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Court Document Reveals Would-Be Assassin’s Extensive Plan To Kill Trump

Mark Chesnut - comments 47 comments

For those who continue to argue that the recent attempt on former President Donald Trump’s life while golfing in Florida wasn’t a real “assassination attempt,” a recently released court document proves that assertion to be untrue.

The court document included details of a handwritten letter by suspect Ryan Routh that not only said specifically that it was an “assassination attempt,” but also offered a large amount of money to anyone who would finish the job at which he failed.

According to the court document, Routh delivered a box to the home of a “civilian witness” several months prior to the attempted assassination. The witness stated that he opened the box after hearing of the arrest and found that it contained ammunition, a metal pipe, miscellaneous building materials, tools, four phones and various letters.

“This was an assassination attempt on Donald Trump but I failed you,” one letter, addressed to “The World,” stated. “I tried my best and gave it all the gumption I could muster.”

The letter continued: “It is up to you now to finish the job; and I will offer $150,000 to whomever can complete the job.”

The letter, which is barely legible, continued with what Routh considered his case against the former president.

“Everyone across the globe from the youngest to the oldest know that Trump is unfit to be anything, much less the U.S. president,” Routh wrote.

Only the first page of the letter was included in the court document. Consequently, the remainder of its contents has not been made public.

The court document also gives details of a book written by Routh in February 2023 in which he apologized to Iran for Trump being elected back in 2020.

“You are free to assassinate Trump as well as me for that error in judgment and the dismantling of the deal,” Routh wrote. “No one here in the U.S. seems to have the balls to put natural selection to work or even unnatural selection.”

The court document also shows that the assassination attempt wasn’t a spur-of-the-moment decision, with much thought put into advanced preparation.

“Law enforcement discovered that the license plate on the Nissan Xterra was not registered to the Nissan Xterra,” the document states. “During a search of the Nissan Xterra, FBI agents found two additional license plates.”

Investigators also found six cell phones. One of the cell phones contained a Google search of how to travel from Palm Beach County to Mexico, apparently where the would-be assassin planned to flee to after killing Trump.

The FBI also obtained cell site records for two of the cell phones found in the vehicle. Among other things, subsequent analysis of the phones found that: “On multiple days and times from August 18, 2024, to September 15, 2024, Routh’s cell phone accessed cell towers located near Trump International and the former president’s residence at Mar-a-Lago.”

In the court document, prosecutors argue that the evidence presented shows a need for Routh to be detained while the government builds its case against him.

“Because the facts are offered for the limited purpose of supporting the United States’s request for pretrial detention, the facts in this written proffer do not set forth all of the information and evidence known to the United States,” the court document states.

47 thoughts on “Court Document Reveals Would-Be Assassin’s Extensive Plan To Kill Trump”

  1. Can’t release Covington manifesto because it could “incite further violence” but a straight up six figure offer of cash to pop Trump is a-o-k.

      • Kamala don’t want to see Trump become a martyr, she’s glad the Republicans have a almost 80 year old candidate that lost last time. And the only popular vote Trump has ever won was for conviction in the jury box.

        And the DOJ is looking forward to an enjoyable time slowly grinding Trump in the legal mechanism of multiple federal indictments.

        • Just a few months ago nobody liked Kamala, then after the coup and Joe Biden sticking it to the dems for the coup by endorsing Kamala, all you dems thought she was the greatest thing since sliced bread. You folks sure are easy to manipulate, even when destroying democracy, like you love to holler Trump will do.

  2. Gotta say a few things:
    1-Interesting that he’s offering $150K. How is he going to pay it if he fails? I mean that presumes he’s either captured or dead. Indeed a plot hole big enough to drive a Mack Truck through.
    2-If he had $150K to blow, I’m wondering why the DIY armoring for his hide, and an SKS equipped with Tapco’s finest. Seriously, if you wanted a meme about “the poors” this guys rifle was it.

    • I disagree, at least about the rifle. By the time the golf game advanced to the point where Trump was actually line of sight from the wannabe’s position (5th thru 6th hole?), the range was <200m, possibly much less (50m), according to some estimates. Assuming reliable function, that rifle was near perfect for mayhem on Trump, et al – although the caliber did/does not guarantee lethality.

      A long range precision shot was never in the plan of the asshole posing as a clown (APAC)…

    • “1-Interesting that he’s offering $150K. How is he going to pay it if he fails? I mean that presumes he’s either captured or dead. Indeed a plot hole big enough to drive a Mack Truck through.”

      Not necessarily. He obviously had a plan to flee to mexico after the murder so he had an idea of living and that includes the possibility of capture. So maybe he had visions of the money (which I doubt he actually has) stashed away with another person who would come forth in some manner to pay out the amount to who ever was successful.

      Ya may never know what he was actually thinking, the guy has too many sandwiches missing from his picnic.

      • or…. maybe he planed on paying it after reaching Mexico and someone was successful. But, its likely that a successful person would not avoid capture or maybe death … unless it was one of Kamals illegal immigrants because we don’t know who they are or where they are anyway and Kamala and Joe would probably fix it so they could cross back into Mexico or just stay to escape in plain view, ya know how they love their illegal immigrants.

  3. Amazing the increasing number of CIA atheist h0-m0sexu.als who are trying to murder Trump and murder children in schools.

    And we can talk about blacks and glock switches, if that makes some people more comfortable.

      • Why haven’t we seen pictures of this lovely white gay couple??? I know they are out there.

        If this was a straight black or white couple their pictures would be everywhere. The Assassin’s picture and his bride would be on very news site.

  4. The problem is there are more media brainwashed democRats out there just like him.

    Since no one else will call for it the sentence for that pile of insane demoCrap should be to face a firing squad which I would volunteer for in a heartbeat.

    • Well you know, what if he’s actually a Trump supporter who had set up his hide in order to provide security for his hero Donald Trump?

      Local reporting sometimes has ‘the rest of the story’:

      “Sandusky Army vet says he knows man accused of Trump assassination attempt
      About Ryan Routh: ‘Every conversation was about Donald Trump. Every conversation was about how he was upset that Biden had won.’
      By: Jonathan Walsh
      Posted 5:18 PM, Sep 17, 2024 and last updated 8:10 AM, Sep 18, 2024

      SANDUSKY, Ohio — An Army veteran from Sandusky said he had interactions in Ukraine with the man who’s now accused of plotting to kill former President T b rump.

      “Every conversation was about Donald Trump. Every conversation was about how he was upset that Biden had won,” said Burton about Routh. “He mentioned January 6th. He wished that he would have been a part of that. That was a new American Revolution.”

  5. the timing of these two attempts is a little odd.

    obviously both were influenced by the democrat rethoric against Trump for a while, and Trump had been on the campaign trail for a while. But neither one acted till after Kamala started running, even though both had ample opportunity before, and both are connected back to Blackrock and they support Kamala through Cheney and one of Blackrocks executives was Kamalas financial advisor in her previous run for president and she maintains a close relationship with other Blackrock execs.

    ok, conspiracy mode off.

    I just thought it an odd set of circumstances.

    • “the timing of these two attempts is a little odd”

      Actually, the timing seems perfectly logical.

      It’s coming down to the wire, election is in just a few weeks and Donald Trump is running out of money. His grift will end the night of the election, no more campaign contributions to pay his legal fees.

      And he can only sell so many golden tennis shoes, vaporware NFTs and desecrated American flags with his name in gold on top of the stars and stripes.

      A couple false flag ‘assassination attempts’ (with beautiful stage-craft fist pump visuals) to rile up the base and get one last push on legal fees er, I mean campaign contributions before the deadline.

      • I was being sarcastic.
        Many of the replies to a previous post argued that the would be assassin wasn’t a serious threat to President Trump at the time the Secret Service agent shot at him. While the 7.62x39mm cartridge for the SKS and is an anemic round, it retains far more than enough velocity and energy out beyond 1,000 meters to penetrate a human skull. The SKS is renown for inaccuracy. It is reputed to be about a 5 moa rifle. This equates to a CEO of about 15 inches at 300 yards. However; it is equipped with a range compensating sight that is calibrated out to 1,000 meters. Any competent marksman would have a reasonable probability of hitting President Trump at the stated and measured range of 300 yards. Given the 30 round magazine, even a marginally incompetent shooter would be almost certain to achieve at least one hit to the kill zone.

        • What dumbf*ck says a round that would penetrate a skull at 1000 yds, can/has penetrated body armor and has killed millions, is anemic.

          • What “armor” does 7.62×39 penetrate now? Maybe some of the RF1/lv 3 uhmwpe only ultra lightweight plates but most anything with a ceramic strike face can stop 7.62×39 bz api including some of the special threat plates not rated for 7.62 NATO.

          • Level III and IIIA will stop 7.62×39. Not all armor is rated that high.

            Plus that round has been around 8+ decades, level III and IIIA armor not nearly as long.

          • We had steel breastplates that would stop full on battle rifle rounds in the first world war. LV 3 is older than x39 in all but classification. If there is a lv3a (pistol level 2 new regs) that can stop it that drops it’s ability to bypass armor is even lower than I thought of it. Typically I would use the European scale for splitting hairs but for 7.62×39 it is below all but the weakest level 3 plates and even then needs real AP ammo to get those.

            With that said lot to be said for larger heavier bullets at close range that have good barrier (walls unarmored vehicles etc) penetration that can be fired quickly with large magazines in dense environments. Lot of good things about the round but armor penetration is not one of them.

          • ‘ We had steel breastplates that would stop full on battle rifle rounds in the first world war.’

            Not many people had access and those that had them couldn’t move because of the weight. Modern body armor that could reliably stop rifle rounds didn’t come about until after Vietnam.

          • They were used in trench warfare and under 20 pounds so in many ways lighter (but more poorly distributed) than the kit I had to wear over a decade ago but yes were not common. The Vietnam era plates initially were largely for aircrews but yes alumina oxide with ballistic fiberglass used then is still in use now. Also widespread use of rifle level body armor is very recent as in after 2004. Doesn’t change 7.62×39 being utter dog shit against armor.

          • ‘Also widespread use of rifle level body armor is very recent as in after 2004. Doesn’t change 7.62×39 being utter dog shit against armor.’

            After 2004. You do realize a great number of people were shot with 7.62×39 long before that and that not all body armor is rated for rifle calibers.

            Which is what I said yesterday.

            Also, I had Vietnam-era body armor during Desert Storm. Since no one was shooting at our planes with pistol caliber weapons, it was fu*king useless.

          • Obviously not the ceramic plate and it sounds like your kit may have been pre PAGST. Yes x39 was a excellent short to mid range caliber. It no longer fits that role even compared to 5.56 options which were easily competitive the entire time. It isn’t obsolescent yet but we are at a point where rifle armor is cheaper than pistol armor and has been for a decade and few current soldiers do not have easy access to such equipment and the training+tactics that go with it outside of Russia……..which is in some ways hilarious as they constantly advertised all kinds of plates that ultimately turned out to be vaporware. In any case rifle fire is a distant threat compared to explosives in all kinds of fun setups lately.

          • Glad to hear that 7.62×39 isn’t obsolete yet and if I shoot someone at short to mid-range distances they will still be fuc*ing dead – Despite what ammo advances have occurred since its introduction.

            As far as the rest of your post, I have no idea what you are trying to say.

            People hit with 7.62×39 rounds, inside or outside of Russia, no matter what training/tactics, or the hilarity of what’s been advertised, will still be in a for a world of hurt.

          • Sigh ok you are offended by my comparing your favored round to something like 30-40 Krag in it’s current relevance. Any bullet can kill but against standard and increasing cheap equipment it is essentially neutered for center of mass shots. Learn from the advance of technology and tactics and move on. Lots of stuff I learned for deployment is quickly becoming outdated and barely relevant. Can only imagine what you would notice with over 30 years.

          • My new favored rounds are 300 and 8.6 BLK. Super or subsonic rounds, long or short-barreled guns depending on the mission.

            I think the idea that any round is irrelevent because someone ‘might’ be wearing body armor (when most don’t) is a very weak argument.

            I noticed over the last 30 years since Desert Storm that AKs and other guns that shoot 7.62 ammo are ubiquitous and are still killing people by the thousands each year.

          • ‘Learn from the advance of technology and tactics and move on. Lots of stuff I learned for deployment is quickly becoming outdated and barely relevant.’

            What ‘basics’ of infantry tactics did you learn that were not taught during WWII, Korea, Vietnam, or Iraq and Afghanistan? What has become outdated today?

            Besides providing information on enemy intentions/movements, our first priority in combat was Force Protection. Providing TIC (Troops in Contact) support. We told the good guys what the bad guys were doing and often times what they were going to do before they did it.

            We knew the tactics of our forces and the tactics of the enemy. While their technology does change some things that necessitate quicker response times, our tech counters a lot.

            All of this has not changed the basics. The same basic infantry tactics my dad used in Vietnam in 1968 were the same I learned supporting US forces in Iraq in 1991 and were the same my son used in Afghanistan in 2010.

          • Been noticing a movement away from 7.62×39 towards 5.45 and 5.56 depending on the region and as to basics that we’re not covered back then it was more infrared signature discipline, radio jamming, counter insurgency, and precision ordinance being the heavy focus over artillery and mass infantry tactics. The suicide drones getting stupidly cheap are going to drive a lot of changes in kit training and focus but yes there will be some aspects that never change or are adapted versions of previous. Rifle armor made a huge difference in how we are attacked by insurgents, they largely switched from sniper/lmg fire to ied. As to actual near peer conflict I would very closely watch the Israel Iran conflict as well as the much lower tech Russia (China by proxy) Ukraine conflict for a hint of how relevant/effective various tactics and equipment is. 7.63×39 will always be great at slaughtering unarmored civilians and soldiers but the latter part of that equation is becoming less available to the few that still use the round.

  6. The much larger problem: an early (one or two days after I believe) news report stated that the would-be assassin had a pretty detailed itinerary for Trump covering about the middle of August through September, and maybe into October? (I am not sure about the October bit.)

    I don’t picture too many people having such information: it almost had to be limited to Trump’s inner circle (immediate family and senior campaign staff) and his Secret Service detail. Of course that begs the question: is the Secret Service literally trying to facilitate Trump’s demise? It is exceedingly difficult to otherwise explain how the Secret Service left a gaping security hole in Butler, Pennsylvania and how this latest would-be assassin had access to Trump’s itinerary and access to a vulnerable spot next to Trump’s golf course.

    • “it almost had to be limited to Trump’s inner circle (immediate family and senior campaign staff)“

      Right, that supports the false flag operation to drum up campaign contributions for final push to the election.

      He can only sell so many golden tennis shoes, vaporware NFTs and desecrated American flags with his name in gold on top of the stars and stripes.

      A couple false flag ‘assassination attempts’ (with beautiful stage-craft fist pump visuals) to rile up the base and get one last push on legal fees er, I mean campaign contributions before the deadline.

      • Tell us a bedtime fairytale Grampa 49er… we especially like the one about the senile ogre that repeats made-up shit he already said and yells at the neighbors to stay off of his lawn and include citations for their posts.
        Kin ya grampa, kin ya??

        • the senile ogre that repeats made-up shit”

          I wish that was all it was, but unfortunately this senile ogre is publicly advocating fascism for the United States:

          “Trump Says People Who Criticize Supreme Court Justices Should Be Jailed
          Trump praised the Supreme Court for allowing states to ban abortion during his Pennsylvania campaign rally, and said it should be “illegal” to criticize the justices
          SEPTEMBER 23, 2024”


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