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WPB shoot gun photo courtesy

Via What’s wrong with this picture? (click to embiggen) “Mr. Polen exited the passenger-side rear seat, and pointed an AK-47, which is very similar to this weapon here, at the officer…” Answers after the jump . . .

A M1 Carbine underfolder (.30 Carbine or 7.62x33mm) with an AKM magazine (7.62x39mm) and what appear to be 5.56mm rounds, plus a random unexplained pistol caliber cartridge. Original story (with video) at

Over the weekend I noted the story of the Raleigh, NC Parks Department dragging their feet on removing the outdated “no-guns” signs around town, citing expense as the primary reason. Now comes news that in response to a lawsuit threat by gun rights group Grass Roots North Carolina, the signs will be coming down. In a statement sent out Tuesday, Parks Dept Director Diane Sauer said, “By the end of the business day tomorrow – October 30 – all individual signs that bear language prohibiting concealed handguns will have been removed from City parks.” The multi-rule signs will remain for now, but the word “firearms” will be removed (possibly with some black duct tape).

The strategists behind the successful Colorado recalls are bringing their tactics to California, in response to the measures passed by the legislature earlier this year. Under the gun are five Democratic incumbents — Assembly Speaker John Perez, Assemblywomen Lorena Gonzalez and Sharon Quirk-Silva, and state Sens. Ben Hueso and Norma Torres. The number of signatures necessary to meet the 12% requirement to get the measure on the ballot range from nearly 16,000 for Quirk-Silva to as little as 3,000 in the case of Gonzalez. If the recall measures make the ballot, it will still be an uphill battle, but the fight to retain (or regain) our freedoms goes on.

There’s a pilot program being launched in Los Angeles to have reports of ammunition sales be sent electronically to the LAPD. Ammo sellers already have to keep records, but they’re on paper, and LAPD has to physically go look at them if they have questions. The new electronic logs would be transmitted to LAPD on a weekly basis. Officials say the logs have paid off, as in one recent instance, police were able to find 14 people buying ammunition who had been prohibited from owning weapons. And?

I saved my two favorite pumpkin destruction videos for last. Richard Ryan brings the pain at 30,000 frames per second. First up, a little det cord and C4 action.

Death Star Pumpkin v. Rebel .50 cal at 30k and 100,000(!) frames per second (0:21 Twin suns!)

I promise, no more pumpkins for a while.

Reading-all-the-way-to-the-end bonus: As of this writing (1930 ET), MidwayUSA has 1400 round buckets of Remington Golden Bullet available for backorder for $59.99 + shipping. Limit 1. Expected delivery date is 12/31. My shipped price worked out to 5.4 cts/round.

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    • I really have no idea, and the news story (which included video of the complete press conference) was no help. Just a whole lot of fail going on.

    • No, the .45 is the first round, for stopping power. Then the 5.56 is a “high powered” rifle round for armor penetration.
      The 5.56 fits in the AK mag, and the mag attaches to the obviously .45 ACP assault receiver via a military grade “ammunition compression” technology so advanced that most of us don’t even know about it.

  1. The LA program is an offshoot of a (failed) bill to require statewide reporting of ammo sales to the DOJ. I assume that this pilot program is intended to demonstrate the potential of such a (massively expensive and complicated) program. Big Brother is watching.

    • Actually the bill was passed and signed into law, but was struck down by the CA courts as constitutionally vague. It applied to handgun ammunition only. Shortly thereafter, LA illegally passed its own ordinance. Well arguably illegal. Their extension of the 1 in 30 law for private party sales of handguns is another foray by LA city. (That one is illegal, as the state has preemption)

      In 2011 and again this year the CA legislature passed a bill reviving the struck down one, but extending to all ammo sales. Both times vetoed by Brown, in part because of the previous court decision. He even used the phrase that we need to keep our powder dry.

      • To expand, according to Michel and Associates, P.C., 2013 California Firearms-Related Legislation: End of Session Report DTD October 16, 2013;

        “Senate Bill 53: This bill would have banned online and mail-order sales of all ammunition. SB 53 would also have required registration and thumb printing of all ammunition statewide. This legislation was another attempt to circumvent NRA-supported litigation (Parker v. California) that overturned a previous version of this law that applied only to “handgun ammunition” because that term was unconstitutionally vague as defined. Governor Brown vetoed similar legislation in 2011 because this case was still ongoing. Because the case is still pending a decision by the California Court of Appeals, SB 53 failed to make it out of the legislature.”

        But stay tuned for re-introduction of this bill during the new legislative session.

        Indeed: keep your powder dry.

  2. What’s not to love about Det-cord? It’s awesome in super slow-mo.
    Was that like 100th of a second to zig-zag its way to each pumpkin?

      • Like what? I have stuff but again, give me some slack. Once I post, my sources will be neutralized. I am downloading what I can and putting it into categorized files. 🙂

        • Hook a brotha up man out with it… you send em to me I’ll burn em to dvd add a soundtrack and give em away with any gun purchase.

        • you got it Jay. Matt from FL can get my email addy but it will be another week or so . . . you’d be surprised what can be dug up and the info compiled.

      • Dirk, I eagerly look forward to whatever you dig up.
        As the freak of nature that I am (I memorize phone numbers by the letters turned to words,
        Can speak backwards fluently)
        I anagrammed Shannon’s last name immediately.
        Very appropro.

    • It’s not that great a deal. It is, in the sense that no one has .22 in stock these days, but it’s not in the sense that my current stock of .22 (same Remington hollowpoints as the bucket) is a brick I bought a couple years ago for around $7. I know, inflation, supply and demand, etc., but when my .22 (any of them) is getting almost as expensive to feed as my 10-mil, there’s a problem. (I plink with Blazers that I get at about $35 a box. About 7 cents a round. Also, almost never not in stock at my local store.)

      If I can find the time to go look for squirrels and bunnies this year, I might be willing to spend the bucks for more. Until that happens, though, I think I’ll hold out for some semblance of sanity.

      • Where did you find a brick of 22 for 7 dollars, even two years ago it was more than that. 20 years ago when I was in college you could buy the super cheap stuff for a penny a round, about ten bucks a brick.

        • About three years ago, Jay’s Sporting Goods in Clare, MI, blowout sale. It was something like two for fifteen, limit two per customer. I rounded down the per box to make it sound more impressive. Thinking back on it, it was probably with a minimum purchase of $50 or so as well, but I picked up the scope I have on my .22 that day, so it wasn’t even close.

          I know that was an unrealistically good deal that I’ll never catch again, but I’d still prefer my .22 to be closer to a penny a shot.

  3. .22 for sale, really??? I got lucky and found some cci (200 rounds) this summer and I don’t even use it, was hoping to trade it for something I do use.

    • Glad I could help. I’m jealous of the no-shipping. 4.3 cents/round beats my best pre-Newtown price of the CCI good stuff. I ordered 15 boxes of CCI AR Tactical from Palmetto State in late October of last year for 4.6 cents/round shipped. I’m down to five boxes and change, and I’m getting nervous.

      • I miss only paying $.04 a round, since December I have only purchased 2×100 cci for about $.08 a round. I did buy hundreds of .17 hm2/HMR this summer.

  4. Regarding the AK-47 incident, click on the link and read the story if you haven’t done so.

    According to his mom it’s just another case of cops shooting a good boy who loved people and wanted to be a chef. Amazing how people can be either completely oblivious about what their kids are doing, or don’t even think twice about brazenly lieing about the situation.

    • Uh huh, despite being “well-known to police” and having been “shot multiple times” (on previous occasions). A little angel.

  5. police were able to find 14 people buying ammunition who had been prohibited from owning weapons.

    Woohoo. The California DOJ set up a whole statewide database system with its own staff that found over 20,000 armed people who were prohibited from owning weapons, mostly for criminal reasons. Last year they did something about approximately 1,000 of them.

    • If you first make laws so that it’s virtually impossible to avoid breaking them, then install reporting and surveillance systems so that most of the time a law is broken you’ll know about it, eventually you’ll have evidence of everyone breaking the law. You don’t HAVE to arrest them, but you always CAN arrest them, you know, like when they do things you don’t like that aren’t quite illegal yet?

      • As if to drive your point home, when auditors contacted the courts who were supposed to report “prohibiting events” to the system, 29 out of 34 of them were unaware of the law.

        Since they were breaking gun laws, SWAT teams were dispatched to all 29 courts, where all the workers were arrested at gunpoint, their dogs were shot, and they were all sent to prison for a minimum of ten years. By which I mean they received a strongly worded letter.

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