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National Presto Industries announced Friday that it had finalized the purchase of DSE, Inc., a Tampa, Florida-based company that makes 40mm ammunition for use in grenade launchers. DSE is a competitor to NPI’s existing AMTEC business, which makes ammunition, fuses, cartridge cases and other military equipment. NPI is possibly the weirdest combination of companies I’ve ever seen, with the DSE/AMTEC segment servicing the defense industry, the Presto segment manufacturing the Fry Daddy, pressure cookers, and other kitchen appliances, and the Absorbent Products segment engaged in the manufacture of private label adult incontinence products . . .

A recent spike in home invasions around Mishawaka, Indiana has nervous homeowners dialing 911 at the slightest noi… Oh wait, no it doesn’t. Let’s try again. A recent spike in home invasions around Mishawaka, Indiana has nervous homeowners arming themselves at a rapid pace in recent days. News of nine home invasions in two months has people from all walks walking into Midwest Gun Exchange in Mishawaka, according to general manager Brad Rupert. “Everybody from 18 to long guns, 21 for hand guns on up to the 90s, over 100, we’ve certainly had customers of that age as well. We’ve seen a large increase in first time buyers. Or people who are here to buy something specifically for personal defense or home defense.” Rupert advices any first time gun owner to take a class and spend time getting comfortable with their gun at a shooting range.

A man in Stanley, Wisconsin is charged with being an “unlawful user of methamphetamine in possession of ammunition” under federal firearms law after being found in possession of 39 rounds of .338 caliber ammunition in October. If found guilty, he could face up to 10 years in federal prison. That’s the same sentence his partner in crime faces for being a felon in possession of the .338 rifle and ammunition. Seems legit.

The California Supreme Court on Wednesday upheld an appellate decision (by declining review) that said cities and counties can ban guns on public property, including parks. One justice, Marvin Baxter, voted to take up the case, but four votes of the seven member court are required for review. The NRA and Calguns argued that a San Mateo County ordinance conflicted with state law, which allows people to carry firearms in public if they have a concealed-weapons permit from the county sheriff. The San Mateo law, which dates to 1934, prohibits guns — as well as slingshots and bows and arrows — in all parks and recreational areas except designated shooting ranges.

Just for fun, tnoutdoors9 uses a 12 gauge Winchester Partition Gold Sabot Slug to “displace” 200 lbs of water from a “virtually unbreakable” Rubbermaid Tub.

And yes, I do believe he got his money back.

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    • My first thought as well. Seems like good products that are in demand and repetitive. Sound business.

  1. ” NPI is possibly the weirdest combination of companies I’ve ever seen, with the DSE/AMTEC segment servicing the defense industry, the Presto segment manufacturing the Fry Daddy, pressure cookers, and other kitchen appliances, and the Absorbent Products segment engaged in the manufacture of private label adult incontinence products.”

    They’re just reading the markets right. Recession means less people eating at restaurants, so the cooking stuff makes sense. As far as the other two, well, guns are where the money is right now, and the progressives are pissing themselves over it.

  2. “with the DSE/AMTEC segment servicing the defense industry, the Presto segment manufacturing the Fry Daddy, pressure cookers, and other kitchen appliances, and the Absorbent Products segment engaged in the manufacture of private label adult incontinence products.”

    Well, sure. Pressure cooker + fuse = shitted pants.

  3. A man walks into a bar with kitchen tools, a 40 mike mike round and a box of adult diapers……it doesn’t zing. No good way to make a joke out of that combo.

    • A priest, a rabbi, and a preacher walk into a bar. The bartender looks at them and says, …
      “Is this one of those jokes?”

      I know. Keep the day job.

  4. Is there any gun law, ban, or restriction that Cal won’t uphold, good God.

    They could make a law requiring CCW holders to colon carry and the courts would uphold it.

  5. These laws that threaten 20 years in a cage for simple possession of substances and guns are insane. We already have laws for the harm people can do with guns and/or while under the influence of anything, or under any other circumstance.

    Putting people in cages (knowing they will likely be raped) who have not harmed anyone is a clear sign of a sick society.

    • Well, if he wasn’t in possession, they couldn’t charge him with that. I was curious how they can prosecute a “user of meth in possession of ammunition.” Even if he used meth yesterday, and it was illegal yesterday, you can’t arrest him for it today if he doesn’t have it (or paraphernalia) on him.

  6. It’s simple; NPI wants to corner the market in domestic terriorism.

    Pressure cookers for the terriorists, grenade launchers for the militarized police response, and absorbent diapers for the MSM reporters on-scene.

  7. They said *virtually* unbreakable, not completely unbreakable. A good marketer always leaves a loophole.

    Otherwise everyone would be shooting their Rubbermaid containers, and then where would we be?

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