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Cory Booker’s Lie About Guns is Too Big for Even the Washington Post to Overlook

Dan Zimmerman - comments No comments

Senator Spartacus must be awfully desperate to draw attention to his flagging presidential campaign. That, or he’s even more ignorant than we thought.

Glenn Kessler, the Washington Post‘s fact-checker, on Monday morning said, “Booker’s comparison of the regulations of toy guns and real guns is specious,” giving him three Pinocchios for the statements.

Analyzing Booker’s wording, Kessler further explained, “there are clearly many laws and regulations governing the sale, distribution and use of guns,” including the ban against certain types of firearms and design features such as bump stocks which were banned by the ATF in 2018.

“Our industry is the most heavily regulated industry in the country,” Mark Oliva, a spokesman for the National Shooting Sports Foundation, told the Washington Post. “No other industry is regulated at the federal, state, and local level to the extent our industry is regulated, which include design and performance standards.”

Rounding out his analysis of Booker’s statement, Kessler wrote, “Firearms, at just about every level, are highly regulated in the United States. Booker is calling for another level of regulation, but he can’t suggest toy guns are even more highly regulated.”

– Charlie Hoffman in Booker Receives Three Pinocchios for Claiming Toy Guns are More Regulated Than Firearms

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