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Couple Learns at Gunpoint That a Stranger’s House is a Bad Place for a Date

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Okay, we don’t actually know if these two idiots are going steady – but they appear to be partners in crime.

A Harriman, Tennessee, homeowner walked into his garage recently, only to find 28-year-old Tawny Inman sitting on his steps. He retrieved his gun, and by the time he came back, he also found 30-year-old Robert Monroe who was coming down from the room above the garage.

The homeowner held the two at gunpoint until police arrived. Monroe claimed that he had walked right through the unlocked front door to enter the home, but police found a garage door opener on his person that had been stolen from the homeowner’s (unlocked) Jeep. Inman claimed to have been under the impression that Monroe was renting the property.

If she’s telling the truth, it seems like Monroe needs to come up with some date ideas that don’t land both of them in the county jail.

These two are lucky the homeowner didn’t feel his life was in danger, and that this defensive gun use did not involve a discharge of the weapon. Both were charged with aggravated burglary, and Monroe was additionally charged with theft of property and burglary from a motor vehicle.

And the homeowner may want to keep his car locked going forward.

0 thoughts on “Couple Learns at Gunpoint That a Stranger’s House is a Bad Place for a Date”

  1. police found a garage door opener on his person that had been stolen from the homeowner’s (unlocked) Jeep.

    That’s a good reason to not keep your address in your car (e.g. your registration). Or get a car with a built in garage remote button, so stealing your remote is much more difficult.

    • Some states, like Colorado, give you 2 registrations, and only one has your address info. If your state doesn’t do this, cut out the address portion, or don’t keep it in your car. Don’t keep the remote in the car. You wouldn’t leave the keys to your front door sitting on the dash, would you? Locking the door between the house and garage isn’t enough. They can close the garage door to give them time to use brute force or the tools in the garage to break open the door.

  2. “Inman claimed to have been under the impression that Monroe was renting the property.”

    Surrre she was. BTW, she looks mighty rough for 28.

    • Meth does that to people.

      But who the heck does NOT lock their car? Probably the most basic operational security after locking your house.

        • nobody locks a Jeep for 3 reasons.

          1. Locks don’t work ( still working on mine to get em to lock)

          2. It has a soft top. Everybody whose ever owned a convertible knows that those tops are actually pretty worthless if somebody really wants to jack your ride.

          3. The top is down/off or doesn’t enclose the cab and modifications make enclosing cab impossible. (see links.) So really in that situation what good is locking your doors???



          On a side note they do make locking consoles for Jeeps and there are plenty of companies that make gun vault mounts for a Jeep. However, I have found the absolute best way to prevent theft from any vehicle is to just not carry anything of value in it. Best way to prevent someone from stealing a garage door opener in your jeep? Park the frigging thing in the garage or remove the opener when you leave it in the driveway!

        • That depends if it was a Jeep Wrangler (with a soft top / doors) or a different Jeep model that has all rigid windows and body panels. The former is hard to secure since you can easily cut through the top / side to gain access. I’ve read many owners just leave them unlocked to avoid replacing cut soft panels from crooks.


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