Aluminum turbine slugs out of a shotgun are a pretty interesting concept. This custom-made turbine slug is quite a work of art, too.
These custom-made slugs were made on a CNC machine specifically to be launched from a shotgun. The rifling cut into the slug itself is meant to help stabilize it in flight to the target.
A variety of projectiles can be shot out of a shotgun. This all-aluminum projectile just might become another selection in the future.
My mother carried a 38 snub in her purse for 50 years or so. In a snap holster.
Never had a ND..
In addition to my carry piece, I off-body carry another in my truck.
Anything not on my body does not have a round chambered (unless its a revolver).
Dont have a problem with off-body carry but you afe responsible
Anyone who does not have full control of their firearm 24/7 should not own a firearm. Off body carry is simply a problem waiting to happen, especially if there are young children around.
It’s “claim chicken” — What’s the most outrageous claim, that you can’t prove I’m absolutely wrong. Hay, there’s some number of people killed by gunshot, among them at least one actual child, so … For the Children!
With “claim chicken”, bigger is better; the burden of proof is on who hears it, not who makes it; the standard isn’t say only what’s entirely right, but say anything that can’t be proven wrong, completely & unequivocally.
If you’re trying to give people information for use, a claim that can be misunderstood is worthless. These people are creating entertainment, propaganda, or entertaining propaganda useful only to get people wee-wee’d up long enough for a riot or a vote.
Most of the people putting this kind of stuff out don’t know they are doing it. Since they’re just response-bleats it’s easy, so they do a lot of it. It’s also an opportunity. If you can engage someone who thinks at all, even occasionally, questions will hook them. They never thought about what it means.
By flooding the non-conversation with this style of “discourse” especially around “politics”, these people didn’t just *create* Trump-in-the-White-House. They’re more or less guaranteeing 2-terms for The Orange Crush. And they can’t stand him: that he exists, that he’s where he is, every single thing about him.
Yet, they can’t shut up. They did it to themselves, and can’t stop. Me, I can’t stop laughing.
Now I feel “sorry” for some people. I have 20′ x 16′ shed for camping and reloading gear. Plus one spare bedroom inside for two safes.
Ok that’s 30 plus years worth of stuff. Used to have everything in a footlocker and two hard cases under the bed when I had one room in boarding house for a few years at university.
You tend to collect more space and stuff to fill it with as you get older.
Man. I remember the small house phase. Now I’m blessed with a 10×24 foot shop I can’t seem to keep organized. Glad this solution works for you.
Aaaannnd, I just brought home another rifle in yet another case.
Gonna go shoot this AI tomorrow and see if she’s a keeper.
Is that Liberte kissing some guy?
Has anyone told this kid how successful the strict gun laws are in Chicago, where 30-40 kids like his brother are shot dead every weekend ?
“Okay Donald, you can start laying wall bricks. We’ll keep the liberals at bay.”