Two Texas firms are combining their talents to create mo’ bettah suppressors for ARs and other rifles. From a recent release:

F-1 Firearms, LLC., the Spring, Texas manufacturer of AR-style rifles and skeletonizing features, and Crux Suppressors, which manufactures lightweight titanium silencers, have formed a joint-operating and technology-sharing agreement to supply exciting firearms-suppression devices to customers faster.

Dion Podgurny, Owner of F-1 Firearms, said, “F-1 Firearms will manufacture Crux Suppressors in this Joint Operating Agreement and then ship and provide customer support for Crux. This partnership of manufacturing and shared office functions between F-1 Firearms and Crux will bring customers value, innovation, and speed to the delivery of cutting-edge suppressors. Crux will integrate into F-1 Firearms’ sales-and-administration team, including moving into F-1’s facility, which opens access to F-1’s dealer and distributor network. F-1 Firearms parked its suppressor ideas and innovation for too long, and now we will bring them into a new product line marketed under the Crux brand.”

Cade Nobles , Co-Owner at Crux Suppressors, said, “We here at Crux Suppressors value our customers. We’re undergoing a significant transformation within our organization to address demand, manufacturing, customer service, quality and personnel to align with a better experience. We understand some disruption is inevitable as we integrate, and we appreciate our customers’ continued patience and support.”

Kyle Haman, Vice President of Production at F-1, said, “We are happy to help out a fellow Texas company. F-1 Firearms has world-class manufacturing, finishing, and assembly departments, so we can assist them and help deliver Crux products in a timely manner.”

Haman added, “Crux Suppressors has a valuable product line of suppressors and accessories with growing challenges, so a manufacturing and technology operating agreement helps us deliver and support those great products to our customers. We are setting production levels to have minimum level inventory and quicker delivery to the origin of the order. Our goal would be to have suppressors transferred to the dealer location of order within one week. Support calls answered and handled same day. More personal touch with dealers and distributors.”

Tyler Nobles, President and Co-Owner of Crux Suppressors, said, “We are committed to finally having ample inventory and first-class customer service. We appreciate the feedback and patience we have received from existing customers and dealers. I believe we will be an improvement story in the industry before too long.”

About F-1 Firearms, LLC.

F-1 Firearms is a Spring, Texas–based manufacturer of the finest semi-automatic weapon systems on the planet, using brand-new, state-of-the-art machines to make more than 90% of each firearm in-house. The use of premium materials, such as 7075-T6511 domestic aluminum for handguards and receivers, produces firearms that are lighter and stronger than the competition. The combination of premium materials, state-of-the-art equipment, in-house machining, assembly, quality assurance/control and testing ensures that a F-1 Firearms rifle is as accurate and dependable as it is great to look at and shoot. F-1 Firearms was incorporated in 2012. F-1 Firearms can also be found on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter (@1Firearms).

About Crux Suppressors, Inc.

The Crux name is pronounced “crow.” Crux Suppressor’s Patented Sigma Baffle Technology was developed with the latest in computational fluid analysis, employing supersonic vortices in every baffle. This allows for hearing-safe suppressors that are as small as 1.375 inches in diameter and 7.5 inches long and weigh just over 10 ounces, yet a Crux will still outperform suppressors that are two to five times the size and weight. Crux’s Precision Mounting System (PMS) is a modular design that utilizes self-locking threads and a conical coaxial alignment feature that perfectly mounts Crux suppressors to various firearms. The PMS system includes brakes, flash hiders, direct-thread adapters, A2 flash-hider adapters, and OEM flash-hider adapters and is a more robust design than direct-thread mounting systems. Crux Suppressors is currently based in Conroe, Texas, located about 40 miles north of Houston.


  1. If these companies really want to sell suppressors they’ll all pool their resources and try to get them off the NFA list. Until then it’s ‘no dice’ from me. I refuse to pay an artificially high price, an exhorbitant tax and then wait a year with my money limbo to get one.

    • Every single suppressor article has a comment like yours, yes you don’t want to pay the tax/register/wait, so no can for you, got it. They should just add this to the bottom of the articles as a standard FAQ, save some time.

      I think silencer companies do pool their resources, it is called the ASA. But it almost sounds like you are holding the silencer companies responsible for the NFA and boycotting them because of it. They need our support instead. You could join the ASA, write your reps, go to a suppressor shoot, tell people you want a can, no, you demand to be able to buy one the same as any other gun, which also have taxes, wait periods, back ground checks but that is a topic for other threads…

      If the tax, wait, and registry is an impediment, maybe you could buy a hat, t-shirt, brake, etc, something unregistered. These companies are just providing lawful products to gun owners. Certain politicians and activists would love for them to cease to exist or stop selling to civilians.

      • Well said, but I tend to lean toward agreeing with Vic. Not out of any spite for the manufacturer, but out of disdain for the NFA and the very notion that I have to register and pay money for something that’s a safety accessory.

        I’m (legally) off the grid with all my guns, and I don’t feel like jumping into the spotlight and telling the ATF “Here I am!” by registering anything. It’s nobody else’s business what guns I own, unless (and only unless) I commit a capital felony and am convicted in court by a jury of my peers.

        Until then, I’ll settle with buying one of their t-shirts per your suggestion. Once the NFA is neutered or repealed, the floodgates will open and I’ll be one of the millions throwing money at these manufacturers to buy their products.

      • I guess my random thoughts kinda spilled out not quite as intended.

        I’m not holding them responsible and certainly not boycotting. Quite the opposite actually, I WANT to buy their product and can very much afford it , even at the artificially high prices the Gov’t has created on them.
        However, the sheer stupidity of the NFA prevents that because I refuse to jump through those particular hoops for what should be no different than buying a magazine or some scope mounts.

        Obviously I’m not the only one who feels this way too since my reply is a ‘FAQ’ that pops up on every suppressor artical. If removed from that onerous piece of infringement (NFA), I’m convinced suppressors would sell by the millions.

        • So, then the win goes to the government. Maybe if more folks would buy suppressors and write their congressmen about the absurdity of the tax restriction, then we as a growing community might be able to score a win. As long as sales are slim, so are our chances of winning. Neither side of congress, separate or in unity is going to back legislation designed explicitly for a miniscule segment of the population. Especially a population deemed controversial. A sacrifice today is a reward tomorrow. Get on board or go away!

    • You are a moron who needs civics and economics lessons if you think NFA will be repealed in your lifetime or that somehow companies “banding together” and lobbying instead of making cans could make it so. Right now we are struggling to beat back gun control proposals from Republicans.

      Its easy to find a can under $500, including transfer tax and other fees. In fact I just bought two.

      Suppressor celibacy really only hurts you, does not help facilitate removing restrictive laws, and mostly leads to a lot of intellectual masturbation.

      • dwb,

        Blah. You have a point as well. Truth is that a $200 tax, a 12-month wait, and being on a government list is ridiculous. And to be completely honest, almost all of my hangup is being on a government list.

        Now you have me seriously thinking about getting an inexpensive suppressor for .45 ACP that I could attach to ANY non-magnum handgun. Is there such a suppressor for $300 or so?

        And how about suppressors for rifles? Can I purchase a decent suppressor which can withstand rifle pressures in the neighborhood of $300?

        (Obviously, at the lower price points, suppressors would probably be larger and heavier and not reduce the report as well as higher priced suppressors. In my case I would be okay with that.)

        • Yes and yes. The two I bought, one was for 308 and one was 9mm. There is no reason you could not find one for .45.

          And no, “inexpensive” does not mean long and heavy. For example: take a look at Witt Machine line of supressors. Less than $300, 4 inches or less, and can handle rifle calibers. There are some other examples. Keep in mind: length vs noise reduction is a trade off. shorter supressors are inherently less effective because they have less volume. Nevertheless a 4″ can that makes your rifle hearing safe is a still a good thing.

        • If the government wants to know who owns guns it’s easy to find you. Your cell phone is keeping track of everywhere you go and transmitting it to companies that store, analyze and sell the information. Chances are your car is doing the same thing. Then there are your credit card receipts and the contents of your email. Your computer search history and anything you put on social media. Unless you walk to the gun store and the shooting range, pay cash for everything and don’t use a computer or carry a cell phone it’s pretty easy to figure out that you have one or more guns.

        • The YHM Turbo 5.56 & Turbo K are $355 at Silencer Shop. The Resonator (.30) is $439. They are all quality suppressors and I’m not sure the average person gains much by spending more.

          Pistol suppressors usually cost more just because they usually require a booster and can be disassembled for cleaning, making them more complex. I’d probably plan on spending $5-600 for a pistol can. You might want to check out the Liberty Mystic which is a .45 suppressor that can be used on quite a few rifle calibers. The price of different mounts in various thread pitches can add up fast though, so make sure you do a full cost analysis.

        • @Russian Bot,

          Um, that’s quite a wide and general assumption you’ve made there. I have a custom built encrypted non-Google phone that’s kept off and in a Faraday container 90% of the time (I turn it on only to check texts or email via encrypted services) and has an anonymous SIM card and cash top-up program, a 15-yr-old car that has none of the latest tracking goodies, and I pay cash for nearly everything. Plus, once a year I take the time to scrub my name off of the various aggregate data search engines. If you put my full legal name into Google or any public directory site today, nothing comes up.

          And I fully guarantee you’ll never be able to find any information on any of my guns, even if you had access to the bestest and most awesomest tools available in the Gov’t toolbox. Even they don’t know, because you can’t track guns that were built from parts at home, or bought years ago by family in a non-registration state and later given to you.

          Some of us take the time to watch our own six and minimize our footprints. Not everyone is an incompetent boob.

        • “Pistol suppressors usually cost more just because they usually require a booster and can be disassembled for cleaning, ”

          Actually I think its demand that makes these more expensive. Its actually fairly straightforward to Form 1 (build) a pistol can and find compatible parts for a piston. There are inexpensive pistol cans on the market as well. Some many more people have pistols and wanna be James Bond.

  2. F-1 makes great stuff, I may have a firearm or two from then, but why cant they expand their anodizing so one can get more custom color hand-guards and uppers (right now they only offer the anodizing on whole chassis).

  3. Crux is out od business and F1 firearms has nothing to do with the crux line this has been confirmed and this article should be taken down.

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