You knew this, but it’s always fun to read it again . . . Gun Sales Soared 60% During Obama’s Presidency – “According to data from the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System, widely considered to be the best metric in measuring firearms purchases in the United States, gun sales soared 60 percent under Obama’s eight year stint in office compared to the number of firearms sold during President George W. Bush’s two-term presidency. Of the roughly 157 million firearms-related background checks that were processed during Obama’s presidency, more than 50.6 million (nearly one-third) were processed in the last two years alone, during which Obama and other left-wing politicians continued to push for tighter gun restrictions.” Thanks, Obama!

File this under “obligatory political grandstanding designed to placate the base” . . .Word on the Hill: Pelosi, Others to Screen Gun Violence Film – “House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Reps. David Cicilline, D-R.I., Robin Kelly, D-Ill., and Katherine M. Clark, D-Mass., on Wednesday will host a screening of the documentary “Making a Killing: Guns, Greed, and the NRA.” The film tells the story of families who have lost loved ones to gun violence and draws a line from their stories to the National Rifle Administration.”


US Air Force Deploys TASER X26P Smart Weapons – TASER International (NASDAQ: TASR) today announced the purchase of an order for 1345 TASER® X26P™ Smart Weapons for the US Air Force received through our exclusive sole source distributor, AARDVARK. This order was received and anticipated to ship in the first quarter of 2017.

OMG! . . . Quebec shooting suspect loved guns as a kid, neighbour says – “Along the sleepy suburban street where the man charged in the Quebec City mosque shooting was raised, neighbours say as a kid he played baseball, swam in backyard pools and explored the nearby forest like many local boys. Alexandre Bissonnette also developed a passion for guns as far back as his pre-teens, recalled one man who has lived across from the 27-year-old suspect’s childhood home for about three decades. Rejean Bussieres, whose son is about the same age, remembered how the Bissonnette boy used to shoot his pellet gun at trees in the woods behind his house as a youngster. ‘Alexandre really liked guns,’ said Bussieres, who added that his son told him Bissonnette had a gun when he was about 12 years old.” Clearly a sign he should have been institutionalized long ago.

Hexmag’s NEW Glock Compatible Pistol Magazines – Hexmag, LLC— maker of the most advanced and versatile AR-15/AR-10 platform magazines on the market, proudly announces its move into high-quality pistol magazines that will be available in early Spring of 2017. These robust new lightweight (1.4 ounces) magazines feature a 17-round capacity for the Glock Model 17 and are also compatible with Glock 17C, G26, G34 and G17L models. Hexmag will follow launch of the 17-round magazine with a 10-round version for California residents and a 30-round version for those who need a super-high capacity magazine.

Embracing the positive power of firearms . . . Gun raffle helps fund town gym – “Stanley dedicated the Tug Deason Gym in December, but bills still linger to pay the remaining $150,000 price tag. Town Recreation Director Tug Deason has been a pivotal part in fundraising for the gym and adjoining Harper Park on Blacksnake Road. He credits grants, large donations from philanthropists and a caring community for the project’s success. Deason and members of the nonprofit created to pay for the park and gym have been selling raffle tickets. The $30 tickets gave buyers a shot at a new gun, but not just one.”

Have you been wondering what’s taken Caracal so long to get their Enhanced F 9mm back on the US market (estimated for Q3 2017)? This is from their post-SHOT Show email blast: “You may be wondering why this has taken longer than initially expected? Well, at first we intended to import several small parts from the UAE to enable a faster time to market. But, with wartime export and import controls in effect throughout the world, we’ve changed the plan to accommodate a fully sourced and U.S. manufactured product. We’re in the final steps of sourcing and tooling to ensure delivery of the Enhanced F pistol for later this year.”

Good guys with (stun) guns . . . Ohio teen with leukemia zaps cop with stun gun to fulfill bucket-list wish – “Police in central Ohio helped a teenage leukemia patient cross off a bucket-list item that was seriously shocking: She wanted to use a stun gun on someone. Sixteen-year-old Alyssa Elkins got to do that Sunday. After a bit of training from Newark police, she zapped Sgt. Doug Bline — who’d been first among the police department employees who volunteered for the task — as a crowd of supporters watched. Bline winced and fell onto a mat, guided by spotters.”

Why not bust some caps then get a facial? . . .  Boutique Indoor Shooting Range to Open in Mequon – “A boutique indoor shooting range will be opening in Mequon. Bear Arms is Wisconsin’s first indoor boutique shooting range, dedicated to gun safety and recreation that offers gun enthusiast clothing, accessories and skin care products for men and women. The indoor shooting range will offer gun enthusiasts a place to hone their shooting skills and socialize. Boutique (sic) will feature shooting accessories, clothing, and skin care products for men and women.”

Oopsie! . . . Rifle, training explosives stolen from trooper’s car in Madisonville – “A rifle and explosives used to train bomb-sniffing dogs were stolen from a state trooper’s unmarked car over the weekend in the Madisonville area, authorities said Tuesday (Jan. 31). The vehicle, parked at the trooper’s home, was one of several cars burglarized late Saturday night or early Sunday, said Trooper Dustin Dwight, a spokesman for State Police Troop L.”

Is this the world’s biggest private NERF arsenal?



  1. I’ve wanted to zap a few cops…I don’t see a big slowdown from the Soetoro Scenario. My local gunshop has been extremely busy the last few times I was there. And I’m getting another gun thanks to a great deal?

    • Judging by the falling prices across the market (but especially on ARs and AKs), I suspect sales have fallen off a bit in the last couple months. Heck, I’ve even seen a couple places around here advertising sale prices on .22LR ammo.

    • I like to keep reading about how much of a failure he was as it’s like watching one of your enemies get salt rubbed into thier mortal wound. The mortal wound it’s self being Trump.

  2. “House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Reps. David Cicilline, D-R.I., Robin Kelly, D-Ill., and Katherine M. Clark, D-Mass., on Wednesday will host a screening of the documentary “Making a Killing: Guns, Greed, and the NRA.” The film tells the story of families who have lost loved ones to gun violence and draws a line from their stories to the National Rifle Administration.”

    “Never interrupt your enemy when you see they are making a mistake.” – Napoleon Bonaparte

    • That’s pretty ironic coming from Cicilline, whose dear old dad was a very prominent and corrupt mob lawyer who regularly represented murderers. Murderers with guns!

  3. “The film tells the story of families who have lost loved ones to gun violence and draws a line to the National Rifle Administration.”

    And here I was thinking they were going to pin it on the NRA.

  4. #3 When it works like a phaser, a blaster or a plasma pistol let me know. Looks cool though!

    #4 He loved guns. Good for him +1. Apparently he also had a thing for shooting innocent people, -500. He’s a fuckstick.

    #8: Ouch. I’ve never been shot with an air taser but regular old contact stun guns don’t feel great either. Nice of the cop to let the kid shoot him though.

    #10: Seriously? Jesus, look, when you’re on duty I don’t expect you to carry everything in the car everywhere you go whenever you exit the vehicle but to just leave your stuff in the car and park it at your house assuming it will be there when you come back kinda ticks me off. You’re a freaking cop, I’d hope you’ve heard of “auto burglary” or “breaking into cars” before!

    • He loved guns. Good for him +1. Apparently he also had a thing for shooting innocent people, -500. He’s a fuckstick.

      I think the whole “he was known for his love of guns” is the MSM’s way of acknowledging he was vetted by Canada’s stringent standards for gun ownership, quite likely for the “restricted” category. They need to do it in such a way as to deflect attention from failed regulation while casting blame on legitimate gun culture.

  5. Whoever wrote that blurb about the shooting range needs to develop a relationship with an editor, badly. That single paragraph leaves so many questions unanswered. Is it a “boutique” range? Will they offer skin care products, and if so, for which genders?

      • Doesn’t dictate, but a very strong correlation between gender and the desire to use certain products has been observed over the centuries.

  6. The National Rifle Administration? Are they going to start shipping rifles to poor people along with the government cheese?

  7. “The Obama Effect”

    Barry Sotero attemptrd to influence the renewable energy market, the automobile market and the health care market with subsidies, all of which were failures. The one market that he wanted to destroy, the firearms market he actually improved without a dimes worth of government money. Talk about “free markets”!!!

  8. My dad lives in Stanley. Tiny little town. It is pretty awesome, just about every time the town, churches, SCV or baseball team needs to raise money, they raffle a gun.

  9. It’s the NRA’s fault & its the fault of gun manufacturers – it’ never ever the fault of governments for weapon’s proliferation. The CMP has sold how many weapon’s since its creation? How many weapons on the streets started out as DoD small arms projects? How many of the guns across America were acquired because LE dept./agencies wanted to upgrade their arsenals so they sold their old ones? How about all the NATO and Warsaw Pact small arms ammunition that makes its way to the streets? How about the fact that U.S. gov. agencies do enormous arms deals with these “evil” gun profiteers? And it is not just the U.S.:

    Russia sells weapons to darn near anybody except its own citizens.
    China/Norinco same as Russia but worse. Norinco is the single largest arms distributor on the planet.
    The Crown (UK) gave small arms to Protestant militia in N. Ireland as recent as the 1990’s.
    AND AND AND . . .

    And its not just IN the U.S. Through various gov. agencies the U.S. has armed three sides of the current conflict in Syria/Iraq. Other nation states have gotten in on the action and profited too. But yeah it is the NRA’s fault.

  10. Barry can be proud that even with all those new guns sold, gun ownership is decreasing. If I hadn’t seen it for 8 years, I would not believe anybody could be that stupid. I guess the most popular guns being sold are those special ones that disapparate a couple weeks later, huh?

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