TTAG’s editorial budget is whatever I’m prepared to lose during the first two years of operation. So I can’t chase down leads and break news in the most under-reported firearms-related story [not] in today’s mainstream media: the death of democracy in Mexico, at the point of a gun. Well, lots of guns. Nearly two thousand of which were enabled by the Uncle Sam’s ATF. Don’t get me started. Besides, I’m not sure I’d put a reporter in harm’s way for this or any other story. But I’m not stupid and I am well-read on the subject. And I will say this about that: the Mexican military plays favorites in the “war on drugs.” With all that implies, including full U.S. knowledge of the state of play down Mexico way. To wit . . .
Los Zetas has been battling an alliance of the Gulf, Sinaloa and La Familia drug cartels, known as the Nueva Federacion, for control of the Monterrey metropolitan area and smuggling routes into the United States.
That’s from While it kinda makes you wonder if the Federacion has its own T-shirt and news channel theme tune, where does the Mexican government stands in this struggle? Answer: against the Zetas. Proof?
The leader of the Los Zetas drug cartel in several cities in the northern Mexican state of Nuevo Leon was killed in a shootout with army troops and police, the state Security Secretariat said Thursday.
Hernando Rodriguez Hernandez and two other suspected Los Zetas members died Wednesday night in Garcia, a city about 30 kilometers (18.6 miles) northwest of Monterrey, the capital of Nuevo Leon, the secretariat said . . .
Three gunmen died in the first attack and one of the mayor’s bodyguards was killed in the second incident.
Army troops, state police and municipal police spotted a suspicious vehicle while patrolling Garcia and were engaged in a shootout by Rodriguez Hernandez and his associates.
Security forces members found two AK-47 assault rifles, two AR-15 assault rifles, a 9 mm pistol and ammunition inside the drug traffickers’ Toyota SUV, the secretariat said.
Now that’s what I call an assassination. Sorry, I forgot: the Mexican Army spotted a suspicious vehicle entirely by coincidence. Verdad?
And it’s a coincidence Los Zetas killed U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agent Jaime Zapata, rather than, say, any other cartel. Despite the fact that Zapata IDed himself to his killers as an American diplomat [sic].
So, if the Mexican Army has a hard-on for Los Zetas, and not for Sinaloas and Co., does that mean the federales they’re playing favorites (i.e. accepting millions in bribes) like the Columbian government did back when Pablo Escobar was America’s Nose Candy Man?
If so, does the American State Department (i.e. Hillary Clinton) know this? And if they do, do they know that U.S. military and law enforcement sales to Mexico are arming both the Zetas and the not-Zetas?
Yes. Have a look at the Zetas weapons cache above. It didn’t come from Bob’s Gun Store. Nor did the Mexican government submit those weapons for trace by the ATF. Because—and I’m guessing here—they are all marked “Property of the Mexican Military.” Or Policia.
To all those people who want the U.S. government to go after the so-called Iron River of guns flowing from America to Mexico, I got news: the U.S. government IS the Iron River. (Your tax money hard at work.) Once again, America is arming the wrong people. It’s the people we should be arming.
Yep, one good indication of a military/police source is the general uniformity of the weapons. Even the few differing ones have other similar ones in the cache. The evidence of the ammo and magazines being the same source can also be telling, primarily by stock numbers of the lots of ammunition. I still wonder why such a public shooting of the agents. Couldn’t they have been much more anonymous by using a car bomb? Command detonated would have ensured their targets were on board. Is it that the Zetas were supposed to be blamed? This could be another reason these particular weapons were dropped at the scene. Could it be the US reporting of the incident was incomplete or altered? “Trust no one and move swiftly.”
Not to mention that there more than a few SBRs in that photo. I HIGHLY doubt that those were bought at your corner gunshop on the border.
They send us their dope, we send them our guns. If I was the Secretary of State, I’d say that sounds like a favorable balance of trade.
You don’t think some of the actions our leaders take are done sober, do ya?
On Tuesday I’m leaving for a 2,000 mile plus road trip to a town about 50 miles south of La Paz (Baja Sur). I don’t expect any trouble except handling 110+ degree heat (I live at 9200′ in elevation where temps rarely exceed 75 degrees in Summer) but I sure wish I could take “something” with me just in case. Think I can rent a “little friend” south of the border? They seem to have enough to spare…
It’s terribly unfortunate but our government is hell-bent on creating turmoil at seemingly every turn in order to promote an idealistic (political) viewpoint.
Evidently the thought process is anything goes to achieve a certain outcome. This started with a lie that a great majority of the drug cartel arms come from legitimate dealers in the states and when they got caught in that bit of misinformation it became an imperative to make it so. This is my opinion based on what little I’ve been able to find out about this most disturbing revelation.
It is not “our” government anymore, it is “The” government. Voting is just a technicality.