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Contest: Show Us Your BBQ Gun!

Robert Farago - comments No comments

(courtesy The Truth About Guns)

Yesterday TTAG launched a contest wherein the reader who sends in the best pic of the best barbecue gun – the fancy pistol (or rifle) carried for  special occasions – receives a $220 Handgun Minutemen cabinet 21″, an excellent secure place to keep a hidden firearm for emergency deployment. We’ve received a large number of drool-worthy pics, such as the one above – PC’s 1950s-vintage S&W .38/44 Outdoorsman, converted to .45 Colt by Hamilton Bowen “with gold-inlaid cylinder, and monogramed ivory grips by Paul Persingerand” – and the ones below. The contest is open until October 21. Send your entry to thetruthaboutguns@gmail.com with BBQ in the subject bar. Click here for the Facebook gallery . . .

ET's USPA Single Stack 1911 (courtesy The Truth About Guns)

ET’s custom single-stack 1911 built on an STI frame, his 45th birthday present to himself.

KF's Kimber 1911 (courtesy The Truth About Guns)

KF’s Kimber 1911.

MB's Browning BL-22 with “flamed” Maple stock (courtesy The Truth About Guns)

MD’s Browning BL-22 with “flamed” Maple stock.

TG's Erfurt 1917 (Luger) with 100% matching original parts down to the grips and magazines" (courtesy The Truth About Guns)

TG’s Erfurt 1917 (Luger) “with 100% matching original parts down to the grips and magazines.”

AS' Smith & Wesson revolver (courtesy The Truth About Guns)

AS’s Smith & Wesson revolver

CL's S&W M&P-15T (courtesy The Truth About Guns)

CL’s S&W M&P-15T

Screen Shot 2015-09-24 at 10.13.24 AM

JT’s Smith & Wesson 686 “with custom leather holster branded with the Army Special Forces Crest”

RMH's SIG Sauer P226 Extreme (courtesy The Truth About Guns)

RMH’s SIG Sauer P226 Extreme

BZ's Ruger Blackhawk .357 "with black and white ebony grips I made myself." (courtesy The Truth About Guns)

BZ’s Ruger Blackhawk .357 “with black and white ebony grips I made myself.”

JG's Zastava Yugo M92PV AKM Pistol %22with a Krinkov style muzzle break%22 (courtesy The Truth About Guns)

“Here is my ‘BBQ’ gun at night. It is nothing fancy, just a Zastava “Yugo” M92PV AKM Pistol with a Krinkov style muzzle break. It works best for searing steaks before putting them on the grill. It is also handy for getting that final ‘crust’ on a rack of Russian boar ribs. Either Red Army Standard or Wolf ammo work best. I’ve been told that my ribs have a distinct flavor.”

DG's Glock 29 10mm "with a fiber optic front sight and a Laserlyte RL-1 rear sight laser" (curtesy The Truth About Guns)

DG’s GLOCK 29 10mm “with a fiber optic front sight and a Laserlyte RL-1 rear sight laser”

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Robert Farago

Robert Farago is the former publisher of The Truth About Guns (TTAG). He started the site to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns.

0 thoughts on “Contest: Show Us Your BBQ Gun!”

    • Agreed, I got the feeling this was an “all time” barbecue gun sort of thing. Not to say that I would turn down the chance to shoot anything on here (again in some cases), however I expected something different.

  1. TTAG, since a knockout BBQ gun can cost knockout amounts of money, how about a separate category for best BBQ theme for the pic or most creative or humorous or whatnot?

    Give the poorer POTG a chance…

  2. “I live in an apartment. So I guess I’ll have to wear my Sig 2340 while I use my George Forman.”

    This speaks to me. I didn’t even know BBQ guns existed. 🙂 I’ll sit around my George Foreman, too, and think about my next range time with my H&K. 🙂

  3. Oh, s@#$ just got real. That 38/44 raises the bar pretty high. It’s pretty damn hard to compete with a Hamilton Bowen, although I am no fan of ivory grips.

  4. It looks like the dude with the Yugo Flame Thrower has a great interpretation of a BBQ gun and has my vote.
    I thought a BBQ gun was one that was used to provide meat for a BBQ.

  5. This is the first time I’ve heard the term BBQ gun/church gun/wedding gun, and I just had myself a grand old time on Google. Wow, a beautifully polished 1911 with ivory or classy wood grips really does something for me.

  6. Dear Sir,
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  7. For me it is a Sig P220 Elite in stainless. The stainless finish contrasts nicely with the black leather Don Hume holster. I love the wood grips also. The only problem is it is a little on the heavy side! Makes shooting 45 real easy though.


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