“A new photography exhibit is revealing the hunting culture in both honest and gruesome photos, that are not meant to be pleasing,” dailymail.co.uk reports. “The 10 artists, whose photographs are included in the Take Aim exhibit, truly aim not to romanticize hunting in their images, but they also do not outright condemn it.”

How the mighty have fallen. The Brits were once empire builders who scoured the planet for exotic species to shoot (and yes, races to subjugate and resources to exploit). They’re now so squeamish that the mildest of mild-mannered hunting photos get their proverbial knickers in a twist. Above and below are the “worst” of the images from the exhibit. Puh-lease.


    • Gotta stop acting like this isn’t real. The pics loo like my childhood. So embrace them, don’t fake diss them or you just loose credibility.

      • True – it’s actually not so much that this photo expo constitutes “propaganda” as the population has been so gelded as to react in horror to real life … where their food comes from. And don’t get me started on “that’s why I went vegan!” …do you have any idea how many animals (rodents, usually) are slaughtered to maintain crop yields? Shall we have a “vegan farm slaughterhouse” photo expo to “shame” vegans into … I dunno, wasting away until death? It’s a fact of life … life must consume life to continue living. Even plants require nutrients provided by the dead…

        • I wonder how many of those appalled at this have any idea what those cute, furry critters in cat videos are capable of.

          • Cats can be quite stubborn, but I found they tend to quit lurking under your bird feeder once you surgically, ballistically remove the tips of their tales. Unfortunately, I now live in a subdivision, so without proper hearing protection I’ve been reduced to throwing rocks at them.

    • I notice the exhibit also doesn’t include any pictures from the beef slaughterhouses, chicken ranches, or netloads of flopping product destined for the Fish & Chip shops.

      • When you contract out the harvesting (killing) like some mafioso don you can be judgemental. But don’t get between them and a McDonald’s counter.

  1. I thought they are good photos, especially of the woman. It’s not just Europeans, many Americans seem to think meat comes from the rib eye bush…

  2. This is what happens to people that have never killed an animal for food. Everyone should hunt and kill an animal once or give up meat altogether.

    • So you’re implying that if everyone killed an animal, they would like hunting?

      It’s a personal choice, and there’s nothing wrong with not liking it. I hunted my share of small game in my childhood, and I just don’t like killing animals. I love fishing, but I rarely even eat the fish I catch. I prefer catch and release.

      And it certainly isn’t that I’m a vegetarian. I just prefer to have someone else kill my meat, seeing as how this is the 21st century and that is an option. If I had to hunt to eat, it would be a different story.

      • I wasn’t suggesting that they would enjoy it, just that if you eat meat, you can’t be against hunting. It is the original way of getting meat after all, the supermarket being a relatively recent invention and one that would be the first to go in a catastrophe.

        • If you’re a vegetarian/vegan you can’t be against hunting … at least not against the killing of animals (presuming “hunt” means to eat what you kill, rather than sling it aside and let it rot). Farming requires the killing of millions of rabbits, squirrels, marmots, etc, per year to protect the crops.

        • OK, I completely agree that you can’t eat meat and be against hunting. I just don’t agree that anyone who eats meat should be forced to kill an animal for the privilege. I imagine the number of meat eaters who oppose the rights of others to hunt is very minute. Or at least I hope it is. But who knows… the world is full of crazy ideas.

          If society collapsed, I’d be able to gut or fillet a fish no problem. But I’d have trouble learning to field dress wild game. That’s probably a skill I should pick up at some point. Of course, I could always spit a rabbit or bird and roast it over the fire, then tear into it with hands and teeth. Whatever works 🙂

    • No, they dont have a right. they too are hypocrites and crops cannot be produced successfully without killing species that eat them. they simply live in denial that the world is full of death.

      • Depends on what you mean by “right”. In the USA, at least, they have a “right to protest”, protected under the 1st Ammendment (freedom of speech), just like “Black Lives Matter”. Doesn’t mean that their CAUSE, or their way of thinking, is right though. That’s the REAL meaning of “tolerance”: “I hate what you are saying, but I will defend to the death your Constitutional right to say it; just remember that I also have the same right to express my opinion as well”. Liberals have perverted that into “If you don’t agree with what I have to say and support my cause, that makes you a hater and I will loudly and shrilly trumpet that ‘fact’ to everyone who will listen until either (a) you are shamed into silence, or (b) you are browbeaten and brainwashed into agreeing with me”.

        • Actually, the 1st amendment only protects your right to protest the GOVERNMENT. It says nothing on the topic of random citizens beating your ass into the pavement for being a public nuisance.

        • > It says nothing on the topic of random citizens beating your ass into the pavement for being a public nuisance.

          You’re right, it doesn’t. That’s what we have all those laws about assault and battery for.

        • >It says nothing on the topic of random citizens beating your ass into the pavement for being a public nuisance.

          Something something 2nd Amendment?

  3. The “Quack, Quack, Quack” photo was taken 30 miles from where I live. It is part of an annual event called Duckfest. They got the town name in the bar photo wrong. It is McClusky, ND, not McClucky

    • And the “Collection” photo shows a location to drop off deer heads for chronic wasting disease testing. We do not go to meat processors to get deer heads!!! Their writers are clueless.

    • Actually there are. The military. The Muslims. The unarmed cops willing to deal with armed criminals. The Scots who had enough and seceded. The Welsh. Irish. The criminals who ignore the laws and use firearms anyway. A lot of the women. And let us not forget “M” and Bond, James Bond.

      • I would no longer include the Scots. A while ago, there were protests because one of their cops was seen openly carrying a handgun while on duty.

        • Lad, the canny Scots left the old country long ago. Most came to America, one way or another. The world wars also wiped out so very many of the brightest and best all over the world… And how many innocent people were killed over the last century – by their own governments?

          The people who live in Europe now are no more (nor less) responsible for the deplorable state of their society than are the people of the US… or anywhere else. It’s become a seriously vicious cycle.

  4. Interesting… I find the juxtaposition of death feeding life in a state of unending violence to be quite… oh crap, gotta go.. my roast is done!

  5. “Brits were once Empire builders who scoured the planet for exotic species to shoot (and yes, races to subjugate and resources to exploit).”

    Is the parenthetical really necessary? Were you honestly concerned that some Social Justice Warrior would be reading TTAG, and jump you for praising historic British culture?

    Or do you personally feel it’s necessary to list negative attributes of a culture to offset praise, in order to provide some bizarre modern notion of balance.

    • Or perhaps he’s simply telling the whole story behind British expansion. Unbunch your panties, snowflake. Quit looking for reasons to be offended.

      • I think the “snowflake” term would better apply to the person thinking that the parenthetical is for some reason necessary.

        Certainly a balanced article specifically about a nation’s history should include both the accomplishments and misdeeds of that nation from a historical context.

        That said, not every mention of a particular ethnicity/nation/culture in an off-topic article needs to be counter-balanced by a negative mention of its historical wrong-doings. That’s one way the PC-police have “trained” us to reinforce and internalize thoughts of certain cultures (and by extension, its people) as oppressors, and others as victims. It’s a tactic of identity politics, and I don’t think it’s beneficial.

        But that’s just my opinion, and you’re entitled to your own as well. No offense taken.

      • What “whole story”… ignorant savages got their asses kicked by their superiors. The British treated the natives in their colonies far better than they deserved for being utter sociological failures.

        • +1. The history of humanity is the history of warfare and conquest; fast, loud, and brutal. Winners and losers, victors and vanquished. This academic narrative that every “Native” society was entirely peaceful before the evil white people showed up needs to die.

        • You said it well. History is made of winners and losers. Not every winner was a hero, or loser a victim.

          I’m not in favor of white-washing history to remove memory of scandals, oppression, or treachery. But those things have to be viewed in historical context as well. What is offensive or unacceptable to modern society was often times normal operating procedure just a generation or two ago.

      • I can’t tell if you’re joking. Or even know what that term means. But yep, definitely triggered.

  6. They should do a photo exhibit on stockyards. Yet stockyards are almost glorified. Some are tourist attractions and there are restaurants with “stockyard” in their name. I guess they don’t require Sinclair’s “The Jungle” in high school anymore.

    I tried hunting as a teenager, with my Dad. I never really enjoyed it, but I have a lot of appreciation for people who do. It’s a part of our heritage that people should enjoy if they choose to.

  7. Oh, who would have guessed that meat came with … BLOOD! Horrors. So many many things wrong with society now.

    • I can’t wait to hear them “bounce” while my 19 yr old linebacker son is giggling like a schoolgirl!

  8. Where’s the picture of the buck nuts laying in the front yard with little boys pointing and laughing.

  9. Well, they should take some in the commercial meat packing houses!
    Slaughter houses they are sometimes called!

    Hunting is mild in comparison!

    Get real!

    Meat is NOT “made in the store”!

  10. “I eat meat because meat tastes like murder, and murder tastes pretty dam good!” – Denis Leary

  11. If it weren’t for hunters, vast stretches of our ecosystems would collapse. Since we;ve removed the top predators because they’re scary, we have to duty to function as top predators.

    Of course we’re not as good at it, but it’s just common sense.

  12. Pansy is an apt description…I’ve hunted a bit. Not my thing but I am a carnivore so I know critters gotta’ die to feed me. Do the twinks have a clue who’s taxes support all those delicious animals in our post industrial world? 3rd World? Pathetic…

  13. Some of the photos aren’t bad. Could have been right out of Field & Stream. If they want blood, they should visit the kill floor of a commercial slaughterhouse.

    • Industrialized killing and processing, as cold and impersonal as it sounds, not unlike modern warfare.

  14. Take that blood trail under the deer…If that was acrylic on canvas those idiots would pay high dollar for it. You could name it “French Horn Rendered in Crimson, or something…I find it a work of art, and a tasty one at that.

  15. I’m like, so totally triggered by these images. They are like so not crunchy the way my granola is. I’m gonna go to my safe space and like hug a tree because natural is like totally sad right now.

    This is how nature feelz right now and it’s like totally not OK: (Who knew Gaea was so overweight?)


  16. I sent photos of animals to all the hunters in my phone when I had a really good day last year. The most negative comment was why didn’t you invite me.

    Back in the 60’s and 70’s high school field trips in my area included the local meat works. Some of us including my family supplied the cattle.

    I imagine all such trips are banned now.

  17. Yeah, this is kind of why people say grace before a meal, not just because food is what keeps us alive, but because life has to be taken to keep us alive. An animal dies, we eat it, we understand our power over God’s other creatures, and we respect the animals’ sacrifice to keep us alive.

  18. I’ve been to India where I saw goats being slaughtered, skinned, and butchered on the sidewalk in front of a “store” with other live goats tied up on the side of the street. There were school kids skipping and laughing on their way home, still dressed in white uniforms, having to side step around the pools of blood on the sidewalk from the goats hanging overhead. None of them seemed to notice. Likely because they were thankful that they might be able to eat.

  19. Only those that dont eat meat or use animal products can cast stones. Wrong imo the average deer killed via ‘natural’ causes dies with much greater suffering than by a human hunter. Your gonna die tomorrow, would you rather take a 30 06 to the heart, or chased by a pack of coyotes, slowly beaten down, attacked and consumed alive…or cancer. Or caught in a barbed wire fence. In texas many deer starve to death, id take lead poisoning over starvation any day.

  20. Also the blood drops from cleaning a deer are beautiful to me, is was admiring those drops from a recent kill, went to take a pic and my dog ruined it by startig to lickup the blood. My dog loves hunting, by far his favorite part is the gutpile. He will spend all day protecting it from coons and buzzards.

  21. I hear long pork is pretty good if you can find it. Unfortunately it’s usually processed under less than sanitary conditions ??? and it’s consumption also carries a rather profound stigma. I think that’s where the “meat is murder” expression came from ?

  22. I wish we’d thought of that the last time I went hunting.

    My buddy could have been Jackson Pollack with a Remington Model 7! : )

  23. I found nothing disturbing about the pictures. It’s life as I know it around hunting season or butcher time on a farm. Inner-city 10th or 11th grade students NEED to see the workings of a truck farm and dairy farm in action before graduation. My friend who worked with “inner-city kids who committed felonies” spoke of a guy who “wanted to know what kind of wood those antlers were made of” on a picture of a buck he shot. I can’t even comprehend anyone asking a question like that! There is a complete lack of common sense/common knowledge when you need to teach kids where meat and dairy products come from and why animals can’t grow wooden appendages!

  24. Not a hunter myself, but honestly, what about the slaughter house brutality of the entire city culture. Chicken breast doesn’t grow on trees. Neither does steak. Culturally motivated hypocrisy is being sold to the disconnected from reality British bleeding hearts (brutally ironic).

  25. The passive-agressive comments in that article all appear to be coming from the editorial staff. The reader comments mostly were along the lines of “ok, so they’re hunting pictures.”

    Even the exhibit curator was quoted as saying “(i)t has become my personal belief that hunters are usually far more appreciative, concerned, and caring towards the environment, its habitats, and the viability of wildlife and wild places, than any other typical person.”

    The editors tried to frame this as “gruesome,” but if they fooled anyone it was only themselves.

  26. Its is anti-hunting propaganda at its worst but what is the alternative? Over population of wild game is no longer taken down by natural predators because they are dangerous animals that in most places have been exterminated because they are a danger to humans. The result is that either you pay higher taxes to Government Cullers or you rake in millions of tax dollars with legal hunting. Of course the aim of the propaganda is to do away with all blood sports but it will not do away with cutting down surplus wild game populations, something the public is to ignorant to fathom or accept.

  27. I actually think they are both beautiful. The first is a little haunting, but not at all “bad”.

  28. As many of these species have lost their natural predators, so overpopulation and starvation is common. The same people that protest hunting are also the first to call for authorities to “do something” when a wolf, coyote, bear etc. appears in their backyard. Never mind that their house was built in the animals range. Never mind that “do something” means killing the animal.
    Tahoma Park, near DC, chose not to kill rats and “relocated” them outside the city. They were shocked when the other cities protested receiving Tahoma Park’s rats.

  29. I like being outdoors,and I grew up eating venison.After you field dress your first deer the ick part is over for good.Pulling the trigger still makes me a little sad,even after forty six hunting seasons. I have only killed about six deer in that time. I tend to fall asleep sitting in or under a tree and the only deer that I get are the one’s that wake me up.Now I’m hungry,I’ll have to check the freezer and see what I have left.

  30. I briefly worked on a chicken farm as a kid.

    Trust me, meat hunting is humane and rational. 18 seconds of trying not to walk on baby chicks while unloading the semi truck full of them and doing it any way would cure the modern First World Puff Pastry of any mistaken notion that hunting is more cruel than farmed meat.

  31. What!? No one told me there would be blood in hunting.

    How gruesome. Oh no. Time to go vegan, I guess, and turn all my guns into a buyback.

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