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Daily Digest: Waiting for Godot, Hammer Time, Greed Trumps Racism and More . . .

Robert Farago - comments No comments

FOUR Broward County Deputies Waited Outside School As Children Were Massacred – That’s how dailywire.com headlined their excerpt from CNN’s blandly-titled-yet-sickeningly-explosive revelation Sources: Coral Springs police upset at some Broward deputies for not entering school . . . “When Coral Springs police officers arrived at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, on February 14 in the midst of the school shooting crisis . . .

many officers were surprised to find not only that Broward County Sheriff’s Deputy Scot Peterson, the armed school resource officer, had not entered the building, but that three other Broward County Sheriff’s deputies were also outside the school and had not entered, Coral Springs sources tell CNN. The deputies had their pistols drawn and were behind their vehicles, the sources said, and not one of them had gone into the school.

Marion Hammer (courtesy thetrace.org)

The Unchecked Influence of NRA Lobbyist Marion Hammer – Michael Bloomberg’s The Trace and the New Yorker team-up for a hit piece on NRA Florida lobbyist Marion Hammer. Mostly? It makes her look good. But impugn they do . . .

In the early 2000s, Hammer created the country’s first Stand Your Ground self-defense law, authorizing the use of lethal force in response to a perceived threat. Some two dozen states have adopted a version of Stand Your Ground, giving concealed-carry permit holders wide discretion over when they can shoot another person.

Columnist Michael Harriot (courtesy accredited-times.com)

There’s a Theory That if Black People Buy Guns, It Could Stop the NRA’s War on Kids; It Won’t – Columnist AF Michael Harriot reckons greed trumps racism at the NRA, so it’s OK for blacks to buy guns. Or not. Or something . . .

The prospect of black people armed to the teeth is actually a good thing for the NRA because it is the de facto supplier of America’s addiction. Thinking that the NRA will ever be concerned about a 12-point rise in African-American gun ownership (the increase that would raise black gun ownership to 36 percent, the same as whites) is like expecting the cigarette industry to care about a rise in black smokers. It just means more money for them.

Even if most white people were racists who were scared shitless because black people started buying AR-15s, the NRA would care as much about that as it cared about dead first-graders in Newtown, Conn., or high school freshmen in Parkland, Fla.

It wouldn’t give a damn.

So, yes, black people should exercise their right to gun ownership for a number of reasons. But doing so won’t cause the NRA to stop its war against children, no matter how racist or fragile white America may seem.

Blackrock (courtesy wealthmanagement.com)

A cloud hangs over the gun industry – CNN’s Aaron Smith fails to call the cloud what it is: socialism . . .

BlackRock, the giant investment management firm, is the largest shareholder in Sturm Ruger and American Outdoor Brands and the second-largest shareholder in Vista Outdoor.
In a statement Thursday, BlackRock said it “will be engaging with weapons manufacturers and distributors to understand their response to recent events.”

The National Rifle Association has also been criticized intensely over the last two weeks, and a number of big brands have severed their ties with the organization. First National Bank of Omaha said it will stop issuing its NRA-branded Visa card, while six different car rental brands, including Enterprise, Alamo, Hertz and Budget are discontinuing their discount programs for NRA members.

Pastor Peter Marty (courtesy christiancentury.org)

Guns are Americans’ golden calf – The pastor of Davenport, Iowa’s St. Paul Lutheran Church is troubled by Americans who cling to their guns . . .

The death-by-gun crisis in America is not just a political issue. It’s a spiritual issue of the highest order. Having all but enshrined the divinity of guns, our culture has created an elaborate public liturgy for every mass shooting. Flags go to half-staff. Counselors turn out. Thoughts and prayers pour forth. We continue to make a sorry mess of the distinction between loving God and being charmed by idols that seek to thwart the glory of God. Our national infatuation with firearms has reached crisis proportions that should trouble every believer.

Springfield XD under lock and key

Springfield Armory sent its enormous email list the following call to action:

We must do something to protect our children so that these horrible acts are stopped for good. We also must do what is necessary to ensure the survival of our Second Amendment, the Amendment that protects all others. The Amendment our Founders trusted to our Republic with the words “Shall Not be Infringed”. These rights were fought for and earned with the blood of American Patriots at places like Lexington and Concord, Bunker Hill, and Trenton.

Mr. Fitzgerald (courtesy madison.com)

Parent hands cardboard with ‘gun’ written on it to teacher at Madison school, police say – Pro or anti-gun rights nutcase? I’m not sure which. (This kind of stuff makes me DZ) . . .

Shorewood Hills Police Chief Aaron Chapin said Jonathan M. Fitzgerald, 35, activated a front door buzzer at the school, 1105 Shorewood Blvd., around 10 a.m., requesting access to the building. When he was allowed in, he walked past the school office where visitors are required to check in, Chapin said.

A staff member followed Fitzgerald as he went down the hall to the classroom his child was in, Chapin said.
“Fitzgerald made statements to the teacher in the room about being an intruder who was allowed access to the school and gave the teacher a piece of cardboard with the word ‘gun’ on it,” Chapin said.

Chapin said Fitzgerald left the classroom and went to the administrative office where he made similar statements and handed staff another piece of cardboard with “gun” written on it, then left the school building.

“There was no actual threat to the school or people in the school, no threat to their safety, during the incident,” Chapin said. “Whatever the ultimate goal of the individual, the actions that he took were obviously not appropriate and should not have been done.”

0 thoughts on “Daily Digest: Waiting for Godot, Hammer Time, Greed Trumps Racism and More . . .”

  1. 1. Those deputies should be fired and forced into exile. To just stand outside and watch it happen makes them just as responsible for every life lost after their arrival as the sorry piece of excrement that was jerking the trigger.

    2. Stand your ground is a good thing. Why can’t you just admit it?

    3. Ahhh another fine example of deep seated leftist racism. I fully support people of all colors doing whatever they want with their money. You wanna buy guns and your black? Awesome I’ll go with you to the gun store. As for the NRA waging war on children, could this jack hole please point out any other group teaching any sort of firearm safety to children?? I’ll wait. Nothing? Hmmm seems to me if this crap was oh so important to yall you’d be picking up with your own program, but no you don’t so parents that want their children to at least have some semblance of an idea of what to do if they ever come across an unattended fire arm have to go through Eddie Eagle’s near constant refrain of Stop, Don’t Touch, Runaway, and Tell a Grown up.

    4. Those companies will soon learn that they chose poorly in a knee jerk reaction.

    5. Seriously preacher? You should have studied your Bible a little better it isn’t all love your fellow man, rainbows, and unicorns farting glitter and crapping gum drops. There’s a fair amount of righteous violence dealt to sinners. Also there are quite a few verses devoted to telling Christians that it is perfectly Okay to own weapons for self defense and to defend themselves. Perhaps you should go back and re read your bible.

  2. “A country where it is considered aberrant to possess near-military grade weapons and where guns were again banned in many public places would likely have very different politics around guns than the country that pro-gun and anti-gun advocates live in today.”
    Yes, it would be the enlightened politics of North Korea.

  3. It seems rather sad that the author of the last story can’t even guess at the motives of the “intruder.” He was proving how absolutely inadequate their security measures were. He simply walked up, got buzzed in, then strolled right past the office staff, down the hall, into a classroom full of vulnerable children. If things were right in this country, the story would have read “it was at that point that an armed member of the school staff drew their weapon and ordered Fitzgerald to lay on the ground.” At the very least he should have been pepper sprayed. Instead we get to read about how emotionally traumatized the teacher is, and how they had to do a circle therapy session so the students could talk about their feelings.

  4. Our way of life isn’t sustainable. The martial aspect of the right to bear arms has an expiration date. Florida begins the death roll with the GOP gun control package next week.

    • Look for it to contain a bumpfire stock ban and an over 21 age requirement. The later of course, begs the question: Our young adults can’t buy any semi-auto firearm until they are age 21. But they can Join the Army, Navy, Airforce, Marines at 17.5 yo and train and handle firearms with full auto selector switch?

      What’s wrong with this picture

  5. My the “Times” have changed it seems. “At Newspaper Row, across from City Hall, Henry Raymond, owner and editor of The New York Times, averted the rioters with Gatling guns, one of which he manned. ”

    New York City Draft riots July 1863. Gatling guns seem like the ultimate military grade weapon of mass destruction at the time. Yet a private citizen owned them and used them to protect his property.

    Do as I say not as we do to protect our property and lives.

  6. “Chapin said Fitzgerald left the classroom and went to the administrative office where he made similar statements and handed staff another piece of cardboard with “gun” written on it, then left the school building.”

    He pulled the old Barney Fife routine of the lack of bank security on the Andy Griffith Show.
    ” If need be.”

  7. “Attempting to shame responsible law abiding gun owners isn’t going to change the behavior of criminals. In fact it could embolden them due to the perceived lack of potential armed resistance”. ~Gov. William J Le Petomane ~

    It does, look at Mexico and Brazil; Armed robberies in broad day light.
    Go to the Active Self Protection Channel on you tube. 90% of the videos are of strong arm robberies. seems gun control is working pretty D@^^N well there.

  8. From the link:
    “They have also seen a concerted effort to widen the number of places in which people are allowed to have firearms. This can be understood as a massive effort in norm engineering. If many people carry guns around with them as part of their everyday activity, and if there are ever fewer places where people cannot carry guns, then guns will seem to be an ordinary and normal part of everyday life.”

    I agree. Seeing him say this supports the argument for open carry.

  9. The quote below sums up my view on this subject.

    “I dislike death, however, there are some things I dislike more than death. Therefore, there are times when I will not avoid danger.” – Mencius

  10. “And at what point should a woman who fears being raped shoot her attacker? …”

    I’m confused at the angst. I thought agency was a good thing.

    Answering the question, I’ll leave that to her to decide. That’s part of being a grown up — you decide things. Part of being competent — you decide big things. Part of being human — sometimes you decide wrong. Part of living with humans — sometimes you get a ration of crap even when you weren’t wrong.

    The point is a woman should have the choice to protect herself if that’s what’s left to her. And the right to live with the choices she’s made. As with many other things. It’s about owning your self.

  11. The mask slips…

    The open / closed carry, brandishing, packaging, and similar laws are about denormalizing guns. More bigly it’s about denormalizing taking care of yourself. Why do you have that water, knife, lighter, gun, power strip, raincoat, whatever?

    I don’t understand driving around in winter without a tow rope, maybe a shovel, and of course a blanket. If you don’t have a couple flares in your car, you’re just silly. Why? Stuff happens.

    They’re normalizing helplessness and dependence. That’s bizarre, and ought to stop.

  12. Anyone notice this only happens in white majority schools and not black majority schools. Are we going about this the wrong way ???? Whats really the issue #

  13. Definitely helped the gun rights cause. I see the pendulum swinging away from the black metal and plastic “tool of death” to focus and outrage around FBI fail and the MULTIPLE shocking fails by the BSO. 3 callers warn and do nothing. 39 visits and nothing. School officer cowardice. And now revealed a bunch of his BSO coward cohorts taking cover by their cars. Proof that when you need law enforcement immediately, they are only 10 mins away, and when they show up there’s a decent chance they’ll do nothing to solve your plight.

  14. Bud’s Gun Shop posted the following on their Facebook page two days ago (Feb 23, 2018):

    “PayPal pulls payment option from Budsgunshop.com today. Although PayPal originally contacted and pursued us/Buds years ago to add PayPal as a payment option to our website for all non-restricted items (accessories, clothing, camping, archery, fishing, etc) we were informed via email from PayPal earlier today that our account had been frozen due to an unspecified “violation”. We have asked for specific details of the violation but have not yet received a response. Although not impossible, it is not likely we actually committed a “violation”. This is much more likely another predictable response by a liberal anti-gun company to separate themselves from “evil gun companies” following a high profile shooting. Their notice says the action “cannot be appealed”…. which is convenient in that we would have no idea what we are appealing anyway! “


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