NY DEC logoNew York is facing one of those “good problems” right now. The state Department of Environmental Conservation is having to figure out what to do with all the money. Massive gun and ammunition sales over the past couple years (yes, even in New York) have produced a record windfall of federal excise taxes, which according to the Pittman-Robertson Act, have to go into wildlife restoration and related areas. The DEC’s Conservation Fund Advisory Board is considering plans that include land acquisition, enhanced public access to existing land, and opening new public shooting ranges. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service certified New York was eligible . . .

to receive more than $20.5 million in fiscal 2014 for wildlife projects and hunter education. That’s more than $6 million more than fiscal 2013, and more than double the 2012 figure. One problem that DEC faces that they’ve been under a hiring freeze for several years, so they’re having trouble finding staff to design and execute the wildlife projects. Under the rules, states have only two federal fiscal years to make use of the money, otherwise it must be returned to the federal government.

Baltimore Police gunned down an escaped adult bull on Friday, following a 45 minute chase. The bull escaped from a slaughterhouse and was sighted trotting down the median of a busy downtown street, dodging traffic. After several attempts to corral the bull were unsuccessful and he became increasingly aggressive, police were forced to find a more permanent solution, and soon Ferdinand was pushing up daisies, rather than sniffing them.
SIG promoSIG Sauer is having a summer pistol promotion, running from June 15th through August 1st. Anyone who purchases a centerfire pistol during that period (excluding the Mosquito and 1911-22) will receive a pistol bag and two magazines. You can download the rebate form here (pdf), fill it out and attach both the Product ID label and the Serial Number label from your pistol box, and get it to them, postmarked on or before August 23rd.

Guns.com has a story picked up from Gawker about an Albanian man who shot himself in the head with a .22 revolver while playing Russian roulette, and lived to tell the story. In the process he literally blew his left eye out of the socket. Yes, he was drunk. The description seems to indicate that he put the gun in his mouth and fired it upward through the roof of his mouth, with the bullet passing behind his eye and out the side of his head. The story has a pair of photos, one from the hospital shortly after the event, and one from 30 days later. The hospital photo is pretty gruesome, so consider yourself warned. Guns.com & Gawker

Colion Noir’s quick tabletop review of the new striker-fired HK VP9.

I like his videos, but I sure wish he’d learn to lock the focus on his camera. The constant in-and-out as it refocused on his off hand was starting to make me queasy.


  1. … Massive gun and ammunition sales over the past couple years (yes, even in New York) have produced a record windfall of federal excise taxes, …

    I did my part.

  2. Interesting. Had a conversation today about P-R Act money and where it goes. Who’d a thunk it went to New York?
    Oregon raised the price of hunting and fishing licenses this year. Again.

    • Not surprised!
      Washington county today announced they literally want to almost DOUBLE vehicle license fees per vehicle.

      Money grubbing Oregon politicians ( local, county, and state) seen to think there is an endless bounty of cash to grab.

      Have you seen the “new Oregon “simplified ” tax form?

      1… How much cash can you beg, borrow, or access?

      2… SEND IT IN!

      Dept: WE WANT MORE
      Saleeem, Or E Gonn

      For you convenience we encourage you to use our
      “Direct Transfer” service.

      Please stay tuned to our “News Partners” for other ways we will
      leech and suck any other money you have.

      Oregon motto;
      we don’t get all you money, but we’re trying!

  3. “Anyone who purchases a centerfire pistol during that period (excluding the Mosquito and 1911-22) will receive a pistol bag and two magazines.”

    That is like saying anyone who purchases a Ford Truck (excluding the Focus and the Fiesta) will receive rebate or whatever.

      • I understand. I also understand why SIG stated it that way. There will always be someone that doesn’t understand the difference between centerfire and rimfire and then throw a fit when they don’t get their pistol bag and two magazines.

        • That’s correct.

          However, they neglected to mention their other .22lr pistols. So the annoying jerks will come out of the woodwork wanting their free p 232 .22lr mags anyway.

  4. I want my money back. The federal govt stealing my money then telling me they are using it for good purposes never makes me happy. PR is one of those stupid depression era laws passed when Congress and the White House were filled with luny leftists.

  5. Please, don’t link to gawker. After their list of “assholes who own guns in NYC” I will never give any of their sites a hit again, and I urge all others to do the same.

  6. (article quote)
    SIG Sauer is having a summer pistol promotion, running from June 15th through August 1st. Anyone who purchases a centerfire pistol during that period (excluding the Mosquito and 1911-22) will receive a pistol bag and two magazines. You can download the rebate form here (pdf), fill it out and attach both the Product ID label and the Serial Number label from your pistol box, and get it to them, postmarked on or before August 23rd.
    (end quote)

    You know….. it might SEEM GREAT, to get some trinkets or even a CASH BACK REBATE on a purchase. BUT WHY would you Sacrifice Privacy and GIVE ALL THAT INFO about you and your firearms related purchase, to some form of REGISTRATION LIST or some OBSCURE third party processor, that does GOD KNOWs WHAT (or WHERE) thereafter with the LIST ????? Can you say DATABASE?
    It’s not like simply printing a coupon redeemable at you LGS…. for a discount.
    Marketing 101- find out who your buyers are ( so you can sell them more). or in Internet MARKETING/ Sales “THE MONEY IS IN THE LIST” They are GATHERING YOUR INFO!!


    I wish companies would just have a GREAT Sale price or coupon, instead of the rebate crap. But as I said, the simplest reason for a Rebate is marketing, and if rebate form not sent, they keep the cash, They win either way!!

    It’s great to get a freebie or money (cash) back. But maybe it’s better to leave something on the table. Because Someday those perks you receive……. just might cost you dearly.

    • Your point is somewhat valid, but the random ALL CAPS makes you seem a little like a crazy person. You’re at an 11, you might be better off down around a 7.

      And hey. Free stuff. You decide if it’s worth the trade off of a little marketing.

      • Just Highlighting key points. No way to bold, italicize or underscore!
        That is my point, it is a choice. These days, it just maybe warrants consideration.
        What are the motives of the marketer and what or how they handle any info you provide to them. Thus making it a conscience choice, not simply a casual reflex.or response.

  7. “Excluding the mosquito and 1911-22” man, I guess a marlin model 60 is excluded too? Maaaaan, sig and their redundant wording

  8. A bull smart and determined enough to escape from a slaughterhouse ought to be transferred to a majestic meadow where it can live out its days eating the finest grasses and plowing every cow in sight. Come on, that’s an animal fighting for its life, just like you or I would do. Ah, well. At least it got a few minutes of liberation and caused a little chaos. Go, Ferdinand, go.

    • Anti-Hunters don’t understand the concept of wildlife management. They think that hunters are out there massacring game. The truth about hunters is that we are the nation’s biggest supporters of conservation of land and fauna.. We are the true “greens’ in the [Teddy] Rooseveltian sense of the word. I recently had an encounter with one such person at an REI in Falls Church, Virginia. I was looking into a Bino-rangefinder combo and mentioned that I was planning to go coyote hunting in Coloado. The woman freaked out. I commented that she obviously has never been on a farm or ranch. What she doesn’t understand is taking a few coyotes scares off the rest and instills fear of humans and their works, coyotes being pretty smart creatures. It may be bad for Wylie but the surviving members of the pack will generally leave the area for a safer place to live. The rancher is happy and the coyotes are happy. If she knew that I was carrying she probably would have called the police on me.

  9. 100% bullshit. “The DEC’s Conservation Fund Advisory Board is considering plans that include land acquisition, enhanced public access to existing land, and opening new public shooting ranges.” This is an Agenda 21 landgrab; using your tax dollars to acquire ever more land which you will never have access to.

          • I didn’t say anything. You did. You’re the one that linked this to Agenda 21; I simply asked you to back up your statement. You haven’t provided any evidence other than your laughter, leaving me to assume you are unable to do so.

        • Matt, the laughable part is that you’re asking for a citation for my opinion. Forming opinions from critical thinking apparently is something you are unfamiliar with….much like agenda 21 I suspect.

          • “This is an Agenda 21 landgrab; using your tax dollars to acquire ever more land which you will never have access to.”

            That sounds an awful lot like you’re stating a fact to me. Factual statements usually have something to back them up.

            Even if it was you (poorly) stating an opinion, I’d still assume you had some reason for holding that opinion, no? Something to base it on?

        • Matt, in my opinion you have no idea what Agenda 21 is. You should research things before dismissing them as you did.

          • I know exactly what it is. I think it has nothing whatsoever to do with the conservation efforts under discussion here. This is gun ranges and duck hunting, not blue helmets infringing on our sovereignty.

  10. Ohio is getting a boatload of these funds too. It is going into significant upgrades to shooting ranges. Long overdue.

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