During his time before the committee, Sheriff Roybal also took issue with the so-called “exemption” that actually creates even more Second Amendment problems.
“This legislation also creates an additional background screening process, which is already required when purchasing a firearm,” the sheriff testified. “Of even more significant concern, this legislation calls for the building and maintaining of a state-required registry for Colorado gun owners (which violates Colorado statute). The only logical reason I can think of for a state-sanctioned gun registry is to have the ability to confiscate firearms in the future.”
Lastly, the sheriff argued that because of the unconstitutional nature of the measure, a long, drawn-out and expensive court fight will likely result if the measure is passed.
“Undoubtedly, Senate Bill 25-003 will tie up courts for years in litigation and cost Colorado taxpayers hundreds of thousands in unnecessary legal fees,” he concluded. “As Sheriff, public safety is the primary focus of every decision I make. Senate Bill 25-003 is unconstitutional and will not increase public safety and will only erode the rights of law-abiding Coloradans. I urge members of this committee to oppose Senate Bill 003 in the interest of public safety and the preservation of our Constitution.”
It remains to be seen whether Sheriff Roybal’s testimony will change any minds. The committee is expected to vote on the measure sometime soon.
Disarming honest people has never made them safer.
RE: “This bill effectively targets law-abiding gun owners rather than criminals, who, by definition, do not follow the law and will obtain a firearm through illegal channels.”
It grinds my gears to see sht happening like this to Colorado. Memory of my time in Aspen will have to suffice because I will not return to what is becoming a shthole ran by the likes of the scum who at the State of the Union and would not stand for defenseless women who were murdered victims of the insane biden/harris illegal immigration vote scheme.
For decades ignorant self serving Gun Talking blowbags like void have sat on their dumbfuk behinds and allowed Gun Control to hang Crime around the neck of The Second Amendment. And what pushback was hung around the neck of Gun Control? It’s been anything and everything but the History of Gun Control. Make no mistake about it the kill spot Center X on Gun Control is the diabolical History of Gun Control.
Failure to include the indisputable History of Gun Control as Defense for The Second Amendment says in flashing neon lights you cannot hit the broadside of a barn in what is clearly a Fight for Freedom.
Still in denial of actual racism and genocide? Let me remind you retard https://revolver.news/2025/03/startling-new-information-about-the-us-population-proves-the-lefts-reset-is-working/
You and your bleating are meaningless to those who will replace you and call anyone who opposes it racist. Tell me again how nagging anyone about racism as your vote no longer matters does anything? Lol or keep attempting to be clever in your failed quest to co-opt a lefty weapon I am sure it will be effective if you repeat it again.
“The Left’s reset…”
That’s just the communists doing their communism thing.
We need to stop fighting each other, because until we do, we’ll lose more than we gain.
Gotta cut the cancer of counterproductive effort that plays into the enemies hands.
“… the kill spot Center X on Gun Control is the diabolical History of Gun Control.”
That statement is nothing more than supposition until you provide evidence to support it. I won’t hold my breath waiting for you to provide such evidence since I have requested it multiple times over the years and you have never provided it.
Never will see it either because at best it is a shrinking nich issue for a growing majority of the population. Hilarious seeing her complain about harassment when she bitches about void (and others) constantly and is unable to discuss the topic without insulting other parties that disagree with her in any way.
“… [Debbie W.] … is unable to discuss the topic without insulting other parties that disagree with her in any way.”
Hmm. Unable to provide evidence for assertions and insulting everyone who disagrees–sounds a LOT like Democrats.
Sincerely don’t think so in her case but could always be a lefty troll trying for disruption. If so would be one of the more dedicated and able to keep character ones I have seen even with the crybully routine.
Here are two hallmarks of Democrats:
1) Arriving at a position based on emotion.
2) Viewing almost everything as oppressor-vs.-oppressed.
Those two characteristics describe commenter Debbie W. to a tee. She just happens to espouse some conservative values such as effective self-defense (and thus firearm ownership). Of course her primary driver for embracing firearm ownership: the forces of civilian disarmament are oppressors and we are the oppressed.
While the reasoning behind the stance is evident the path used to get there…….yeah you probably have the right of it. Eh no big loss pretty much anything she claims to withhold is on YouTube at this point anyway and she will just keep posting like our other emotionally driven ones.
This guy was 100% on the mark. Unfortunately, the leftists in the state government are not interested in the law so it’s doubtful they will listen. As is the usual MO of such idiots, they will proceed with the well founded hope that their crap will stick to the wall and cost the tax payers and the plaintiff an exorbitant amount of money.
The Californication of Colorado & the next article’s Oragone will likely happen. It would be swell if SCOTUS did “something” positive!🙄 Never give up your gats!!!
“Senate Bill 25-003 … will only erode the rights of law-abiding Coloradans.” — Sheriff Roybal
That is the precisely what the authors of that proposed legislation want to do.
RE: “Still in denial of actual racism and genocide? Let me remind you retard”
void…You ignorant pathetic slanderous giggling finger ponting pencildick troll…The above denial APPLIES TO YOU.
Me Citing The History of Gun Control in Defense of The Second Amendment is not calling anyone Racist however those who ignore History or are ignorant of History they wonder up catering to the Racism inherent in Gun Control. You assume I am calling people racist because you by your own words are a bigoted pos.
Anyone who sidesteps the History of Gun Control and barks at citing its History like a mangy dog is an ignorant worthless Gun Control buttlicker…the shoe fits you so wear it.
Note…I am a hair on a cat’s azz from filing a harassment complaint against you. Unless you can debunk what I post and you cannot debunk History make this your last reply to me..
English oppressed English Japs oppressed Japs Chinese oppressed Chinese. Debbi whines when called out for being objectively and nags about irrelevant topics then insults others and cries about harassment when insulted in turn. Power and control are the root and you are being replaced by those who will go along with it. Cry more useless nag.
I don’t care who said it, but, “Fear the government that fears your firearms”.
If law enforcement isn’t military why does that guy have 4 stars on his lapel.
Is he a 4Star General Sheriff?
1 tin soldier shouting at the sky.
Colorado was a Biden supporter until he couldn’t Biden no more so then the majority of voters latched onto Kamala.
and she lost too