Last month, the gun rights dystopia that is Massachusetts became the first state to ban bump fire stocks – complete with a potential life sentence for owning one. Now, South Carolina’s capital city, Columbia, has become the first city to enact a similar ban.
The City of Columbia passed an ordinance Tuesday that bans the use of bump stocks and trigger cranks.
Columbia’s ordinance, which was introduced at the Dec. 5 City Council meeting, makes it illegal to attach bump stocks or trigger cranks to any guns within the city, except by military or law enforcement personnel. It would still be legal to own those devices, so long as they are stored in separate containers from firearms.
Unlike the Bay State ban, Columbia’s prohibition doesn’t appear to outlaw simple possession of a bump fire stock, only their use. Mayor Steve Benjamin wasted no time in touting the city’s new law as a major step for gun safety.
“I believe in responsible gun ownership, and I believe in common sense,” Mayor Steve Benjamin said in a news release. “That’s why we’ve decided to do what our federal and state governments are either unable or unwilling to do and act by banning the use of bump stocks and trigger cranks in our city. This is not the first time we’ve taken the lead, but it may be the most important.”
Columbians can now sleep comfortably knowing that their elected representatives have finally done something about the seemingly intractable plague of bump fire-driven gun crime that has been sweeping the Palmetto State capital.
ahh Liberals making more things double super mega extra King Kong butt raping Godzilla on a bed of tofu with plaid flannel sheets illegal again I see…
Wonder when that’ll actually start working.
This law could actually pass constitutional review
A Resident of Columbia South Carolina could bring his legally possessed bump stock to another county can use it there
What does Massachusetts plan to do about that pesky 9 th amendment about not taking property without paying compensation?
Or that other amendment about no ex post facto laws?
5th Amendment, sport.
Except for military and law enforcement… Oh yeah because civies are second class Americans. Thanks for the reminder.
I wonder if the police union fought to get that LEO carve-out, or if they are so used to carve-outs the legislators just automatically throw that in any time there’s a gun law they want to pass.
I mean, obviously bump-stocks are only made for inaccurate spray-and-pray murderathons, but… y’know… they are a legitimate tool of policing, right?
can you imagine the meltdown the left would have if a cop used a bump-stock in a defensive situation? The scurry to be the most outraged would be something to behold.
They had such a hard on for going after Sig for the same thing too, it was like an article a day (or more) for a week.
The fact that there is a carve out for military and police for an accessory that is worthless to them since they can already get the real deal, (or are issued select fire/full auto weapons to begin with) makes my head spin. Save these stories for Fridays so I at least have the weekend to recover from the stupidity.
So this was news back in march of 2016….the officer was found not guilty Dec 7 of this year. Why drag something up that is this old? The officer was let go so the tactic you’re attempting to scare everyone with was obviously not used successfully in the court case.
I’m so tired of all the gun websites I read always trying these scare tactics especially when when it is sloppy and obvious that the only point to the article is to rile people up.
Never heard of TFB and I guess I’ll not be bothering to read TFB. So I’m so much better off.
I feel the need to go there and bumpfire 1000 rounds with my belt. You for them to see their stupidity. But given that they are stupid, i might end up in jail for that so i’d rather not try…
And in the rest of the state there are 1,250,000 permit holders who have to renew our pistol permits for the first time ever . With one month to,go only 250,000 have .
Good luck,getting out of staters to comply , when the residents don’t .
They will do no such thing.
They will nullify federal law. Plain and simple. They will ignore the federal law and arrest you if they find you have a gun without their permission. You’ll spend years in jail while waiting for the 9 unelected kings and queens of the supreme court of the US to hear your case. IF they hear your case.
You’ll likely rot in jail with a felony conviction for 10 years. And when you get out, no state will let you have a gun again.
I don’t know? Here’s a funny story, had to go to courthouse yesterday, court was in session, walked to the metal checker, did my pocket dump , went through checker, turned to balif and said ” huh these plastic guns don’t register, cool”. The bailiff, come unglued, it was funny.
Am I drowning or getting crushed? If not gimme more.
Depends in part on the local regulatory and political environment.
Here in New Mexico, and right now, we keep about enough “range ammo” for four to six months of range visits for our regular use guns, enough for one or two trips for the ones we don’t take very often. We buy mostly via mail order and both Mrs. C and I travel frequently, so we place large orders as needed and when we know we’ll be home to get them.
For defensive and hunting ammo, we keep the magazines of those guns filled, and about the same again in boxes. Reorder after a range trip with those.
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