“A recent Facebook post on the agency website called on residents who ‘find themselves in the awkward situation of getting rid of handguns, rifles and other firearms’ to drop them off at the Crestview Police Department in the care of Deputy Police Chief Rick Brown,” nwfdailynews.com reports. Drop them off for . . .
“Guns in any condition can be brought in,” read the post, authored by Police Department spokesman Brian Hughes. “Those weapons that are still serviceable will be given to active duty or retired law enforcement officers or military members as personal weapons for recreational or service use. Irreparably damaged or unusable guns will be turned over to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement for destruction and disposal.”
Recreational use? Well that’s a bit awkward. So awkward that the aforementioned spokesman nearly tripped over himself backpedalling.
“The error in the Facebook post made it sound like police officers would receive turned-in firearms for their personal use. Actually, only those firearms permissible for officers’ professional use under Police Department guidelines and regulations would be accepted for use in the department,” Hughes said.
Sure, that’s what the Crestview PD meant. But at least Officer Hughes admitted what New Jersey legislators fail/choose not to understand: gun “buybacks” and surrenders are an expensive waste of taxpayers’ money that do nothing to increase public safety.
Hughes said because the process of vetting firearms turned in as part of the collection effort would have been cumbersome, the Police Department had decided to do away with the program rather than taking resources away from more pressing public safety issues.
“It was a good idea, but our Facebook post was premature,” Hughes said in an email. “We jumped the gun.”
The shark Brian. The Facebook post jumped the shark.
3 best guns for hiking? Why would I need to carry three S&W 29s?
People, please take unwanted guns to your local gun store. These items can be worth anywhere from $100 up into the thousands of dollars. The only time you aren’t being horribly ripped off at gun “buybacks” is on homemade or non-repairable junk guns.
I get righteously pissed every time I think of some granny on social security turning in her dead husbands Colt Python or Rockola M1 Carbine for a hundred dollar gift card to Walmart. These agencies are STEALING from people who don’t know better.
I guarantee that if I were a police office who collects guns for a hobby I would love to have a turned in classic firearm (like a Colt Python) for free, of course for RECREATIONAL use.
If I was on the Crestview, Florida City Council, I would ask why donated guns aren’t sold to an FFL at market value, the proceeds used for department operations (to lessen the burden on taxpayers), and all documentation presented to the city’s auditors on request.
No mistake here…gimme yer gat peon. No mention about being a felon or gangbanger. Plenty of dealers,pawnshops or folks on Armslist would give you remuneration. Why so many of us had negative feedback on “do you trust cops” 😖😫😡
I think I would rather just carry that blond into the wild. (Insert wolf howl here)
wheather or not that a person has a birth defect that wired them for the same sex or both sexes is nil, they still have the same rights to protect themselves that we do. and instead of mocking those that understand it we should help all those who believe in their right to defend themselves, and insist that they get equal justice under the law. ( even though not all of us do) the more we have on our side the stronger we will be. and it is not their fault they were born that way. it is now a scientific fact that gays became gays because of what happened to them inside their mothers womb. after the psysical sex was decided they get doused with chemicals ( like we all do) from the mother to wire the brain to be that sex, but in their case they also got an extra dose, but for the opposite sex. and that is why they are like that. it is a birth defect .
It’s pointless to argue with gun haters. Tell them to f$&@ off. Teach your children and friends, and their children, to shoot. They’ll have fun and you’ll make converts.
If I live in a different State can I still give them the firearm that survived the boat wreck?
I’m always happy to see someone carrying medical supplies. A landscaper (who I would assume works with a variety of power tools) carrying a tourniquet shows some definite foresight.
And you know what I think grobman? The holocaust didn’t happen, but it should have.
My opinion is no. Otherwise we aren’t really a free country. For those who mention jury duty, I am not comfortable with that either. Israel is a small country surrounded by hostile countries, so their situation is different. And conscription during a major war can also be understandable, but even then it depends on the war.
What if the person attacking the transgender woman is a Muslim ? Which of those two does society value more ? Is there a formula for this like for up or down angle shooting to help me sort it out ?
Accessory to terrorism, accessory to pre-meditated murder, conspiracy to commit terror/murder, amongst others. Too bad we don’t hang murderers or their accomplices in public any more.
We should be trying to DISARM the police, not give them more tools to violently enforce gun control laws.
I have no problem with the idea of donating firearms to retired law enforcement for their own personal use, as long as it’s clear to donors that’s where they’re going. It’s no different from donating them to the Boy Scouts, or the high school rifle team. It’s not my particular idea of a deserving charity, but people can do what they want with their money.
Now, gifting firearms to active officers for personal use is a bad idea, for the same reason we don’t allow personal “gifts” of cash to working officers by the members of the public.
Looks like I’m buying a Sig this year.
What a mess! I ordered a Leupold VX-2 2-7 X 28 for my sons .22 only to find out after Christmas had passed without receiving the scope that Leupold has discontinued this jewel. Apparently they failed to inform the distributors so, they were still selling them. Contacted Leupold and their only advice was to buy a higher power scope then send it in to them to adjust the parallax for $60 of course. We wonder why so much American money goes over seas. Good job Leupold we now have a Japanese made Weaver.
The last movie I can remember going too was Mary Poppins, after that it’s all been a blur.
The problem here is; Neeson is absolutely right. There are a scary amount of guns in the public hands in the USA, however, being the star of multiple action films and franchises that revolve around guns and killing, he’s not the one to be pass these kind of comments.
“Can’t be mitigated”
Uh, yes it can. Keep your weapon secure, on your person and in storage. Use your grey matter to learn safe gun handling and practice it.
The problems come with the ignore part, but that too is declining, even as this shill huff and puffs and bloviates about it.
More the reason all the cop hate. Just the other day cops were complaining about all the cop hate in the comments section of a TTAG article. Then we have article 1 above.
Cops shouldn’t bother the man with the walking stick walking near a “public” school that he has every right to walk next to. Instead of warning him, they should have had a talk to the retarded individuals at the school making the call. The walking stick man should have told those cops to FO.