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Comedian Jim Jeffries: Gun Zero of the Day [VIDEO]

Robert Farago - comments No comments

Australian comedian Jim Jeffries‘ Netflix special featured an extended rant about America’s firearms freedom. The YouTube versions (one and two) garnered the anti-gunner millions of views. In attempt to mine the same seam of comedy gold, Jeffries headed to a gun range. And wouldn’t you know . . .

He loved it! B-b-b-but how does a gun control advocate reconcile his hands-on happiness with his anti-firearms fanaticism?

Formula one cars are fun but I don’t need to race one to the BLEEPing grocery store. Bears are fun to look at at the zoo but I don’t want my neighbors stockpiling them . . . even if he does believe in his right to bears.

Look at that. You can just buy that online with one click and have it in your house. Do you really need a 50 caliber sniper rifle that can shoot two kilometers to protect your family . . . admit you have that gun because you think it’s cool.

It’s been two years since Jeffries’ initial foray into fun-filled gun control advocacy. Someone must have filled the comedian in on A) what it takes to purchase a gun in America and B) why the U.S. Constitution has a Second Amendment (hint: something to do with government tyranny).

American gun culture is not without its humorous aspects; check out Colion Noir’s early videos. But lampooning gun rights based on anger, ignorance and arrogance does an enormous disservice to the safety and security of a free people — providing ammo to the antis crusading for civilian disarmament.

Shooting the Second Amendment with a shotgun? Not to put too fine a point on it, Jim Jeffries is a dick.

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Robert Farago

Robert Farago is the former publisher of The Truth About Guns (TTAG). He started the site to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns.

0 thoughts on “Comedian Jim Jeffries: Gun Zero of the Day [VIDEO]”

  1. Only thing I fear is using two bullets rather than one. You know they cost $2.00 appice. Oops, hmm that’s 50 caliber. Should only need one.

  2. Why does anyone accept any advise from a comedian on anything?

    They will do ANYTHING for a laugh. They don’t care whether it is beneficial to society, or something terribly nasty and mean. If some people will laugh at it, they will do it.

    Never trust a comedian.

  3. I know many people, generally younger people who listen to nothing but comedy or comedy-news. Some of them even disagree with their leftist propaganda, but still watch. Generally, the material is not funny at all, and the comedian uses their outside voice continually. I find it extremely annoying and patronizing. At least it was a few years ago, the last time I was subjected to accidentally seeing a portion of a comedy show.

    I do like some comedy, always like Seinfeld and Southpark and King of the Hill. But Jon oliver and the like just aren’t funny to me, “progressive” propaganda aside.

  4. The cruel humor genre and the political humor genre. I never found anything Don Rickles did to be the least bit funny. How many other comedy performers can you name that are NOT funny?

  5. I keep telling ya’ll, concentration camps are the ONLY viable remedy for America’s most dangerous enemies that’s she’s ever faced; Liberal Terrorists™, as they pose an existential threat to our Constitutional Republic. There is nothing more insidiously dangerous than those that seek to usurp our Constitution. We wouldn’t hesitate to eliminate any outside nation or extremist terror group who actively pursued the destruction of our country. These anti-American, filthy democrat leftists are no different are are not immune. Inherent in being American is the duty to protect our sovereign land and it’s citizens from enemies, both foreign and domestic. Well, here we are. Why risk the lives of good, wholesome, patriotic Americans in a kinetic Civil War, when a nationwide round up of these subversive animals would be much less risky? Step 1 is seizing the membership registration information for online sewers that these terrorists visit, like The Daily Kos, (as an example.). Once we can identify and arrest (see the Patriot Act) the few million of their most hardened militants, the rest will be easy. It’s time to restore America to what our Founders intended. They never intended for enemies like Gabby Giffords and her master Michael Bloomberg to destroy our God given rights.
    Rant over.

  6. I bought two guns this month, and I’m thinking about adding a Glock 43 with night sights. I’ll be splurging on ammo, too, before CA slams the door on online ammo sales.

    After that, I won’t be buying a gun for a long time. Or ammo..

  7. They say the second amendment is a bell weather for the rest of them. I’m inclined to agree, and take it a step further. Each amendment is like a leg in a stool. Sure you may be able to balance for a short period of time with one limping along or missing, but eventually it will topple over. All rights are ultimately dependent on one another. That’s why they are having legal battles over having a sign for a gun shop in California.

  8. If you aren’t a US Citizen you don’t have a clue and I don’t understand why any foreign national even gets a voice in the matter.

    I do suspect that if it comes to it again, be it the British or any other attempt at tyranny Gen George will be some proud of what goes down the second time.

  9. This may be a comedy show. But I know a lot of people who really believe what he just said… that you can buy any gun online and have it shipped directly to your home with a simple click and without any checks.

  10. I bought a new Mossberg 500, stamped “Western Auto” around 1980, for around $120. It originally came with a 28″ fixed modified choke, (no vent rib) barrel, and wood furniture. Over the years, I replaced the furniture with synthetic camo, and a 20″ vent ribbed barrel with screw-in chokes. (probably should have got a 24″?), and a Pachmayr Decelerator recoil pad.
    This was my only shotgun for about 20 years. I (and others) have fired literally thousands of rounds though it. Skeet, to Turkey, to steel shot loads. Also Magnum slugs and buckshot. Squirrels, rabbits, upland birds, waterfowl, turkeys, deer, pests and many clay pigeons have fallen in front of it.
    Never a jam, misfire, or malfunction of any kind.
    I have other shotguns that I hunt with more often now, but this baby still sits next to my bed, ready for anything.
    What more can you ask for?

  11. It should be noted that 200k isn’t the number of firearms purchased that would go through a nics check yesterday. There were a lot good deals that required ordering the firearm and therefore the nics check won’t go through until the firearm is delivered. Hell I even ordered a lower yesterday.

  12. Scotland has strict gun control laws. Why do the cops need guns there?

    Is gun control an abject failure? Again? Still? Always?

    The Daily Digest works best for me between 12.03 pm and 12.11 pm. See to it.

  13. When Jeff Bezos said carrying a flashlight and screw driver was prudent, because it would have aided a great many people fleeing the World Trade Center bombing (second to last one), he was just being all brilliant and innovate-y.

    OTOH, outspoken conservative-guy, better he stays unarmed: safe where there’s capitol police, but otherwise a soft target.

    It really seems that the twit-ariat is for or against taking care of yourself depending on what kind of problem, and who you are, of course.

  14. I always thought it was crazy, tin foil hat talk, about armed insurrection. Not so sure anymore. Folks we have, LOST our country.
    Now back to work little ones. Earn some money, so we the overlords can take most of it.

  15. Is anyone else tired of hearing the term African American ?? I know I am. Their black, just like were white, I refuse to use the term anymore, we are Americans all different colors. We need to stop with all of the labels, everyone knows of their African roots yet we all pander to the PC crowd just like the term assault rifle. We need to stop with all the PC nonsense.


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