In 2010, Phoenix (AZ) gun law expert Alan Korwin paid $11,000 to CBS Outdoors, who manages Phoenix’s bus shelter ads, to have 50 ads put up advertising his gun training company. The ads read “Guns Save Lives” and “Educate Your Kids,” and also contained smaller text about gun rights and Arizona’s concealed carry law. The signs went up on October 12th. A week later, Phoenix city officials decided the ads didn’t meet a requirement that such ads provide “adequate notice” of a commercial transaction, and the next day, the ads were gone. Korwin sued and lost . . .
But he later appealed and the case will appear before the Arizona Court of Appeals in about a week. Korwin’s contention is that the city is basically using the ad requirement as a form of soft censorship to deny ads they don’t approve of, in this case the pro-gun message, and that their enforcement is arbitrary and capricious. It’s more of a First Amendment issue than a Second, unless they did it because they don’t like guns, which they’ll never admit. Guard your rights jealously from even the slightest incursion.
Word is coming out of Colorado that the signature drive to recall State Senator Evie Hudak is in good shape, and just needs a few more signatures until they’re comfortable. The effort requires 18,900 signatures and today Mike McAlpine, the organizer of the recall effort, said that the effort is “at about 92% of where we need to be.” In a later interview, McAlpine said that 92% figure included a “modified overgoal,” which means that the recall campaign set an internal goal over and above the 18.9k required by law. If history is a guide, there will certainly be a court challenge to the validity of some or all of the signatures, and having a margin of error helps ensure that the effort will not fail if some of the signatures are thrown out.
The Connecticut law that went into effect on October 1 that requires CT residents to have a specific $35 permit in order to buy ammunition in the state has caused quite a stir among fall hunters, many of whom were unaware of the new rule until they were on their way to their hunting trip and stopped to buy ammo only to be turned away. Some hunters, who were hunting in another state anyway just waited until they were out of CT to buy their ammo, but some out-of-state retailers wouldn’t sell to them either. L.L. Bean, which has stores scattered all over the northeast, didn’t sell to any CT residents without a certificate, in state or out, for at least a week following the passage of the law, even though the law does not apply outside the state of Connecticut. reports that CT officials have only issued 1080 certificates as of last week. Connecticut has a population of 3,590,347 according to Wikipedia. I realize not everyone in the state is a gun owner, but somehow I think the total is more than 0.03% of the population. [Update: According to Pascal, there are some 800,000 registered gun owners in the state. Having a gun permit means you don’t have to have the separate ammo permit.]
An Illinois state representative, Jack Franks (D), has filed a bill to remove the requirement for young adults ages 18-21 to have their parents’ written permission to obtain an Illinois FOID. Under the current law, residents ages 18-21 have to produce a notarized statement from a parent or guardian, who themselves cannot be ineligible for an FOID. Franks called the extra burden unnecessary and an impediment to law-abiding citizens exercising their Second Amendment rights that does nothing to keep criminals from obtaining guns. Franks says he anticipates pushback when the bill is taken up, which could be as early as January.
In the spirit of the conversation earlier about the misnamed Sure-Draw GLOCK Safety (should be Sure-Holster, in my opinion), here’s a video that MattV2099 did about a week ago on request, firing his GLOCK-brand GLOCK. As he says, “Don’t try this at home, if you’re a wuss.”
Representative government theater continues, I see. Keep pretending like your voice matters and that your governmental overlords consider anything against their tyrannical agenda.
Gun rights advocates as a whole are stuck in the mud right now, still clinging to the idea that “going through the system” works. It’s understandable; we’re Americans, we’re law-abiding, we like to believe that a “free country” still exists in here somewhere. The simple fact is it doesn’t, and your voice matters to the government about as much as a peasant’s life mattered to Stalin.
But keep writing letters to your lords. See how well it works.
Where I’m from, CQB firearms training includes exactly what MattV2099 did. If your defensive handgun class doesn’t include 0-21 ft training (including holding the slide while shooting to prevent pushing the slide out of battery), don’t you think you missed out on something?
So is that called ‘slide no-bite’?
Not a big fan of 16″ barrels for 308.
Gee, I almost feel sorry for a whole lotta Fudds in CT.
And I actually applaud out of state stores not selling to them. Maybe, just maybe, this will heighten awareness?
I encourage everybody to contribute to the recall Hudak cause.
I liken it to some words a couple hundred years ago. Something to the affect, all hanging together or we’ll all hang separately…
Not for nothing but it looks like the Lanza household had a pretty decent gun cabinet/safe.
Doesn’t mean it was locked or anything, but it does kind of drop a wet blanket on those that were screaming loudest about how having the guns locked up would have stopped something.
Ah, Connecticut. There but for the grace of God…
Good. Make the Fudds hurt. Maybe it will get them off of their dead asses.
Any mention of the crisis actors and laughing fathers of dead children? Doesn’t matter, the scene of the crime has been conveniently demolished. I’ll never know what happened with confidence.
Love shooting pistols, especially Ruger SR .22. But recently have added quality wheel guns. A ruger GP 100 .357/38, 6 rounds Wiley Clapp version SA 5 lbs. DA 12lb. trigger weight and a Smith & Wesson model 63 8 round .22lr SA 5lb. DA 11 lb Both have smooth trigger pulls. Consider them to be guns I will be able to shoot up to my early 80’s I do believe a point & shoot revolver is the best choice for disabled, seniors and for just about anyone as defensive weapon under the KISS Principle. Just need to practice, pratice, practice, with less rounds, no fudge factor.
I saw one of those very ads in northern phoenix not more than a week ago, so either they missed one or there is more to this story than is being reported.
Excellent article.
Perhaps this site could put together a materials list for a Go-Bag vs. a Bug-Out Bag and make it a sticky. Would make for a nice project and help untold amounts of readers.
“It’s more of a First Amendment issue than a Second,”
Legally perhaps, but morally and practically there is no difference. We have not many liberties but one Liberty. If the government can eliminate one significant aspect of Liberty then it can destroy all Liberty, even without touching it directly.
Gandhi would have been in the camps before he could open his mouth in Nazi Germany.
I am pro pacifism and I encourage all my enemies to engage in it.
Oddly enough, while grocery shopping with the family on Sunday, I saw a college age, young adult (male) with a shirt that said, “War is not the way, it’s never the answer.”
I could only smile because I agree with the first part, but not the second. War is not the way, but it can be the answer. If I started to relentlessly beat the tar out of that young guy, I submit “war” is the only way to stop me-that’s a figurative representation, but no less accurate.
On a slight tangent, I find it astounding that the rights of 18-21 year olds are being routinely trampled upon.
Funny…we as a country have no problem sending them off to war, and entrusting them with any number of highly expensive and dangerous weaponry…but here in the USA, they’re not “adult enough”.
This sling seems perfect for those that don’t know how to use a sling for shooting.
Sheriff Apple, when I hear that I think of an apple with a police uniform and sunglasses like a Microsoft word insert.
“The apparently never-ending George Zimmerman saga continues, having stepped off The Streetcar Named Self-Defense and boarded the Wives And Girlfriends Crazy Train.”
Seriously, every teen and man under 30 needs to pay attention to this. Do not get married and do not co-habitate with a female – the law is rigged against you to where a simple lie because she’s “emotional” will have your rights stripped from you and / or land you in prison for many years. Since we don’t have a snowballs chance in hell of repealing the anti-male laws, the only solution is to boycott relationships.