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OIA airport linesIn the past I’ve covered the many, many (many) times that folks inadvertently take their guns into airports, and how the outcome of those mistakes can vary wildly depending on where they occur. Most recently, it was only the end of March when this space featured the Orlando Sentinel’s exposé on the fact that making that mistake in Orlando (as well as Dallas, Chicago, or Atlanta) pretty much guaranteed you’d be arrested. But times, they are a-changin’ here in O-town, as the last arrest of a permit-holder occurred on February 15th, just three days after former police Chief Paul Rooney stepped down. Rooney had set a zero-tolerance policy . . .

saying ticket holders (and gun carriers) must be held accountable. Since new Chief John Mina took over, there have been nine concealed-weapon-permit holders caught, and none of them missed their flights. This is because under Florida law, police have discretion not to make arrests in misdemeanor cases, which is what the charge is when permit-holders are found with a gun in a place prohibited by law. Thus, the police can simply issue a citation, and let the people get on with their lives. Non-permit holders face felony charges for the same actions. Make no mistake, though, it’s still not all sunshine and rainbows. Even permit-holders who are caught often forfeit their guns in the process, and they still can be liable for federal fines of $1,000 to $3,000 for first-time offenders.

A gun amnesty in Hamilton, Ontario over the past month brought in nearly 400 weapons, including 262 long arms, 112 handguns, and almost 20,000 rounds of ammunition. Notable turnins were an 1871 Snider Enfield Rifle and an AK-46 assault rifle. According to the article in The Hamilton Spectator, the 1871 Snider Enfield Rifle “may be preserved because it is historically significant.” I’d think the AK-46 would be as well, due to its low production numbers. I’d actually never heard of it, but Wikipedia says it was the prototype for the AK-47, and had a separate fire selector and safety, two functions that were later combined in the production AK-47. Of course the usual “public safety” platitudes were issued, with Acting Inspector Paul Evans going so far as to say, “We said this would be a success if even one gun was collected.”

From The Tactical Wire – AMITYVILLE, New York – DeSantis Gunhide®, a division of HELGEN Industries Inc., introduces new holster availabilities for the BOBERG XR9-L, and XR9-S. There are three new offerings for both guns, the #019 Mini Scabbard®, the #N38 Nemesis®, and the #M44 Super Fly®, and two new offerings for the XR9-L only, the #085 Thumb Break Mini Slide® and the #062 Apache® Ankle Rig.

Prince Law Offices, P.C. has a blog post today saying that the ATF has confirmed that it has no plans to revise gun trust regulations before 2015. You’ll recall the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking 41P from late last year that gave the impression that they were considering extending background check requirements to all entities listed on a trust, and the public comment period which followed it. The ATF received more than 9500 submissions of public comments. The ATF has now put in writing that its projected date for a final rule is not until 2015. Even at that point, Prince Law points out, there will very likely be a delayed effective date, as well as judicial challenges, both to the text of the rule as well as the ATF’s authority to promulgate the rule in the first place. This is good news for people who still want to get their toys prior to the implementation of the new rule, but it also has the negative point of the long timeframe allowing it to fall off many folks’ radar. Luckily our side has lots of people, like Prince Law, who make it their business to keep track of these things, so the rest of us can live our own lives in the meantime.

Dugan Ashley chances across the rarest of finds, a double underfolder, and then, a double-double underfolder.

Sorry, if you don’t get it, I can’t really explain it.

To cleanse your palate from that, especially if it made no sense to you, here’s 22plinkster attempting to put a .22LR bullet through a spinning weed eater string.


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  1. “Gun amnesties” should be in effect every day. At your local PD. Anyone who doesn’t want their gun or feel safe with it should be able to drop it off, no questions asked, for free (no gift cards). Viable weapons could be sold and the money put into a cop sponsors charity.
    This would accomplish everything grabbers say they want to accomplish with “buybacks”, remove the incentive to steal guns just to turn them in at a buyback, give money back to the community, and put unwanted guns back into circulation. It’d be a win-win-win.

    • The police have things they need to be doing other being tax funded ffl’s.

      If someone no longer wants a gun they possess, there are many outlets for them to legally sell it.

    • Or better yet, drop them off at my house. I’ll be sure to give them a good home. Specifically, mine.

      At least that’s what I’d say if I had an FFL. But I don’t.

    • What, you think the antis want “unwanted guns back in circulation?” If this were to happen, they would be screaming bloody murder about “cops acting as (monstrous) arms dealers” or some such bullshit.

    • ANYTHING the gun grabbers want is to be refused in the strongest possible terms. Including turning firearms in at the copshop.

      “zero-tolerance” is PC speak for zero brain

  2. .22 plinkster never fails to impress, but this little “experiment” wins the internet for the month. He acts like shooting a card edge on is something he does every day.

    • It probably is something he does every day, the show-off. That high-speed footage is pretty dang cool, though.

    • While I appreciate the skill needed to shoot a shifting playing card edge on with a handgun like that, the whole premise of the experiment was pretty stupid. Um, WW I fighter planes shooting past the blades of their own propellers kinda put paid to that question A FRELLING CENTURY AGO. Yeesh. History: it’s amazing what you can learn from it.

      • Uh, you should go read a little more history. They had these things called interrupters, connected to the engines crank shaft that interrupted the firing of the gun. Prior to that, they experimented with steel plates on the props to deflect the bullets, because the first experiments shot the blades off. The key to his success lays in probability. Not the Physics type, probability as in statistical probability

        • The interrupter gear changed nothing regarding the speed at which the propeller turned. The fact that the guns were timed to fire through the gap does nothing to disprove my point. If you’d bothered to pay attention, you’d recall that the point of the experiment was to see if the bullet could get through without getting hit. It can. It’s been known to be possible for over 100 years. The only difference was there was a small chance his particular bullet might have been hit. It’s still not showing anything new.

      • A cam system was used to synchronize the firing mechanism with the rotation of the propeller. The tail gunner is another story…

      • Speed of bullet and length of the bullet determine the time duration of the bullet being in the strings plane of rotation. Since there are two strings you can double the Revs Per Min or Revs Per Second.
        If the duration of effective rev time is less than the bullet length durration in the string plane, the string will “wack” it every time. If the oppisite is true, then we are just talking about the odds of a bullet/string collision.
        As the rev speed decreases the odds of getting through unscathed increase.
        They put the interupter in because the odds were greater than zero, of course the bullet COULD get past without it until it didn’t, and that was not a good thing.
        The proof was just for a different set of rotational and bullet speed.

  3. If you get “caught” with a gun at the screening area in an airport, how is that a crime? You didn’t yet enter the gun free zone.

    They should just kick you back to the non-secure area, where you can check it in your luggage or change your travel plans (i.e, return home to store it).

    • Because they have declared the screening area itself to be part of the “sterile area.” I’m not saying it makes sense, but that’s the way it is. Once you pass the little desk at the head of the line where they check your ID, you’re “in the zone,” as it were.

      • I find that equally as silly as all these people “forgetting” their guns on their way to an airport checkpoint.

  4. I love flying. Or used to. But I hate what airports have become, and I despise the Gestapo/TSA. I have refused to fly since 2003, even when a friend offered to pay my round-trip fare to Santa Monica. (He lives two blocks from the Pacific)

    I flew to NM from BWI in, I guess it was about 1998, with a firearm that was to-the-letter of the regs, and I felt like a captured axe murderer. That’s how bad it was. I sold the gun (a Ruger P-Series .45 ACP that was never that accurate), so I didn’t have to go through that again.

    In a way, it was a gesture of fultility; the TSA is being funded for hiring at a level that will put these fascist pervs in bus stations, train stations, highways, shopping malls and sports venues.

    How did our fellow Americans let this happen?

    • “How did our fellow Americans let this happen?”

      The same way they let the ’94 AWB happen. The same way they’ll let the next AWB happen. The same way they let every step of tyranny happen. Half of America is pro-tyranny, half talks out against tyranny and acts like ‘writing your congressman’ is actually doing something. Perhaps if more people write a strong letter to Stalin…

      Cue “Well, what are you doing about it?” in 3, 2, 1…

  5. In a way, it was a gesture of fultility; the TSA is being funded for hiring at a level that will put these fascist pervs in bus stations, train stations, highways, shopping malls and sports venues.

    Fuggeddaboutit; I got a POV, I don’t go to malls or sports venues. If I can’t find it on the Internets or Lowe’s or Home Despot, I don’t need it anyway.

    • I guess that answers Burke’s final question, “How did we let this happen?” Apathy, and a “Screw ya’ll, I got mine, Jack” attitude are two very strong enablers of increasing state power. Add to that a media-and-government fear machine that’s done more to terrify the public than any actual terrorist attack, and I think it’s pretty clear how we got here.

  6. I was picking up one of the kids when they were coming home on leave.
    Dutifully tucked the Kimber under the seat of the car in the parking garage of the airport.
    Went into the sterile zone and waited in the coffee shop. Felt that nagging uncomfortable block in the back left pocket while sitting on the wooden stool.
    Oops, a loaded 8 round Wilson mag. Walked right through the metal detector at PDX.

  7. In Texas, the law allows CHL holders to carry firearms in any part up and until they cross the metal detectors in to the “secure” portion of the airport… therefor I don’t understand how someone can get in any sort of legal trouble without actually passing that point.

  8. When is Ontario going to hold a car amnesty so people can turn in all those nasty vehicles that kill thousands upon thousands more people per year than guns? It’ll be a success if they just get one car. Especially if it’s one of those red, sporty assault cars with a high capacity fuel tank and a seatbelt thing that goes up. After all, why does anyone need a car that can go that fast?

  9. If Snider Enfield rifles are outlawed, then only outlaw Battle of Aroghee re-enactors will have Snider Enfield rifles.

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