Glock 19, c Nick Leghorn

The Truth About Guns is the world’s largest firearms related publication. Our articles are read by roughly three million people all over the world every single month. We like to think we have a good idea of who makes up our audience and how we’re doing in terms of keeping our readership happy. But there’s nothing like the smell of fresh data to better focus our editorial content and make sure that we are catering to y’all as best as possible. To that end . . .

every year we like to take the pulse of our readers to find out a little more about them. That time is now! Please click here to take our 2016 TTAG Reader Survey. To sweeten the pot we’re giving away a brand new GLOCK 19 handgun to one lucky person who completes the survey and provides their email address.

Remember: your input today helps us shape the future of TTAG! And please note that TTAG does not share your information with any third party without your express consent. Thanks for your help.

[Click here to fill out the survey!]


    • Assault Flintlock:

      • Has bayonet lug
      • Has the ‘shoulder thing that goes up’
      • More than .50cal

    • Raises a question. If the winner cannot take possession, is the prize still given out? Maybe to the first person to drive over to AmShoot in celebration of your first date or whatever it was that I can’t find the post of? As long as it’s after regular business hours, I’d be in for that.

      • Nice guy that I am, if you win, I’ll be happy to swap your new full-capacity mags for my Clinton-era 10-rounders on a one-for-one basis.

        • haha can’t even accept the box in NY with those evil ‘high capacity’ things in there without becoming a felon.

        • You see how that’s so terribly wrong, don’t you. Somebody in NY let some a-hole f-up a part of my country. I have to contact my state reps to get them to protect me from yours. I’m being taxed because of some piss ant small state’s (D)head is fing up America.

          Work on that, hunh? Either way

      • I’ve got 50 cents says 90% of CA cops couldn’t tell the difference. Most probably also don’t care. And if worse came to worst, you could always claim you found it, didn’t know it was evil.

    • Sorry, but Newsom is banning them and assault rocks. You can only have pebbles under .22, you must have a license to purchase the pebbles and then you can only purchase 5 pebbles a month.

  1. The title of the article should be “Complete TTAG’s Annual Reader Survey and Enter to Win a Free Gun!”. The current title implies that you win the gun for completing the survey. Of course I like that outcome better. Where’s my new gun!?

  2. Just completed the it and find it interesting that the survey’s creator apparently thinks there are no hispanic/latino gun owners, as per the choices on the “ethnicity” question. Funny that, considering that the POTG are trying very hard to move beyond the OFWG stereotype.

    • Damnit, I knew I forgot something. I followed the language on the ATF’s 4473 form and forgot that they spliced out the Hispanic answer into its own question. Added it in now, thanks for the feedback!

      • There are a few oddities/annoyances in a few questions…

        Not the end of the world, Leghorn, just something to grumble about. You know some of us will do that no matter what

        My personal favorite was the “carry” question… Open carry wasn’t an option even though the following question asked me if I was for/against OC. whoops?

        • Might need to do that pretty soon. Seems like my generation has decided that miscegenation is a lot of fun if you do it right…

        • I have always selected “native American” wherever possible, for decades now, encourage all others to do the same. I was born in SC, after it became a state. Therefore … But Foghorn ruined my fun.

      • A fair number of them are. “Hispanic” is a cultural heritage category, “white” is an ethnic category (and a really vague and broad one at that.)

        Charlie Sheen (born Carlos Estevez) is a white Hispanic. Alberto Fujimori, former president of Peru, is an Asian Hispanic. Roberto Clemente was a black Hispanic.

        I answered Hispanic because it’s kind of the best fit, eeven though it’s not really accurate. I’m of Brazilian and Japanese ancestry and Brazilians aren’t “Hispanic” in that their culture doesn’t tie back to Spain or Spanish language, and I’m not really Asian either. But of the categories, Hispanic is probably closest.

  3. Under ‘why do you own a handgun’ home defense is an option and concealed carry is an option, but open carry is not an option. Y U NO LIEK OPEN CARRY TTAG?!!

    • I made a gassy face at one too. The following question was even whether or not I supported OC… THAt was a serious WTF moment

  4. Free gun, hell!!! I won’t look down my nose at it, plus how many cops feel comfortable with glock brand Glocks? Gimmme gimmme!!

  5. There wasn’t an answer for “why do you own a modern rifle” that included possible defense against a tyrannical government and/or complete collapse of society and/or civil war. So I selected “home defense.”

  6. A ruger rpr in 6.5 creedmore would be the sweetness. I would trade my left pinky finger for one. And that’s the sinus squeegee. A very important finger I must say

  7. Had to answer “over 60” in the survey. Are you sure I’m not too old and feeble to use such a huge weapon? Hate, hate, hate when I’m in the last age group mentioned in a survey. Would it have killed you to put 60 to 80 and 80 to 100 in the survey. Dang kids these days. You’d think they invented the world instead of showing respect for we who built it for them. Personally, I think nobody under 50 should be allowed anything more than a cap gun! Have a nice day! Horses patoots.

  8. Need multiple selection boxes on questions “where do you shoot?” And “what competitions do you participate in” .

  9. I’m 18, am I eligible to win? Would it be possible to have the firearm transferred to my friend instead of me?

      • Lol, i don’t want it to be a straw purchase. I just want to be able to shoot a handgun for the first time.

        • I’m guessing that you live in PA? If you was closer to the bay area in CA I’d be happy to take you for a range day with sidearms.

        • How far from the Ohio border are you brother? I’m down by bowling green if you want to take a road trip. es_ist_mir @yahoo if you want to set up a time.

        • Thank you for offering to take me shooting. I’m about 2 hours from Toledo. I do have friends with handguns. I’ve handled one friends glock 23 and another inherited a 1911. Getting together to go shooting is a just bit tough with work and school schedules.

        • Macomb County resident. Let me know when a good range day in early March would be, I’ll chec, my schedule.

    • In the event you win I would just ask the staff to send the pistol to “x” FFL and have your dad or mom fill out the 4473 and then hold it for you until you’re of age and transfer it to you at 21 (or however it works in your state. I think pistol ownership varies in certain states.) (or sell it for a couple bucks and put it towards something you really want)

      • OK, somebody who knows please tell me why that would not still be a straw purchase? Filling out the 4473 to obtain a handgun for someone who cannot himself buy one under the law. I realize it makes perfect sense, and has zero evil intent, but ATF rules do not make sense, it still sounds illegal.

  10. Is a 10/22 modern? Has replaceable magazine (free states get 25 or so but limited to 10 here) I say close enough, and sometimes .22LR ammo is on par with .223 in cost, at least it has been

    • My favorite .22 is a Browning Semi Auto Rifle, which I believe was introduced in 1907. The design is more than 100 years old, but still plenty “modern.”

  11. Done. So, why should I win the Glock? Because I’m not a delicate snowflake, and I don’t own a Glock!

  12. I have a kid getting out of the Army that is looking for a pistol, I think this will make a great one for him. Good luck to you all…

  13. Well, I did not like the Glock 19 when I rented one and I have another 9mm, but I did like the survey and would take the gun and trade it off if I were so lucky to win it. Would I be one of those illegal dealers if I did not shoot it before trading it/sarc?

    • Per the law, your allowed to trade to better your personal collection! ***goes through cut and paste files***
      “18 U.S. Code § 921 (a)(21)(C) defines “engaged in the business” as:

      “a person who devotes time, attention, and labor to dealing in firearms as a regular course of trade or business with the principal objective of livelihood and profit through the repetitive purchase and resale of firearms, but such term shall not include a person who makes occasional sales, exchanges, or purchases of firearms for the enhancement of a personal collection or for a hobby, or who sells all or part of his personal collection of firearms”

  14. FYI: If you do give me that G19, you’ll save me the trouble of buying one myself and my “next gun purchase” answer might change a bit…

  15. I mean, considering pretty much all of the Glocks are roughly the same price (unless you get a sexy Grey Frame)(Humble Brag), can I switch out that 19 for a 29?

    My 20 needs some company on my nightstand…

    • From one “nightstand G20” owner to another (I give free demos at 2AM–no appointment necessary, just drop in):

      With the shorter barrel on the 29, it’s pointless. You might as well be shooting 40.

      Unless you like watching your money turn into muzzle fireballs.

  16. Great idea. My only gripe is that you only have two options for concealed carry? Very surprised that you would limit the choices (sometimes people choose to arm themselves with more than one gun too). It happens–though most would just choose to carry more ammo.

    • I’m with you, while I know in theory it’s not good to switch pistols too often, I habitually carry a .380 body guard AND either a Glock 19 OR a .45 1911. Makes that caliber question a little hard to answer.

      • I wrote in 3! Same as above, If I am open carrying it’s safe to assume I have a .380 concealed. I also have 9mm and 40 depending on which gun I grab that day (again same manual of arms)

  17. I got all excited then I realized what my chances of winning probably are. :p Still I always fill this out anyway. So here’s hoping at least my data is useful.

  18. I’d be more than delighted to win a G19, of any generation. As it is, I carry a Smith&Wesson M&P40 compact in a Ken Null OWB holster, and have been very satisfied with it. So much so, that…you guessed it, I want to get a G19 and have him make me an OWB rig/mag carriers for it too!

    What’s the best option for a 3.5# trigger (or thereabouts) on a G19 at a reasonable price ($50 tops)?


  19. On one hand, I don’t have a Glock yet, and my CZ could use a mate.

    On the other hand, if I get a Glock, I’ll also have to get a matching Sub-2000 gen2 next. And that’s another $500.

    Choices, choices…

      • I had some opportunities to choose where I would be in US, since I came here as an adult, and my location is largely driven by job prospects – and there are plenty all over the country. This sort of thing is one of the numerous reasons why I don’t even consider any job offers from CA (and NY, and most of East Coast, really).

  20. Long term reader, love the site, but you have to do something about the pop-up ads and videos! They swamp my phone and make sure I cant log on at work on my PC, please, please, please fix this

    • Palemoon browser is a Firefox forked, open source, stable, fast, light with cross-scripting protection built in, with compatible add-ons like Ad Block Latitude that block popups, that you can customize per website, to allow whatever you want to see at TTAG).

      Been reading TTAG for years with this, and much less worried about privacy than while using Chrome or IE.

    • We do. But Nick decided to let the survey run to get even better data. We’ll be adding prizes to up the odds. Thanks for your participation!

  21. hey. Who ever wins this should give it to me! I have nothing to go to the range with! I am just a broke Medical Grad Student!

    • You’ll be able to outspend most of us here on all the guns you want soon, why would I send you my free gun??? The other problem is, as a doctor, you won’t have much time to shoot it, so it’ll go unloved in your safe! No thanks, I’ll keep it for myself 😉

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